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18872131 No.18872131 [Reply] [Original]

was just rollerblading in sanfrancisco and could smell meth smoke in the air,and ass. i followed the scent and it brought me to some run down chink nail salon/bath house for men.

there was feces everywhere, on the windows, shit. on the door knob shit. on the sidewalk SHIT. SHIT EVERYWHERE.
i asked the guy running the salon if there was a bathroom, threw him $5.00 to use it.
no service for non customer.

he unlock bathroom door, toilet has dried shit on the seat. looked like it hadnt been flushed in a month. maggots worming through the shit in there. i puked so hard. adding to more shit.
i saw a dusty box beeping in the corner with a sticky note on it that said "chainlink"
it was a fucking pentium 2 dell.
still running.

next there was some soft warm sensation thumping my fucking ear, i thought it was a horsefly or something. i turn and look and it's a fucking DICK thrusting through a fucking hole in the wall. i pushed my head back and banged my fucking skull off the sink and started bleeding, i noped the fuck out and ran out of there.
i slid on shit on the way out and fell on my back.
SPLAT right in. you guessed it SHIT.
i felt a sharp prick in my back, and pulled out a fucking needle with dried blood in it.
maybe poop. idk.
anyways it must have been a meth needle cause i got euphoric as fuck within maybe 20 seconds, and was laughing/in pain. one of those weird laughs when it hurts so bad just have to laugh...

i go outside and some junkies buttfucking in the alley see me laughing, they think i had drugs or something, and they came after me telling me they were gonna stab me with aids needles if i didn't give them what i had.

fuck that, they're not taking my 8 linkies.
i ran the fuck away.
noped the fuck out.

went to phlebotomist.
got tested.
they said tested + for every HEP and HIV and CORONA.

fuck that chink scam token.

>> No.18872187

>rollerblading in san fran
you definitely had AIDs beforehand you buttmunch