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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 344x344, 9781469202617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18873987 No.18873987 [Reply] [Original]

Does this faggot even know whats he's talking about or is he just ridding off past success

>> No.18874024

No, he’s a con man.

>> No.18874052

tl;dr: "inherit properties from your parents and use that as passive income to fund your life"

>> No.18874094

years ago i met a guy who flaunted about reading this book to me and my friends, and he acted like he was above everyone else and become richer because he thought he was the only one that read this book. Skip forward to today, i have 10x his networth from crypto and said guy attends therapy for being a kissless virgin who thinks hes making bank by cashing his mcdonalds checks on blue chip stocks. I tried offering him crypto advice a few months ago, but he brushed me off and said he wanted advice from real stock traders.

If you havent already tell; anyone who takes this book serious is a fucking loser

>> No.18874097

His advice is good for normies. Unfortunately they are the least likely to follow it.

>> No.18874168

His ideology of "poorfags stay poor because they are afraid to talk money to their kids" is true. His ideologies about investment are right. However he had a massive leg up from upper mid class daddy money. Not exactly starting from the bottom. Tldr: First half of the book is good. 2nd half is him shilling his seminars on real estate (gray legality) loan jewing. Basically juggling a fuckload of leverage.

>> No.18874597

He's right in the sense that people aren't poor because they can't get money, they're poor because they have poor priorities and don't make choices to mitigate the situations that are holding them back. Poo in the loo Indians think nothing of cramming ten people in one house. Poor white people think they're too good for that.

>> No.18874654

ITT: fail fags

Passive income > stocks.
L2play newbs.

>> No.18874663

How do you dumbasses fail to understand the book promotes passive income!?

>> No.18874664

I’ve been reading more finance books lately and read this. I did like his charts about assets, liabilities and cash flow but overall this was nothing you can’t google now. I’m sure it was more mind blowing in like 1999 or whatever. A lot of his buying properties on the steps of courthouses seems like gambling and not realistic to Normies

>> No.18874666
File: 11 KB, 1211x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stocks provide passive income
I don't have to knock on a nigger's door to get this company to give me money

>> No.18874673
File: 82 KB, 1024x576, 1574531237971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's cool

>> No.18874675

10/10 must read

>> No.18874704
File: 38 KB, 399x360, Robert Kiyosaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have how much debt?

He's helped me and hurt me. I feel like I have to keep coming back to him, because no one else understands me. I feel like the abused girlfriend running back to him.

>> No.18874719

Its a great babys first investment book. But it should never be the only book you read.
My advice for anyone who wants to invest but does not want to really do the research or deal with the chance of losing a lot of money is to just do the Couch Potato Method. It has a small risk and provides a decent return on investments, not amazing, but safe and somewhat profitable if your just looking to do longterm investing.

>> No.18874761


theres maybe 2 or 3 good bits of info in this. main one being

>just fucking start a business. any income you get, claim it as necessary funds for 'growing' your business. avoid paying taxes on those funds.

its like im really a church!