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File: 705 KB, 970x546, rpl4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18917027 No.18917027 [Reply] [Original]

The team has been building for years w/ no marketing
The team works with many eth developers and Vitalik tweeted about their project.
Consensys Backed, yet still under the radar.
Profit model built in to the network, dont have to dump tokens.
Super small market cap.
They plan to market at main net (august most likely) just like link did last may (look at what happened to link price)
Can be built into the backend of any wallet, exchange, staking service
Accumulation going on.
Only place being shilled is by high IQ biz
acap's proven success record of finding gems
The community is growing exponentially (check discord, many joins each day)
Less than 2,000 wallets holding rpl (what happens when it gets to 5k, 10k, or 100k like link?)
I could keep going on but maybe you get the point. I didn't think another link-like gem would come along ever, but I was wrong.

>> No.18917083

I bought it literally cause it has a picture of rocket. And where do rockets go? To duh fucking moon!

>> No.18917147

Yeah tellt hat to Stellar lol

I was interested in this but realized it's a consensy cash grab that solves no real problems and isn't required. Anybody buying this will end up hating themselves.

Basically it's a scam.

>> No.18917174
File: 71 KB, 800x533, generous-pedestrian-pleasant-smiling-rich-men-shaking-hand-poor-grey-haired-homeless-sitting-bunch-cardboard-man-143211364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha alright sir, good luck on that.
Oh no no, I own 32 ethereum.
Haha alright.
Good luck on your little idea!

>> No.18917245

>galileo condechi - did he neck himself?

>> No.18917296

imagine running a node w/ 32 eth and one validator vs running two validators w/ 32 eth on rocketpool.

>> No.18917349

Many people are saying RPL can't go very high in price relative to ETH because as soon as the RPL/ETH price ratio exceeds a limit, it becomes more profitable to sell the RPL for ETH and stake it in someone else's pool than it does to deposit the RPL and run your own pool.

What say you, gentlemen?

>> No.18917375

Do you actually know how to set up a validator node? You actually need some technical knowledge to be able to stake in eth 2.0. Odds are that you're just going to end up using rocket pool.

>> No.18917415

sure, when rpl is above $20 some may sell into eth. There are only 1900 wallets holding rpl so hopefully a few do this or the price going super parabolic

>> No.18917476

A 10,000 stack of RPL is equivalent to 340,000 LINK. Let that sink in.

>> No.18917494

The question is, what is the limit on the RPL/ETH price ratio? We won't really know until RP launches.

If we're below that limit right now, it makes sense to buy RPL. If we're at or above it, then it doesn't.

>> No.18917509
File: 389 KB, 1182x827, xdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18917523

consensys just released their research on staking ecosystems
not only did they drop RPL as the only player in the game, they also showed that 30% of respondents were interested in using a 3rd party system for staking. There is only RPL.

>> No.18917641

red pill me on this. why do people need these tokens to join this pool?

>> No.18917725

The rocket pool is staking pool for eth 2.0. In order to set up a node to become a validator you only need 16 eth rather than the standard 32 but you also need to deposit a certain amount of rpl. The rpl required is dynamic depending on how utilized the network is.

If you just want to stake your eth you can deposit it on the network and you don't need any rpl but the validator recieving your eth will in order to set up the node.

This is the only decentralised staking pool which has been in development for years and is nearly complete. The devs are pretty much just working on bug fixes in the beta right now I believe and it is the only decentralised staking pool that will be ready for the time eth 2.0 launches with no other known competitors.

Staking eth is a little complicated in eth 2.0 as you actually need to have some technical knowledge on how to set up a validator node and have it running 24/7. Odds are normies and businesses that want to stake will just end up using rocket pool.

>> No.18918013
File: 67 KB, 720x641, 38A40BAA-DEBF-4BF4-B818-FCBC0DA86398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically sold my entire link stack that I’ve held since 2018 for this. No disrespect to Chainlink, but I gotta compound these gains.

>> No.18918142


Question for you annon

At what price would rpl need to be for it to be more profitable to sell it and buy eth and then stake eth?

Eth currently is $200 and Rpl is $1.40. If eth stays at $200 then RPL at $10? Naw. $50? Naw... I'm thinking higher.

Now let me ask. What if eth is at $500 or back to $1000. Then how much does rpl need to be?

I hope you see it now.

>> No.18919274

How to check RPL top wallets?

