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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18872145 No.18872145 [Reply] [Original]


are landlords trying to get people to hate them?

Will the govt crack down on them in the future?

Will we see widespread rent strikes?

>> No.18872172

do you think landlords should people live in their property for free?
would you let strangers do that?

>> No.18872249


Did you think overleveraging yourself on your speculative asset was supposed to be guaranteed money? That’s the “risk” part in investing. Parasites like you just skim money off of working people.

>> No.18872272

they juiced up unemployment by $600/week. if you lost your job you should have more than enough to cover the bills from unemployment

>> No.18872289

if the gov doesnt let people work, the gov shouldnt let landlords enforce rent.
these fucking morons are going to create of wave of socialists

>> No.18872304

>are landlords trying to get people to hate them?
No, they are just slaves to the same system and they have more pressure. More reward comes with more risk. Regular people can get unemployment but still don't have much money.
Renters have loans that need to be payed back, which they need a stream of income for
>Will the govt crack down on them in the future?
They will bail them out, at least if they want to keep the USD alive. They will reset and of course some unlucky people will be binded to loan debt and will lose all their properties when the GBDC reset happens.
>Will we see widespread rent strikes?
Yes. Humans have already set in motion the grounds for destruction of our current society for decades by agreement. 2008 was only a reaffirmation of this. 2008 made the people pushing the agreement that our system was unsustainable even stronger. People will it to collapse, so it will collapse.

>> No.18872305

i'm not a landlord, i don't agree with it either but i wouldn't allow subhumans into my country and leech gibs like i wouldn't allow freeloaders living on my property
if you decide to live in someones house, you gotta pay or gtfo

>> No.18872321
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Why be a landlord when you can be a
Do the needful sirs.

>> No.18872324

Nothing more encouraging than physical force. This is how we get the mafia back. Invest in baseball bats.

>> No.18872332

I was against the whole commie leftypol spamming shit about renters, but this point is true. Owning an apartment isn't a guaranteed source of income forever. It's a source when things are good, and they made that investment under the assumption that things would be good for awhile. But now they're not good, and some people cant pay their rent. Sorry, not all investments work out, so deal with it.

>> No.18872441
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>mfw sitting on a massive pile of gold and silver waiting for real estate to crash
>mfw shilling on facebook to create tenant unions where if the landcuck demands

Here is what tenants should do if they get evicted for not paying rent.
>Split a pig open by the belly in the loungeroom
>Lead a cow up the stairs since cows can't go back down.
>Pour concrete down the toilet

If a large percentage of tenants do this the damage caused to the house will outshine the benefit of evicting the tenants and getting a new one.

>> No.18872558


>> No.18872593

What about the pending applications?

>> No.18872629

Already did, thank you.
National socialism for life.

>> No.18872640


absolutely based


>> No.18872656

governments want this, socialist relying on the government, debt forever. tracked on the blockchain once CBDC(central banking digital currency) is put in place. People need to rely on the government first.

>> No.18872700

I had to cut back on the landlord's tip from 20% to 15% percent. I wrote him a letter explaining the situation. At least i agreed that i will be doing all the building maintenance as compensation for lack of tip. I feel like a real piece of shit, he doesnt even deserve this.

>> No.18872915

they get back dated from when you applied and you'll get the money. anyone who can pay, should. the government mailed out $1200 checks to everyone to top it off

>> No.18872920

Last parts might be worth it anyway.

If you get evicted then you have zero chance of a landlord reference anyway. Without a landlord reference nobody's going to rent to you again regardless. May as well go out with a bang.

>> No.18872970

>Did you think overleveraging yourself on your speculative asset was supposed to be guaranteed money? That’s the “risk” part in investing. Parasites like you just skim money off of working people
The same could be said about the renter. They overleveraged themselves, and now they’re just skimming a place to live off of someone who saved enough to buy the place.

>> No.18872992

it's not their property. they took a loan from the bank, the bank took a loan from the FED. The FED printed that money without your consent.
It's taxation without representation.
The only person paying money at the end of the chain is the wagie renter. The property rightfully belongs to the renter.

