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18896503 No.18896503 [Reply] [Original]

I miss having friends...

>> No.18896562

Just summon a succubus, anon. Here, gibs wallet address and I will gibs erc20 coin for paying succubus.

>> No.18896577

i'll be your friend anon! you got ps4?

>> No.18896590

You have us :)

>> No.18896624
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What about us

>> No.18896886

what are you into anon? maybe we have common interests

>> No.18896923

Idk why so many supposed friendless fucks don't try to connect with other friendless fucks on biz. Could it be because you're all insufferable? Nah.

>> No.18897104
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Yea op, are we not friends?

>> No.18897624

Is there a different between friends and frens. At this point in my life i don’t think so it’s been a long time since I have had friends I can look at it.

I don’t really regret it though you guys are my frens :)

>> No.18897637

I don’t know if we would actually like each other in real life.

>> No.18897639

friends IRL are overrated. most of the time I went out with people was just to hook up with some pus. Frens here are all i need

>> No.18897661

probably better we stay anonymous. kek

>> No.18897716

Same actually
Had better times doing hoodrat shit when I was in highschool, breaking into abandoned buildings and spraypainting walls lmao. These days I just send memes and talk life shit, now that everythings closed I feel like if I hit up my dirnking buddies we wouldn't have much to do besides, well, drink

>> No.18897727

i have a completely anonymous throwaway social media account that i set up because i want to reach out to (and possibly connect with) the anons on this board, but i haven’t worked up the never to share it yet

>> No.18897759

yeah no doubt. better times were had but if we're just shooting the shit I can do that online >>18897727
anons should stay anon dude for your own protection don't doxx yourself or get into that discord tranny mentality. Identity is worthless discourse is valuable af

>> No.18897808

I remember fun times with friends.
But I remember more times of needing money, having to work, and wanting a gf. Competition with friends is the only real friendship there is.

>> No.18897835

yeah good point. i’ll just use it as a backup

>> No.18897914

My friends all got married with kids and have careers and go to church now, so when see them once a year and tell a crude joke or say a swear word they get all uneasy.
I spent my youth trying to make friends with other kids but was stuck with boring grown ups, and now that I have friends my age they all turned into those faggy grown ups I used to avoid. I should go back to college just to make younger friends, shit sucks

>> No.18898035

just get a tulpa
thats what i did and i am much happier talking to my head friend

>> No.18898042
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>> No.18898067

Just play vidya.

>> No.18898087

Most people are emotional leeches and form childish power hierarchies within groups. Fuck that shit I got more important things to do.

>> No.18898105


>> No.18898134
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>Haven't had anything resembling friendship in over 12 years
>They weren't even particularly good friends (I guess I wasn't really a good friend either)

Being incel sucks and all but I'd much rather have a few good friends and be incel forever than go on like this but have a gf

>> No.18898139

vidya is fucking boring as shit now. every time i load up a game i get really excited and then i end up turning it off to lift or go for a run

>> No.18898182

Play rising storm 2, pretty fun burning gooks with napalm

>> No.18898206

when burning gooks irl?

>> No.18898214

how was it? I never had friends

>> No.18898215

>implying you ever had any friend