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18868823 No.18868823 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s post some lifehacks to save money.

Here’s mine:
>buy a scrubs
>print fake hospital badge
>wear anytime you go out to buy something
>get free/discounted shit + get called a hero
>face is always covered so no one can really catch on anyways

>> No.18868894

It's illegal to wear your scrubs outside of the hospital if they are contaminated and trust me some dipshit will call you out for that

>> No.18868938

gf is RN and we (used to) go out to eat 3-4 times per week after her shift, no one ever said shit.

>> No.18868982

Top lel. Finally some good OC biz ideas

>> No.18868994

Try do it now and let us know how it goes bucko

>> No.18869007

It’s not illegal though you look like a chode.
>t. PGY-4

>> No.18869030

It's most definitely illegal to wear scrubs that you haven't changed out of after your shift. It's considered a biohazard. People are going to be aspies about it with corona.

>> No.18869083

If anyways ask just say you’re on your way to another 18 hour shift at the hospital to make tik tok videos

>> No.18869117

you need your head smashed in with a hammer

>> No.18869139

fuck you faggot

>> No.18869158

It isn’t illegal

>> No.18869174

>spreading biohazard isn't illegal
Coofing corona gets you charged for terrorism

Don't end up like NJ man

>> No.18869213

It is not illegal

>> No.18869226

Illegal it is not

>> No.18869327


>> No.18869344

You wouldn't need to hide, im a doc and hospitals are so big you never know all the staff. You'd only be in trouble if someone innocently asked where you worked and might find out. Which is likely as the docs and nurses all go to the nearby cafe's and shops that offer discounts daily so end up chatting a lot.

Plus your badge would have to match the one from the local hospital. I'm not sure it's worth the 10% discount, i often don't produce my laynard due to it feeling cheap to do so.

>> No.18869395

no it is YOU will be FUCKED. what you all suggest is pathetic and bluepilled.

>> No.18869409

>Eat from dumpsters
>Shoplift whatever you can't find in a dumpster
>Sleep in your car
>Use library wifi

>> No.18869918

Buy an RV. I did. Still got a semi-flatlined business rn as well.. RV was 4k.

>> No.18869965


>> No.18870023

Shut up you cuck

>> No.18870348

so you tell the rulemongers that you're in your street scrubs. i'm not even in the field and i wear scrubs everywhere because they are comfortable. nobody gives a shit about autistic rules

>> No.18870390

>>buy a scrubs
>Probably spend more than you would from the savings + all the work to make a convincing looking badge and find a place currently open to laminate it

Great plan retard

>> No.18870514

I have literally never seen doctor scrubs outside of hospitals. It would look weird as fuck.

Why don't you buy an astronaut suit and do the exact same thing?, and be called an even bigger hero, its a strictly superior version of your plan

>> No.18870551

>offended violent healthcare worker


>> No.18870559

>doctor scrubs

The only times doctors are wearing scrubs would be the operating room and maybe the ED, and if they were surgeons they just change in the hospital like the rest of the operating room staff

It's not super uncommon to see nurses in scrubs buying groceries after a shift though

>> No.18870576

Your gf sounds fat

>> No.18870626

Impersonating an rn is a felony. As an rn, I'm pretty upset you would think about doing this. Wearing these scrubs is a privilege and you're making a mockery of it.

>> No.18870692



>> No.18870754

KYS cuck

>> No.18870975
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>it's illegal
In what jurisdiction? In what nation? On what grounds with probable cause? Fuck off. You're obviously a child who has no concept of the law and has no business claiming what is and isn't illegal.
>It's most definitely illegal
>It's considered a biohazard
>People are going to be aspies
Feel free to continue needlessly pontificating on an vietnamese horticulture enthusiasts mailgroup like your ego depends on it and it gives you clout. It just makes you look more retarded.

>> No.18871222

Came here to post this. Same cucked mentality applies.

>> No.18871292

Find a crackhead that can steal, he will get you any designer brands and sunglasses for cheap.

>> No.18871546


>> No.18871585

Youre both either underage or mentally ill. Regardless, you are both faggot chumps.

>> No.18871609
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>> No.18871691

Literally type "impersonating a nurse" into Google and see all the people arrested for doing it, dumbass

>> No.18871699

lmao retard

this is your brain on memes

>> No.18871724
File: 193 KB, 920x738, 288-2884274_301-kb-png-pepe-clown-honk-honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pussy. no one is gonna stop you when you get to cut the line at walmart. if they even got closer than 6 feet to me I would have THEM arrested for breaking the social distancing memelaw.

muh stolen valor top fucking kek

>> No.18871742
File: 585 KB, 1080x2024, Moving averages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this mean for RTX?

>> No.18871749

OP is a scrub salesmen, dont fall for the scam

>> No.18871764

I'm so high I posted in the wrong thread. :/

>> No.18871765

>t. just made a tiktok video in scrubs

>> No.18871843


You have to be pretty dense to think something like that could constitute a law, anywhere. Even if it was, I fail to see what difference it would make. Why would the assumption be immediately that it's contaminated? It's a uniform without any innate authority that's a legal equivalent of a fast food workers uniform.
>thank you for your service

>> No.18871864

kek. she does doesn't she. I imagined a fat gf too.

>> No.18871888

life tips not hacks... hacking is what you do on a computer you dumb queer. fuck anyone that says hacks and uses it wrong

>> No.18872136

Bullshit. I used to work at a grocery store and nurses were always dropping by in their scrubs. It legitimately frightens me.

>> No.18872181

Which law prohibits people from wearing scrubs? Oh right, there isn't one in any nation that has ever existed. Quit pretending like you have any idea what you're talking about.

>> No.18873284

You've been defeated. I'm sorry. It's over for you.

>> No.18873884

no u