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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18874812 No.18874812[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i got banned the last time I criticized the jannies, so instead i’m just gonna say this: the softcore porn posting/tranny posting/pedo posting has gotten way out of hand. without a significant culling (which only the jannies are capable of implementing) this board is on a fast track to becoming the next /b/. that’s all.

>> No.18874870

it's the new tranny janny

>> No.18874874

Majority of old gags liked when this was a legitimate fucking blue board where I didn’t have to worry about porn (let alone fucking KIDDIE PORN) coming up on my screen). Most of us have stopped posting here consistently and have moved to group chats solely because the influx of poltards who think they can profit off of conspiracy theories. Newfag zoomers can be annoying but at least they’re here to learn for the most part.
t. Bought LINK at 0.38 and I’m more technical than 98% of you despite being almost 40

>> No.18874889
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Excuse me, I don't see an image designating this as the official meta thread?

>> No.18874917

Have you ever wondered if jannies are installed by certain entities in an attempt to control the boards? The psyop is real, at least I think so.

>> No.18874925

ban this heretic

>> No.18874929

I usually just put “Meta” in the subject but I forgot to this time. It’s not like it matters, this thread is more on-topic than 98% of the threads in the catalog

>> No.18874934

If she didnt have tits like that she would be nothing.

>> No.18874936

porn, thot and tranny posting should be banned

>> No.18874939

That's not what is happening.
They apply and get it based on 'past mod experience'. This means you get a bunch of reddit fuckheads moderating the site.

>> No.18874954

i don’t understand why they went to the trouble of designating /biz/ a blue board if they’re not going to enforce it

>> No.18875071

the jannies are useless.
this crap stays on the board all day at times before it's deleted so of course people are going to keep posting it.

>> No.18875092

I agree. It is getting bad. The jannies on /tv/ are actually banning literal CP as soon as possible and cleaning up shitposting hard lately. I think the pedos came here after.

>> No.18875141

I want to add that "cunny" posting became very common on /tv/. Not in the sense that other /tv/ guys would post it but people would regularly post real almost naked kids with sexual comments and use the word "cunny" in them. In some cases actual CP.

Recently someone spammed threads with a discord invite with loli porn.

The jannies were actually insta-deleting it. Now it is here. We are actually hosting a real CP distribution group

>> No.18875156
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i know what you want to see op

>> No.18875158

Jannies and mods, please do your job. These aren't good people. You are hosting them on /biz/ by letting them be here.

>> No.18875190

Thot and trap posting is something that the majority of people here want, you can't fight human nature.
Invest accordingly, follow the flow.

>> No.18875203

There is a huge influx of literal pedophilia though. Specifically in /smg/

>> No.18875218
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>> No.18875232

I know. They can’t uphold the principles they fucking setup.
>muh muh it’s 4chan you have to expect racism, antisemitism, and kiddie porn
No I fucking don’t. The value of an anonymous message board does not derive from the ability a fucked up but job posting illegal, immoral shit. Jan urs and devs set up blue boards and they’re supposed to be work safe. I want to talk about the existing system of business and financie. Not shit about Jews controlling the system. Not how black people are economically detrimental. I want to talk about how I can make money right fucking now. You racist aniti Semitic ducks are pathetic. Most of you are needed who patched into a scapegoat because
>muh the gap between reality and autistic idealized imagined perfectionism just HAS to be someone else’s fault. Like the JEWS!

You are ducking retarded. The Jews are smart and beyond fucking based. Replace their label with white in a hypothetical situation and (hopefully) you’ll see what I mean. It’s absurd how you people think.
t. TRUE oldfag. Call me a LARP you fucks this board has chaNeed. Very few of you will profit like we did in 2016.
>new to space
>I know more than you
>”ok bomber”

Enjoy poverty

>> No.18875240

coomers LEAVE

>> No.18875244

Enjoy your ban
>biz and finance

>> No.18875251

I thought CP will be permabanned?

>> No.18875252

yeah im tired of the tranny posting too

>> No.18875266

They have VPNs to bypass it.

>> No.18875275

Lol I’m pretty drunk and ngl there are rampant spelling errors there that discredit my opinion relative to the board. That being said, they’re still true. Hey @biz Jews are based. Why the fuck wouldn’t they be? They’re doing exactly what you attempt to do only better. I’m fucking Irish catholic and I have a shitload of respect for the Jewish community

>> No.18875285

>you should only be allowed to talk positively about jews
what a retard

>> No.18875292

Okay that's bad

I will make a thot/trap post in a moment, be sure to tell me whether it's a man or woman

>> No.18875291

Ok boomer.
I'm worth more at 32 than you are in retirement.

