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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18882135 No.18882135 [Reply] [Original]

I've done only 2hrs of actual work

>> No.18882151

BASED slackerbro

>> No.18882163
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same here

>> No.18882170

Ive done even less and trust me i am not comfy

Ive been doing nothing for weeks and now im shitting myself because someones gonna find out im doing literally nothing. Ive got nothing to do

>> No.18882188

Same. Love working from home. Fuck everyone who wants society to go back to normal I’m way too cozy

>> No.18882203

I've literally sent one email

>> No.18882237
File: 21 KB, 420x591, B0C6C603-0F94-489F-9941-B4AEC7799A9A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw browsing /biz/ during a meeting right now and going to play some games after

>> No.18883252

Usless people smashing keyboards from home for a living.

>> No.18884656

Don't forget your girlfriend, we're smashing her as well

>> No.18884681

Same here. Though some days I'm busy as fuck. About to cut the grass.

>> No.18884796
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Lel, same and shame here

>> No.18884854


>> No.18884910

this is exactly my situation. But also it's a new job for me so I don't even know the firm's expectations. I'm shitting myself expecting them to call me out for not doing enough but I'm literally new to the job.

>> No.18884957
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>> No.18884981
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Me? 0

>> No.18885189

i manage a software team. i take like 3 naps during the day and get out of bed when i hear an alert. otherwise i'm just working out and scrooling

not super comfy. i just don't have motivation when there's no reason to leave my house.

>> No.18885454
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i dont even have work

>> No.18885531
File: 228 KB, 594x594, 1585761775874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done only 2hrs of actual work... in my life

>> No.18885565

what, ever?

>> No.18885566

Browsing biz in the toilet instead of wotking

>> No.18885587

They're all gonna get fired kek

>> No.18885665
File: 5 KB, 230x219, Chad Tux Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the new Untermensch, the salaried NEET, the elite.

>> No.18885671

Lmao, pathetic.
I make $120 5 days a week at my job,
I also day-trade while at work, making around $300-400 a day.
You’re never going to make it if you’re not doing 2-3 sources of income at any given moment.
You think you’re hot shit but you’re not

>> No.18885678

been at work for 3 hours and have only done 10 minutes of work combined, the rest has been spent here

>> No.18885712

>browsing the Chan at work

extremely based, good sir

>> No.18885739


I have sent one slack message all day

>> No.18885743

>I also day-trade while at work, making around $300-400 a day.
Nice LARP insecure faggot

>> No.18885745

how do you daytrade?

>> No.18885776

daytrading is when you buy and sell a stock that same day. apparently that anon is quite good at it

>> No.18885826

>quite good at it
Bro literally every single fucking stock dips down within the first 2 hours of opening, just buy a shit ton of that stock & it rebounds later on in the day
Doesn’t even matter what fucking stock you buy

>> No.18886153

holy fuck this is retarded

>> No.18886183

Today I dialed into a meeting and then watched 6 episodes of Dexter

>> No.18886377


>> No.18886977

I don't work. I fuck around on the Internet all day while wagie ragies in his cagie at the Amazon fulfillment warehouse. I'm going to use my unemployment check to buy Bitcoin.

>> No.18888754

I dont do jack shit working from home and i do not give a single fuck. Hopped on one meeting today, did some training for a class I was paid to take for my company and thats it. I think the weirdest part is i dont even care if i were to be laid off