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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 14 KB, 569x251, 32eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18860199 No.18860199 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18860215

WOW! 3 dollars a year from staking!

>> No.18860223

bruh. 1btc will be more rare than 32 eth or 100 eth. eth is a premine shitcoin just get btc.

>> No.18860249

what price and what staking returns are the basis for your claim?

>> No.18860273

This exactly. ETH is nice, but BTC is it.

>> No.18860292

btc will never gain the altruistic endorsement needed to scale. It simply consumes too much electricity.

Elon said he will support ethereum when it isn't bad for the environment. That is happening soon with staking

>> No.18860460

>imagine saying $3 to a 2011 btc buyer

>> No.18860481

32 eth is a meme
you niggers won't run a node, most of you barely know how to transfer coins to a wallet lol
just stack as much as you can and hop off when the price skyrockets from other dumb niggers trying to get 32 thinking they'll magically stake it and become rich

>> No.18860489
File: 45 KB, 570x421, 1527725468793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retard
>buy 32 ETH to run a node
>node goes offline

>> No.18860516
File: 39 KB, 617x640, 1587128511565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows

>> No.18860540
File: 17 KB, 236x314, 8de197ca6155782e41c759ef13501386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be retard
>slowly get interested in crypto
>already have robinhood
>just want to get my toes wet
>now have 32 ETH that will never be able to stake

>> No.18860541

Note to self MoonOverlord is a '17+ fag

>> No.18860550

Ummmm shouldn't you be posting Char anon?

>> No.18860607

This. The next cucle will dump pow and pump pos

>> No.18860620

t. Techbrainlet

>> No.18860638

Hahaha cope ! Imagine not having a suicide stack like these faggots

>> No.18860689

i have 50
i'm saying to not stop at 32 eth retard

>> No.18860740

Based elon will 51% attack the bitcoin network in the future in order to force POS and save the environment.

>> No.18860857

underestimating me :)

>> No.18860896

any good earnings reports coming up soon? Kinda wanna go for a run but don't wanna miss anything juicy

>> No.18861476

What does bitcoin do again? Buy drugs and CP? I needed BTC (only trading pair for a shitcoin) and it took multiple hours to transfer. ETH may be a premined shitcoin, but it has some serious utility.