Wrf is running a validator?

>> No.18919436

right here anon. See where it says 1969 addresses. There are only 1969 people that hold link. It only takes a few thousand to be in top 200.

A validator is a chunk of 32 eth or 16 eth in rp to validated on eth 2. Each eth 2 node has validators.

>> No.18919887

He has a point though. Why in the hell would each token be worth 20$? In fact theres no incentive to hold them, nor is there incentive for them to be in an exchange

>> No.18919923

1. more people are going to want to stake than the network needs, meaning that people will need RPL to stake their eth (between 0 and 3.x)
2. people will acquire the coin based on speculation that people want to stake eth
3. once the rpl is staked, it will be out of the circulating supply for 3/6/12/x months due to staking. So this could drive up prices when phase 0 launches as everyone wants to secure their rpl to stake.

>> No.18919937

0-3.x rpl PER etherum i should have mentioned
zero will probably never happen

>> No.18919983

Ok but realistically do you think people will want to pay 20$ x 16 for everytime they stake? If anything the price is something everyone will want to keep down. Is the token mineable? How will the availability increase?

Wont exchanges come up with cheaper staking? Cause thatd be the first thing id do

>> No.18920028

Yes, but if RPL is essentially pegged to a fixed percentage of ETH, then it doesn't matter whether you're in ETH or RPL when the price of ETH goes up. All that matters is whether RPL is above or below its "peg". If it's above, you should be in ETH. If it's below, you should be in RPL.

>> No.18920098

You get your RPL back after the staking period is over. It's just a deposit. The purpose is only to regulate the number of minipools open at any given time.

>> No.18920255

Ok so i still dont get what makes the token valuable.

>> No.18920289

Because they estimate that 5million eth will be staked in phase 0
30% of people surveyed by consensus want to use a 3rd party staker. Rpl is the only option. Major exchanges won’t have it for a year or two at least and they will rape you with fees. Node operators on rpl will need rpl to stake and earn fees. Can you imagine how much rpl could be needed? The supply is only 17 million.

>> No.18920502

Where are you getting the 5 million ETH figure? Last I heard only 1% of ETH will be staked.

But lets say youre right and its 5 million. only 30% of that 5 million will be staked with RPL (according to you)

But also as you say, theres 17 million of these tokens whose sole purpose is staking?

It still doesnt up IMO

>> No.18920526

There’s something incredibly off about the arithmetic here. Maybe its legit but the value is a hoax. It definitely doesnt have any utility outside of the staking service with the same name

>> No.18920659

the walue is a hoax sirrs. pls sell rpl sirrs, no walue on token..

>> No.18920723

From the ConsenSys report that was just released. They need 500k to start the genesis block and they estimate 5 million will be staked just for phase 0.
Ok but don’t complain when the price 10x from here and you’re upset

>> No.18920863

rETH during phase 0 is a humbug deal and wiill bring alot of people over to rocketpool. Especially when people find out their eth cant be touched during staking.

>> No.18920878

* is a big deal

>> No.18921140

Just wait til rETH is used in defi anon. Yield seekers going to love it

>> No.18921506

Who will use ETH staking. Reminds me of Link and having no real use cases

>> No.18921515

Thanks for the breakdown

>> No.18921894


You're asking good questions, but that's something to worry about AFTER the hype train from RPL has maximized, which has only just begun.

>> No.18921958

Its $20 x 16 eth to run a node and collect fees that people are paying to stake their eth in Your node.

Will it be profitabl? I think so. Yes, very lucrative to run several nodes in which I think a lot of dexs and wallets will do.

The rpl token value is reflected by the size of the network. Which will be huge.

>> No.18922030

Agh, just $20 x 16. Not multiplied by the actual value of 16 eth.

>> No.18922295
File: 16 KB, 300x300, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought into this around 0.60 after a dude shilled it, has been going up literally all day err day since

>> No.18922319


>> No.18922672

If it is this one: No problem.


>> No.18922892

hmmm I think it was even a bit later, so you were even earlier. Woud've bought if I'd have seen hen. Thanks anyway bro

>> No.18923270

it's picking up again. I hope you bought in

>> No.18923379

Hell yeah just swapped another ETH just before €1.30 this shit's gonna go sky high, not even on any major exchange yet

>> No.18923634

Wat was dat

>> No.18924826

this is bigger than you think