>> No.18875404
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I've been around here for a dozen years, porn posting has always been pretty common on this site, but I'm noticing a much higher frequency of it the past few years, the coomrer meme is real, but I would not be surprised to know there is also a psyop team set to distract the masses via (((free media))) and coordinated shitposting.

I think the lockdowns are producing porn addicted zombies not to also forget the incel rate has shot up the past few years.

Really dark times for everyone honestly, hard to notice it when your exposed to it every single day - it creeps up on you and poof, your old

>> No.18875421

I'd think this was some dumbass conspiracy 2 years ago, but I really don't know anymore man....

>> No.18875462
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>> No.18875502


>> No.18875516

Kill yourself, pedo

>> No.18875532

Kill yourself Reddit

>> No.18875561
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First they came for /co/
And I did not speak out
Because I was not /co/
Then they came for /v/
And I did not speak out
Because I was not /v/
Then they came for /tv/
And I did not speak out
Because I was not /tv/
Then they came for /pol/
And I did not speak out
Because I was not /pol/
Then they came for me
And there was no /biz/siness
To speak out for me

>> No.18875563

How do you know this?

>> No.18875583

I find anime posters are a bunch of posers. They don't talk about stock in /smg/, they'd just post a one sentence platitude with a porn picture. It's good that no-one reply to them, if any they are from the same pedos discord group. I don't want the same thing happens to /biz/ as was in /g/. That would be a shame. Some of you are alright, and I kind of like it here

>> No.18875585

I am too skeptical to believe that it's a coordinated psyop, but 4chan has definitely desensitized me to pornography/graphic shit like a woman sticking her entire arm up her asshole.

I've been on/off no-fap for about a year now and I think it's the best advice any 4channer could get. Pornography addiction and chronic masturbation probably ruins tons of anons' brains.

>> No.18875594

I agree with you. The off-topic trash you mentioned, plus random irrelevant slurs against ethnic groups are not good for the board.

In defense of jannies, moderation is pretty active and responsive during regular market hours, after markets close or on the weekends it's a bit looser. This is the way it should generally be, but the stinkiest garbage always needs to get taken out.

>> No.18875625

>you don't jack off to kids? Go back to r*ddit!

>> No.18875630

I got banned for making one of those “first ID to get [fuck janny] determines the price of [fuck janny]” threads. Un-fucking-believeable that jan jan let’s all this bullshit slide but when I make a thread that’s at least related to FUCKING FINANCE it gets me banned. Fuck you JANNY

>> No.18875635

What happened to /g/?

The pedo discord group got booted off /tv/ HARD

>> No.18875694

>If I accuse you of a socially unnaceptable practice your argument is invalid

Back toReddit newfag

>> No.18875703
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Lumping together a subculture as large and varied as anime posters will always come across as hamfisted to me, especially when you’re writing them all off as pedophiles. I raised a decent point with my op, and your post has little to nothing to do with it. Same goes for >>18875232. Your inane drunk ramblings are clearly only meant to draw attention away from the point of this thread

>> No.18875705

Call me fatty (^;

>> No.18875713

The posters in /smg/ use slang associated with child porn and post loli shit regularly along with anime.

>> No.18875722
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>> No.18875742
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>If I accuse you of a socially unnaceptable practice your argument is invalid

Back toReddit newfag

>> No.18875747

satanchia apple btfo meme is the straw that broke the camel back for me man. The mod took down picture of Terry but left out the force meme that is Satanchia (an anime girl). I am not like Terry fanboy but he is part of /g/'s history and I don't want to see him forgotten from the board. It is also insulting that the mod and Jannies chose to turn a blind eye to anime porns and prop up these degenerates.

>> No.18875824

I don't mind if they post reaction pics but it's like all they post are porn images. It's obnoxious and attention seeking, especially in the morning when we all tune in for news.

>> No.18876004

Die you mentally ill worthless faggot

>> No.18876032

Kys you fucking kike
Inferior desert satan worshipping rats
Kill all jews

>> No.18876053

ok bomber

>> No.18876059


>> No.18876065

Perhaps r/personalfinance is more your speed

>> No.18876077

That's a man!

>> No.18876110

the people doing it are united in their intent to disrupt the board, even if they have disparate goals and do not coordinate to do it. keep in mind, satan means "adversarial force"

>> No.18876133

>The left can't meme is true

You have to go back