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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18851731 No.18851731 [Reply] [Original]

What's the cheapest way to kill yourself?

>> No.18851743

choking to death on bbc

>> No.18851765

plastic bag on head, a belt, a pair of pants in lieu of a belt. if none of those, do a flip

>> No.18851767

Suicide by cop.

I'm going for the "car accident" approach though so my wife can collect on my insurance.

>> No.18851787

>caring about saving money right before death
Peak capitalism right here gentlemen

>> No.18851800

I'm just planning ahead because my life savings is in crypto

>> No.18851883

dont do it fren

>> No.18851890

Why shouldn't he?

>> No.18851894
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Don’t do it

>> No.18851969

If I don't make it this year I have no choice because I'll have no more money left

>> No.18851982

By cutting off your pee pee.

>> No.18851985

take out the biggest loan you can and buy whatever you want and can afford, if youre living to die then debt doesnt matter anymore and you can finally start living

>> No.18852018

what about no pants, plastic bag on head and do a flip? seems cost effective and might just work for op.

>> No.18852095

Stick your head in a barrel of oil and try to breath.

>> No.18852141
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allowing nature and old age to take its course

>> No.18852177

say the n word in the hood, homie

>> No.18852188

don't eat
literally $0 and doesn't even require you to do anything

>> No.18852193

Stop caring so much about money you pathetic kike brainwashed slave. There are literally billions of people who aren't rich but live happy lives.

>> No.18852195
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they put up nets on the golden gate bridge for jumpers. facebook live yourself jumping off the bridge onto the net, live, then apply for SSI because confirmed depression. showing that to any court room or judge will approve you. then you get neet bucks for life

>> No.18852216

> "But Anon, I am an N word!"

>> No.18852217
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bumping for interest

>> No.18852221

No I mean I'll completely run out of money

>> No.18852227

No way.
So don't do it.
Because I love you frien

>> No.18852228

Don’t kill your self.

>> No.18852257

>the n word
you mean nigger? i think op is looking for something relatively painless, not being beaten to death by a murderous ape that can't control it's feral rage.

>> No.18852272

This is why all warehouses should be 100% automated and run by robots. This kind of shit would never happen and it would save a lot of money too.

>> No.18852280

what you holding?

>> No.18852293

btc eth and link but I have no faith that any of them will take off again

>> No.18852322

Oh you have link, you'll be fine.
Don't worry anons, you can move along he'll be fine in 12-24 months.
Go drink a big glass of water and maybe go for a walk anon.
Want a free computer game?

>> No.18852330

I only have 1k link so I'm probably not going to make it

>> No.18852353

Well you ain't dead, which means you can wage cuck for more while you wait for it to go up.

>> No.18852361

No wagecucking is worse than death and I'm never going back

>> No.18852368

Jumping off something tall probably. Jumping is free. As long as it's free getting ontop of the tall thing, you can kill yourself with literally zero cost

>> No.18852370

Same fren, it's ok the next year is going to suck but were all going to get blow jobs from big titty anime gfs in the Cayman islands one day I promise

>> No.18852382
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Anon, jumping off a tall building or cliff is free.

>> No.18852401

Aww come on anon, not all jobs are terrible.

>> No.18852427
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That way

>> No.18852510

That's going on your performance review, goy.

>> No.18852513

>Thinking wage jobs will be widely available anytime soon

>> No.18852577
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Not with that attitude sonny.

>> No.18852597

There is, quite literally, no reason at all to expect s good outcome from the current circumstances. Better to make your last memories fun at least.

>> No.18852610
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dont do it please anon

>> No.18852628
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Oh yeah, I'll give you a reason, Donald Fucking Trump biotch.

>> No.18852792

I'm gonna get drunk and then jump to a river

>> No.18852824

Every single one of those jobs was dropped. Hell the jobs from 6 years are gone too. I would know, mine was one of them.

>> No.18852891

Then get a job? If you have to, then just get some wagecuck job at an amazon warehouse.

>> No.18853001

Anon don't.

>> No.18853162


>> No.18853680
File: 154 KB, 500x422, 804CB2A0-FB54-4C7E-8F90-F7FCCF3970CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Diving head first into the pavement from the roof of a tall building.

>> No.18854195

Have fun surviving the crash and being further in debt. Now also deformed and on suicide watch.

>> No.18854212


>> No.18854216

Not if he's smart and goes off like a 200 ft cliff.

>> No.18854360
File: 343 KB, 500x562, chihuahua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slipknot necktie noose w/ >30min of uninterrupted hangtime so you are unrecoverable.

>> No.18855692

>wearing pants

>> No.18856891
File: 85 KB, 860x499, FREN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont do it fren!

Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. and the God of peace will be with you.

>> No.18857334
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Buy samurai sword, unravel intestines like a Chad, have boyfriend behead when pain becomes unbearable.

>> No.18857736
File: 78 KB, 521x327, A B TEAM SATAN 109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell Awaits Team Satan:

>> No.18858148

It's not the operators fault alone. The manufacturers of those shelves are to blame or management is to blame for allowing excessive weight.

>> No.18858175

That or an unguarded train crossing.

>> No.18858269

This is better desu

>> No.18858285

>a murderous ape that can't control it's feral rage.
Aren't they always like that regardless?

>> No.18858328
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Warehouse designed by same architect as tower 7.

>> No.18858350

100+ into a bridge pylon will do it. Or a city bus if one is around.