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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18847121 No.18847121 [Reply] [Original]

Stock-to-flow guy has updated his model, now he splits bitcoin up into phases depending on their s2f and overriding narrative at the time. Compares with gold and silver. He concludes bitcoin in its next phase (from its 2020 halving to the next in 2024) will have an intrinsic value of $288,000 per bitcoin. Bitcoin's history and gold and silver's have a 99.7% closeness of fit.


>> No.18847143
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>Trust the model, goy

>> No.18847725


>> No.18847813 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 343x361, bf5 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hidden /biz/ server link is discord gg pdP86yf
It has to stay hidden or (((discord))) will shut it down.As far as discord knows, it's a Roblox Atomwaffen LARP server....

>> No.18847966
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Remember the s2f is fud.

>> No.18848003

>limit demand to 144mb per day
>price will go up
choose one

>> No.18848022


BTC moonboy modus operandi: Engage in moonboy hype. Get people to think, greedily, "It's worth investing $3000... 4000... 5000... 6000... 7000..., so I can "make it" if Bicoin becomes the new currency and goes to $100,000 soon." Wait till the price gets to $9000 or $10,000. Dump it. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.18848067

s2fx relies on there being a phase transition and he wouldn’t be drawn on that on McCormack’s podcast. Peter would though: settling oil transfers, for instance. “If you’re print $5 trillion, why not buy a few corn with it?”

Not visible yet but even /biz/ should see that coming

>> No.18848160
File: 91 KB, 625x773, 1587239337850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oops I was wrong, it wont be $55k per coin it will be $288k per coin

>> No.18848169

>thinking one stupid thread on biz makes the slightest bit of difference in a market trading tens of billions of dollars every 24 hours

>> No.18848266


Plan B is one of the most frequently quoted authorities by moonboys across the internet.