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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 86 KB, 737x734, woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18848114 No.18848114 [Reply] [Original]

Let this lesson be learned for us all: NEVER TELL A WOMAN YOUR NETWORTH

>> No.18848135

its all so tiresome

>> No.18848168

Imagine putting your personal business out there on Twitter. Dude is a fucking pussy

>> No.18848201
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>I should clarify

>> No.18848232

>"""doxed how much Bitcoin we own"""
>blabbing about some shit with your brothers and wife
When normans try to meme.

>> No.18848240

> doxed

>> No.18848251
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This is the most beta cope for having a stupid wife I've ever seen
Also how the fuck do you "dox" how much btc someone has. Fucking idiots

>> No.18848271

I had this but the other way around, my brother drunkenly revealed how much LINK he owned and i blew him.

>> No.18848276

LMAO how do u have such an accurate numales reaction pic for this occasion?

>> No.18848281

>oh my god my family knows how many buttcorns I have

>> No.18848417

Mo like sNicholas

>> No.18848451

>my wife flexed on them and told them how many memecoins i have
i bet they just laughed at him

>> No.18848455

It's humble bragging bullshit. Pisses me off more than anything else. How much Btc or wealth in general people have makes literally 0 difference to my life. Why do people think anyone else cares?

>> No.18848461

Why do people say this shit on twitter?
Who gives a fuck about your personal life?

>> No.18848474

This, I thought this was going to be a comfy thread about simps getting cucked out of their wealth by telling their wives their finances and then getting half of everything taken in the divorce. This is just cringe humblebrag bullshit

>> No.18848498
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It's also shitting on your wife in a passive aggressive way because you are too much of a fucking pussy to give her the back of the hand and put her in her place.

>> No.18848519
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>> No.18848530

this seems so frighteningly accurate

>> No.18848533

>what's mine is ours

and what her's is her's :') beautiful relationship great couple great success to you m'goodsir

>> No.18848542
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>> No.18848553
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>> No.18848729

>i blew him
not literally, I hope

>> No.18848799

>wife feels the need to come to husband's defense
>wife reveals family business with no fear of repercussion
>wife gives emotional response to his brothers of all people (female psych lesson 101: beware where your woman puts her energy. Love, hate, doesn't matter, anything that makes her passionate can own her.)

Poor, dumb cuck. She'll be leaving him and taking half his bitcoin shortly.

>> No.18848868

>Ever revealing that you own crypto to anyone
He's fucked. His brothers will harass over this

>> No.18848936

Something I've been wondering - my wife doesn't know I own shitloads link. If a divorce happens, do I have to share that information? I don't want her to touch my linkies

>> No.18848951

Yer fucked

>> No.18848953

i sandbagged my account size by 90% when they asked and my siblings just don't talk to me anymore. it was a pretty comfy decision desu

>> No.18849002

I wonder how profitable it'd be to dox these Twitter and Reddit basedcucks. A lot of them talk about owning bitcoin and then sprinkle in tons of personal information. Surely you could profit from this somehow.

>> No.18849026

Or either never marry if you have thick skin.