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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18909906 No.18909906 [Reply] [Original]

So someone at work has found a sword in the men’s room and it has fallen on me to somehow find out who it belongs to and quietly wash our hands clean of the associate. It’s my job because our shop is small and no one knows how to handle the situation and my boss doesn’t want to deal with it. but it could be one of 14 people.

Does anyone have any advice on how to find our knight? I personally have no clue and can’t reasonably accuse anyone of doing it. I think the most prudent thing to do is to be upfront with everyone and send an email to the shop distribution list regarding the find and ask them to anonymously let us know what they know. Then again I think it might be better to just keep a close eye on everyone and try to spot someone who looks defensive all day. We don’t do walkthrough metal detector scanners but my boss wants whoever this is gone. Any suggestions?

>> No.18909942

That’s a badass sword. Why is it so wrong to bring a sword in to work?

>> No.18909952

Shove it up your fuckin ass nigger!!!

>> No.18909954

that looks like it was crafted by thor himself

>> No.18909964

Could it have been a diabetic's insulin?

>> No.18909984

Whoever left the sword knows it's too late to get it back. Just send a mass email and let them know there won't be any firing on this matter, just needs to not bring it to work.

>> No.18910017

I am not here to judge, only to do my job
I have my suspicions but they’re just complete shots in the dark. This is someone’s livelihood I’m dealing with also need to consider legal liability to the company.

>> No.18910030

While you were sitting at your cubicle making an excel sheet, I studied the blade.

>> No.18910037

I honestly don’t care. If this guy is doing his job and not fucking up suspiciously like he has evidently been doing then I would be happy to not give a fuck BUT this is my assignment. And I did suggest that we instead offer the kight help in exchange for reaching out but rather that was shot down instantly. Someone is getting fired no matter what.

>> No.18910040

Its either the skinny weirdo whos into sword culture.

the big ass buff dude doing steroids.

Or the tranny injecting hormone blockers

>> No.18910061


>> No.18910098
File: 37 KB, 500x611, 1567380267141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's come to take your Kingdom. Best you fall to your knees than be put to the blade.

>> No.18910115

Oh that was mine forgot I left it there. I'm that visitor that came yesterday lookimg for information on a recent dragon sighting.

>> No.18910133

It’s definitely the nigger

>> No.18910157

But why is it such a big deal? A sword is like a toy at this point, like he brought in his star wats movie prop - it’s not like he left a box of grenades in the bathroom

>> No.18910264

people don't get fired for bringing swords to the job, they get fired for "underperformance" after the next performance review ;)

>> No.18910270

Nice threads OP

/b hates drugs and junkies. loves swords and weebs
10/10 wud git baited again

>> No.18910282

Tell the employees you are having problems under your fief, and need the help of someone experienced to take out you rowdy peasants.

>> No.18910285

I just noticed other thread about junkie, not my thread but spooky similar

>> No.18910363

Youre right, i didnt notice that
I shouldnt have judged, its not my job
is anyone known to open doors for m'ladies who arnt nearby?

Just fire the sword OP

>> No.18910378
File: 29 KB, 259x383, Black_knight_ver2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18910408

boss left it to kick off layoffs.

>> No.18910423

Looks like a nice sword. There's likely a signature or similar such identifier that can help you find the blacksmith, who can then lead you to the employee.

From there, just look up some ways to fire someone without an hero.

>> No.18910515

Were you really assigned a side quest to find the owner of the shithouse sword?

Never talk to your boss when he's all lit up and has an arrow over his head... lesson learned.

>> No.18910532
File: 115 KB, 735x615, if-videogames-have-tought-me-anything-this-cat-has-a-side-quest-to-offer-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18910604
File: 28 KB, 545x443, daviseyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at last, a worthy enemy

>> No.18910631

How did the sword fall on you OP, was it above the stall?
That seems dangerous

>> No.18911514

>the posters in this thread are the people who buy your bags
fucking kek. thank you based retards

>> No.18911605

>posts in this thread

>> No.18911774

It's called lying.

>> No.18911800

ask everyone what their favorite anime is

>> No.18911815
File: 676 KB, 800x600, n7v8zf57ygt21[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18911977

Could it have been a heretic's insolence?

>> No.18912125

post sword with timestamp not your fake OP pic

>> No.18912259

What sort of fucking luxury do you think wagies have

>> No.18912464

Fucking plebbit pasta

>> No.18912490

Could you spam your boring ass larps on another forum, for fuck's sake? You're fucking gay and retarded even for this hive of retards and faggots.

>> No.18912515

Woah, woah, woah.. Look fuckstick I’m incredibly busy, so why don’t you get the hell out of here before I snap your dick off and jam it into your ass.

First, take a big step back... And literally, FUCK YOUR OWN FACE! I don't know what kind of pan-pacific bullshit power play you're trying to pull here Jack, but this is my territory. So whatever you're thinking, you'd better think again! Otherwise I'm gonna have to head down there and I will rain down an ungodly fucking firestorm upon you! You're gonna have to call the fucking United Nations and get a fucking binding resolution to keep me from fucking destroying you. I'm talking scorched earth, motherfucker! I will massacre you! I WILL FUCK YOU UP!