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18904846 No.18904846 [Reply] [Original]

Ex fiancee broke up with me on my birthday a few months ago after dating a couple years. Was thinking about asking for the ring back to sell it since she's a bitch. Is that the move?

>> No.18904880

sorry she gave it to jamal already thb

>> No.18904887

That's pretty cold. What'd you do, OP?

>> No.18904895

fuck yes ask for that ring back are you fucking kidding me OP?

of course you should get that ring back fuck cmon now


>> No.18904903

Yes it was a conditional gift. If she doesn't give it back you can sue in small claims court. Source: an episode peoples court I saw 15 years ago

>> No.18904908
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>falling for the marriage meme
Just be happy you got out early

>> No.18904920

Tell us what happened anon. Also 100% ask for it back. Who the fuck thinks they would be able to keep that shit

>> No.18904921

yes take it back return it, buy bitcoin sell bitcoin top. buy lambo flex on the hoe. park in front of her house and fuck an instathot in the lambo. sell lambo buy more btc wait until she wants you back. good deal.

>> No.18904925
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Get the ring back you dumbass nigger cum drinking cuck.

>> No.18904930

lmao, absolute state of americucks

>> No.18904934

Tough luck simping cuck

>> No.18904944

ok this is based

>> No.18904973

Does your country not have a civilized way of resolving disputes?

>> No.18904983

You mean cucked?

>> No.18904988

they have a shaman that decides that stuff

>> No.18905015

Had some lsd. Tried numerous times to explain how safe it was. Figured she would get it seeing that she had a stem degree but no. CCP fembot group think urge runs too deep.
I already asked yesterday but I was wondering if I really wanted that symbol back around me but idk thats just stupid.

>> No.18905124

What an uptight cunt. Take that shit and pawn it off, and if she refuses do >>18904903

>> No.18905216

LSD is based don't do it all the time once every 4 or 5 years is recommended it'll make you achieve your goals quicker.

>> No.18905233

God this reminds me of my ex. If I tried to smoke weed or do acid with my friends in college (I wasn’t an addict or anything just did it occasionally for fun) she went crazy, but when she downed a double bottle of wine every other weekend it was ok.

>> No.18905531

>Forfeit right to child support
Larp, no lawyer would write this prenup

>> No.18905628

forcing a retarded woman to give back what she owes is cucked to you?

>> No.18905645


It was meant as a gift at the time, because you liked the person and wanted to construct something with that person.

Even if bad things happened, taking it back would erase the last sweet part of this story. I don't know if that make sense but that's what my guts tell me

>> No.18905736

lol she did the right thing you druggie
She won't give the ring back now that she thinks you're going to buy drug with it

>> No.18905783

I think we think alike in certain ways.

>> No.18905800

Yeah honestly. I needed to take it cause I was feeling like I was in a depressed rut and taking a nice dose in nature helps me hit reset. Helps get into that flow state too. My first ever live poker tournament i entered in I was chip leader nearly all of day one and two and finished 3rd after only like 2 weeks of study

>> No.18905827

Get it back. That ring is part of a verbal contract she broke.

>> No.18905845

once every fullmoon

>> No.18906032
File: 49 KB, 498x573, 5AB6BAAA-FB75-4EF6-B06F-48F9C480F5FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wont time and $ spent on legal fees quickly outweigh the value of the ring in small claims court? Got a range on the value of the ring you’d like to share, OP?

>> No.18906079

shouldn't get anywhere near a chink for a wife bro. Hope it get better for you, chin up mate

>> No.18906083

If a ring is a requirement to her acceptance of the engagement, then it is not a gift. If not stated that it was conditionally granted on the continuation of the relationship, then I would consider it a payment to getting engaged by default. There is another ring given upon marriage. It is closer to a sign on bonus when starting employment. Unless the company adds a stipulation in the contract (they all do now), an employee can leave as soon as the sign on bonus is paid and not pay anything back. Similar case for OP

>> No.18906143

you are better off with her far away from you and your life op and i hope that you will meet better people <3

>> No.18906144

Jesus, I’m never getting married.

>> No.18906149

this, that bitch probably but in illegal clauses on purpose, so that this prenup would be voided on court

>> No.18906186
File: 2 KB, 125x94, 2477424D-008D-4523-8831-BE6EA12A8AC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP dodged a bullet

>> No.18906286

Just fucking mug her in an alleyway
Make sure she doesn't figure out it's you though.

>> No.18906347

Yes, I think she even might be legally obligated to give it back to you but not sure

>> No.18906820

Thanks frens. I appreciate it. Mainland chinks really are soulless.

>> No.18906885

Here's something to cheer you up.

>> No.18907522
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If some fucking bitch ever did that to me I'd immediately liquidate all my assets and put everything into monero, take out loans secured against the house for 100% of its value. Cancel the insurance and burn it down before leaving the country for good to somewhere with no extradition and then release a ton of revenge porn of that whore to pornhub and blast it across her social media too. And she should think herself lucky I didn't put a bullet in her head

>> No.18907711

Why do all women suck. I just wanted a family with someone I thought I could trust

>> No.18908199

That was a conditional ring. Legally youre entitled to get it back. Might be different in your state but the law generally recognizes it as a provisional gift. Especially if shes the one who called it off.

>> No.18908210

Lol I had a good laugh at that. Fuck china