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18884474 No.18884474 [Reply] [Original]

Whats up anons. Was just omw home from work and was thinking about upcoming stuff like ETH 2.0, chainlink intro of decentralized trustless operators, etc.

I work as a doctor, and as a few of you probably know, there are so many obvious and clear issues within the medical field. Lot of opportunities present themselves by accidents/ inefficiency, not so much by ingenuity.

Was trying to think of use cases in the healthcare industry...like I know smart contracts for insurance and all, but it wouldn't be as seamless in healthcare, as you'd obviously a trusted/ centralised source of confirmation when it comes to medical conditions. Trying to change the EPR systems is a logistical nightmare, and you'd be waiting decades for even a chance to implement them (some hospitals are still paper based ffs).

it hard to think of some applications; I know mart contracts are mainly targeting derivatives, legacy, admin, shipping logistics etc. Not sure if its applicable to healthcare.

>> No.18884553

Virus tracking
Medical Records on a blockchain
Chainlink as middleware to connect all these crappy legacy systems etc.
Medical Supply chain shit etc.

>> No.18884725


>> No.18884949

That’s a man

>> No.18885607
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Preclinical in vivo research depeends on contracts (indeed Contract Research Organisations underpin the drug discovery pipeline) and validating that studies have been performed in accordance with regulatory guildelines, GLP and on time is something that directly contributes to the global irreproducibility crisis.

>> No.18886069

I see value in statistics. You have an identity, family and client history, conditions, comorbidity, wearables for basic shit like continuous blood glucose monitoring, heart rate, ekg, respirations, spo2, and can be looked at in the context of drugs over much longer timespans than most studies are able to handle without getting very expensive. Data could be anonymyzed and made available to everyone to dig through. Could also help with stupid patients who can never remember what they are prescribed, what of that they actually take, etc. Could also fuck up the doctor shoppers who have 8 different pcps so they get all their fun scheduled drugs better than the current system does. I'd love to see deterministic smartcontracts used for billing, like scan pt and drug or supplies and boom, instantly deducted from their bank account. All could easily be done with microchipping and their linked wallets. Beyond just the paper charts it would mean totally rewriting the legacy billing and coding process. Healthcare would get a lot cheaper at the expense of a shitload of office fauna losing their jobs to automation.

>> No.18887052


That's actually a very good point anon. Thanks. I had been thinking hospital wise (databases, mgmt, admin stuff) but thats a very good point about the ensuring adherence to standard point. Hard to prove the mechanism by which the nodes could reach consensus, but still a very good point. Would be hard to disrupt the approved/ accredited authorities that validate that data though.

>> No.18887138


Yeah I agree, but realistically you would never get over that initial hurdle to get that patient data. Even if you had clear demosntratbale proof of security and anonymity, displayed in a roastie friendly power point, they'd never do it cos of "muh confidentiality or muh computer hacks".

>expense of a shitload of office fauna losing their jobs to automation.

This is bound to happen eventually.