>> No.18873389

I'll never feel sorry for a landlord. Fuck kikes. It's a scam. No matter how much you pay it's never your's. If they charge interest or a late fee, send them to the gas chambers.

>> No.18873417

Even with no leverage you still owe them money

>> No.18873432

bruh moment
are you skimming water off the general public when you drink from a reservoir? where do you draw the line of 'basic necessity' anon?

>> No.18873447


>> No.18873654

>landlords make it illegal to live in your car
>landlords make it illegal to build affordable housing
>landlords vote for unlimited immigration
>landlords vote for foreigners buying property to inflate prices
>why don't tenants move somewhere cheaper?
cronie larpers will be the first to hang on the day of the rope

>> No.18873655

not exactly your property if you got a mortgage, Shekelstein.

>> No.18873807

>dont pay landlord
>landlord cant afford the land your living on
what exactly happens when the landlord cant pay the bills? I know that the landlord could not evict the tenants for a certain time because of some eviction laws but what happens when he has no control over the finance?

>> No.18873890

Aren’t you the parasite if you’re trying to live in someone else’s property for free?

>> No.18874117

Hopefully. I'm spreading anti-Landlord FUD as far and wide as possible to try and help the housing crash eventuate, so I can actually afford to buy in. Then, I might become a landlord myself. I don't get why all these aspiring landlords shill for it, you're only increasing your own buy-in price faggots. Spread FUD, shake out the boomers (literally if possible), then buy the bargains.

>> No.18874413

in my country the housing market has been overdue for correction for years, it's flooded with hand to mouth over-leveraged landlords who seem to believe property is risk free money.
Now covid has hit a few factors have started to develop that are going to absolutely ruin some of the landlords and they're scared so they will bully tenants as hard as they can to try and keep status quo.

airbnb owners are now flooding the rental market, rents will drop, landlords that can't afford their mortgage/bills on lower rent are going to be forced to sell (possibly at a loss) then the housing market will weaken and some investors who could possibly afford to weather the storm but decide its not worth the risk and will sell while they can still make a profit.

the next 6 months will be very interesting times

>> No.18874463

Everything that you think would happen, happens, just a few months later.

>> No.18874493

I checked online and the appartment Im living in is now offering rooms where the first month rent is free AND they GIVE YOU a $1000 move in bonus. Fucking nuts. Meanwhile they give current tenents jack shit. Pretty sure I would actually save money if I cancelled the lease right now and just re-applied to get those nice bonuses, though im not sure if i want to keep living here when my lease is up, as it may be a good time to buy (Oct)

>> No.18874510
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it's going to be hilarious when all these filthy squatters start getting evicted

>> No.18874556

I saw this shit all over social media.
"Just get a loan and charge 50% more than the payement!" Even my relatives said to do this, smug with the idea that they could build equity off of someone else's sweat. Now that they aren't getting rent, when they started complaining I straight up told them that it was their fault for having no backup cash flow like retards and that they deserve to go bankrupt.
These people can't understand how 'getting rich quick' always works out for me, because they don't understand that I didn't get rich quick, I worked harder and smarter than them.
Stupid people who whine about the rules when they fuck up are literal retards incapable of understanding that they are retarded.

>> No.18874602


I wouldn't go so far as to say the property rightfully belongs to the renter, but I love seeing kike (meaning literally in a place like LV) landlords getting BTFO.

>> No.18874612

Missing a lot of context here. Most landlords used someone else's money to lease someone else's land and collectively tried to monopolize the housing situation for low to mid income.
And now that they can't pay their rent, they complain about their renters. It's so hypocritical it's comical.

>> No.18874709

You know whats also a risk?
Being evicted because you can pay your rent but decide you dont want to.

>> No.18874757

same thing is happening here, lots of free first months or included utilities etc.

Another interesting factor is that construstion has not stopped where i am, it is one of the few industries the government kept open so not only is existing stock going down but new stock is still coming onto market.

i'm saving as hard as i can for a good deposit at the moment

>> No.18874780

Real estate is a ponzi scheme where landlords take out huge amounts of debt and get other people to live in the houses to pay the mortgage for him.

It's how Robert Kiyosaki got rich but in the future I think investing in domestic manufactoring will be better due to a return to mercantilism