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File: 59 KB, 798x645, HitBTC Vote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18889554 No.18889554 [Reply] [Original]

LCX is heading by far the vote for the next token to be listed in HitBTC...
Get on board foools!!!

>> No.18889589
File: 63 KB, 798x453, LCX HitBTC Tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed by HitBTC adn LCX CEO

>> No.18889685

What is this shitcoin used for? Will it be the currency for their exchange?

>> No.18889839

You can use it to contract their products and to pay less fees like using BNB in Binance.
The "Terminal" is a platform that joins together 15 mayor exchanges so you can trade and transfer between them form one place

>> No.18889969

>what do you want next from HitBTC?
>stop being a fucking scam exchange

>> No.18890328

Nothing against this exchange, but anybody who spends 2 minutes looking at their revenue streams would see that this token can ONLY support price if they charged fees for more than just the "pro" offering (I'm doubtful they can get many people to pay for that. Why put your trust in another CEX just to get a 0.01% better price on your trade?).

Yes, all fees CAN be paid in LCX, but they don't charge any fees on top of whatever the exchange they are routing orders to charges.

This means that they either have to sell LCX onto the open market to cover their costs since they have a negative profit margin (again, aside from those who pay $300 for the pro version), or hold on to LCX as long as possible and hope they can survive until they find a way to make profits.

Yes, they could add a fee ON TOP of the exchange fees, but once that happens, their users no longer have a good reason to use the exchange since they have no other value to offer.

I hope they are able to find a way to make this work, but presently this speculative price discovery is clearly based off nothing more than 4chan/Twitter hype.

Buyer beware

>> No.18890782

Did you ever heard about crypto arbitrage? With their terminal you can BUY and SELL AT THE SAME TIME in two different exchanges proffiting from the diferent prices, you can pay 300$ to do it on their platform or many thousands to get a bot that find that oportunities, and still with the bot you need to send and trade manually opening many tabs in your browser and watching them at the same time.
They have a solution to a problem that many day traders have, and its working now

>> No.18890866

-You can also get informs of the trades, buys and sells you do in the 15 mayor exchanges using only one platform.
-And get the info to see the growth of your capital to pay taxes.
-Do you know how annoying is to download and compare 15 order books from 15 exchanges and start comparing thousands of transactions to see how much did you send, from where to where, at wich price did i bought this coin 10 months ago, at wich price did i sold it 8 months ago in other exchange, etc???
Using their platform this is not going to happen anymore, youve got all your history in one place

>> No.18891124
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18892276

so fucking bullish on LCX. it's gonna be a great summer

>> No.18893467
File: 85 KB, 1624x404, EXR-qSnWsAEqgxE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HITBTC is a known scam exchange. Please deposit your money on there and try getting it out. When are you idiots going to learn this?

And of course a scam exchange will list scam coins, LCX ceo is fraud and has been called out before. Not to mention their token is being wash traded and they were recently investigated for money laundering.

Here where the FMA of Liechtenstein show how LCX isn't licensed, like they try to say they are, kek:

>> No.18894173

and lcx is being pumped and dumped by satsgang

>> No.18894417

Literally was up 300% today then dumped 70% lol. But this is totally normal with legitimate projects with organic growth lol

>> No.18895286

What no it wasn’t?

>> No.18896606
File: 245 KB, 1080x2086, IMG_20200505_193203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it was faggot check the chart.
This is why most of you on here are poor and will never get pussy. Dumber than a pile of rocks kek

>> No.18896668
File: 18 KB, 400x400, Gary_Cole_in_Office_Space_cropped_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ExtStock stole 3.3 million LCX coins from me. Becareful of what exchanges you use. IDEX seems the most trust worthy.

>> No.18896729

>skycoin being beaten by BOLT
How will synth cope