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18848665 No.18848665 [Reply] [Original]

When (((they))) finally ban cash purchases and blame it on the plandemic, what will the effect be on crypto?
Are normies finally going to buy bitcoin so they can use it for their degenerate activities? Surely they won't discover privacy coins like XMR right off the bat.

>> No.18848701

They will use their debit card like they already do idiot. You work at McDonalds, you should know this already.

>> No.18848710

ah schizophrenia!

>> No.18848723

there are already several restaurants in nyc that are card only

>> No.18848774

Is this the latest tactic they teach at JIDF HQ? Scream schizo at soon as anyone mentions you hooknosed criminals?

>> No.18848787


>> No.18848788

Lmao that picture is a classic

>> No.18848808

Ah yes, I love purchasing my weekly dose of marijuana and cocaine with a debit card. Based retard.

I'm talking when cash is outright gone.

>> No.18848833

I don't care about your antisemitism, that's normal on 4chan

I just can't believe you're stupid enough to think the people that control the cash will ban you from using it. You're either retarded or psychotic, and your grasp of English indicates very low IQ but not actual retardation.

>> No.18848844

They control money, not cash. Banning cash gives them MORE control, retard. Which is exactly why it's going to happen.

>> No.18848877

yes, they certainly don't want people thinking their transactions are private and untraceable!

protip, even your drug dealer reports your purchases to the IRS. Your coin dealer, probably even your whore.

>> No.18848899

Cash is very difficult to trace. Normies don't understand Bitcoin, plus for all these years they've been told on the news that it's used by cartels and shit, so once cash is banned they'll switch to Bitcoin thinking it's safe.
That's just my take on it.

>> No.18849186

>I just can't believe you're stupid enough to think the people that control the cash will ban you from using it.

Firstly, I never said that they were going to ban anything. Second, cash is not the same as money.

It is obvious though that (((the money masters))) want a digital currency where they can trace everything and force their will upon the goyim.

Also, cool it with the projecting, faggot.