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18840415 No.18840415 [Reply] [Original]

Am I crazy bros?

I'm supposed to go to medical school next year, but I'm thinking of saying fuck that and becoming a fighter pilot instead and then try and make big bucks. Am I retarded?

>> No.18840455

AC150 go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr haha

>> No.18840459

Looks like you need an undergraduate degree related to piloting.

>> No.18840473

You don't choose to become a fighter pilot.

They choose you. Not retarded though. Probably the only based job out there, and I wish you luck.

>> No.18840479

Fug Op are you me? I can't stand studying.

>> No.18840483

>Am I retarded?

Yes, given that high chances are you'll never actually get to fly and you'll just do random bullshit in the air force

>> No.18840491

>try and make big bucks
As a fighter pilot? Better off sticking to medicine.

>> No.18840502

Do it bro. Don't listen to the groundlings. Fly free.

>> No.18840522

checked for the big boys brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt, also A10 for the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtz

>> No.18840554

Go for it pilot fagget. Download dcs world and train on the f16 module

>> No.18840624

>Yes, given that high chances are you'll never actually get to fly and you'll just do random bullshit in the air force
Yes, you can. I can get that guaranteed before I go to OTS you faggot. Stupid NEET.

I like studying and learning. I got the aviation autism because of reading physics books. I'm tired of going to university, simp central though. And medical roasties are the worst.

>As a fighter pilot? Better off sticking to medicine.
Maybe, I'd go back to med school after flying for Uncle Sam. Maybe, I can start a business. I have investors who are interested in a product I've been working on.

Fuck bros, I just don't want to live a bug life.

>> No.18840657

Just buy link with your student loan like the rest of ust.

>> No.18840665

I already have a make it stack fren

>> No.18840669

RIP noble brrrrrt plane you will forever be missed

>> No.18840703

I had that thought once then I remembered I’m nearsighted

>> No.18840746

You’re not gonna make it as a pilot if you can’t study. Studying is 90% of job of being a fighter pilot.

>> No.18840747

If you join the air Force they'll put you through multiple eye/ear exams that only about 40% pass. If you don't you'll end up a mechanic and that doesn't pay well.

>> No.18840767

>multiple eye/ear exams that only about 40% pass
This is what I have trouble finding information about. Why do so many people fail? I know pilots can be 20/70 or less

>> No.18840787

>Am I retarded?

>> No.18840832


>> No.18840911

This, I’ve heard the classes are very, very tedious and the competition within the program itself is extremely bad. OP will probably end up as a cook like all the other fools who got suckered in.

>> No.18840946

>This, I’ve heard the classes are very, very tedious and the competition within the program itself is extremely bad. OP will probably end up as a cook like all the other fools who got suckered in.
My IQ is over 150. Cope harder brainlet. I'm just thinking if there's any ways to live a more based life.

>> No.18840964
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>becoming a ZOGbot and fighting for the Jews

>> No.18841013

>I like studying and learning. I got the aviation autism because of reading physics books. I'm tired of going to university, simp central though.
I like learning but can't sit still to study. My mind is too restless to focus on a book even though I want to. I need to do something exciting.
>And medical roasties are the worst.
I've had this hunch but why?
Oh fuck me then. There's no winning is there. I'm just going to be an overnight janitor. No studying and can do something therapeutic. Might be comfy.

>> No.18841032

Just join the airforce and request pilot. You will have many tests to pass and some are outside your control like sitting height/eyes and such but right now nearly every aviation squad across all the branches are undermanned. They are almost accepting anyone these days they are so desperate. Also you dont need to necessarily join the airforce to fly. Army has warrant officers for helicopters, navy and marines and planes and copters on aircraft carriers too. Figure out which one is best for you. Air force is hardest to get into by the way.

>> No.18841046

>My IQ is 470
>Gonna enlist the army of Israel and go do as I'm told, no questions ask
wew lad
you really are a brainiac

>> No.18841067

go to medschool and then join the reserve/guard as a flight surgeon, just do both

>> No.18841103

>I've had this hunch but why?
They have a mother's messianic sense of purpose but competence of a wheelchaired Downie. This doesn't make for a good work environment in high stress situations.

>muh ZOG
who fucking cares? I'm just trying to have some ebic fun in my 20s

sounds dull

>> No.18841167

i read into it but i'm too old and my eyesight is too shit for it. i think reservists fly as much or more than active duty but i could be wrong.

>> No.18841203

Look into trade school maybe? If not then just go find a good company and work your way up through the ranks until the pay is good or you get a good position.

>> No.18841214

Less of a fighter pilot and more of a bomb small rural villages nigger.

>> No.18841229
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just trying to have some ebic fun in my 20s
>selling your race and country for a few years of 'ebic' fun

>> No.18841247

Okay, what should I do instead then?

>> No.18841260

You also need a 4 year degree as a prerequisite for flying in nearly all of those, I’m assuming OP doesn’t have that.

>> No.18841275


dont do it if you dont have any prior flying experience and arent passionate about it

you'll wash out, military will take all the fun out of flying

I washed out as a navigator trainee, thought they would train me from 0 hours and provide a fostering environment to learn, I was wrong

>> No.18841290

I'm accepted to medical school retard. I'm graduating with my 4 year degree in two weeks.

>> No.18841315

>provide a fostering environment to learn
that's your fault for being retarded

>dont have any prior flying experience
Lmao, don't believe this

>> No.18841331
File: 689 KB, 550x400, 89B0930D-14B3-431B-80F2-DA4C1EC15032.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m really smart but do bad in school cause it’s just so boring.
>I could be a doctor cause of my big brain, but might want to be a brainlet pilot cause it’s so easy and fun.
>maybe I’ll start my own business instead cause I’m have investors lined up for my idea
>in reality, I’ve never actually produced anything of value or accomplished anything difficult, and am larping on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum to distract myself from crushing mediocrity

>> No.18841389

Seethe harder

>> No.18841418


I was a lieutenant in the Air Force, you?

Are you one of those idiots who plays call of duty and thinks that they should join the military as a sniper

>> No.18841448

Can you absolutely not get through college? If I were you I’d just stomach through it anon, it’s the safest choice. Plus if you join the military they’ll probably treat you like shit and you’ll still have to go to college afterwards. You’ll be much more restricted, just enjoy the college life and fuck bitches and be free.

>> No.18841469

You're competing with trust fund kids that have been flying since 14 and have government connections. Won't ever happen. You can go commercial if you want 40k/y starting pay.

>> No.18841491

Dude fucking go back, nobody cares. Nigger.

>> No.18841499

I'm graduating in two weeks, where did this meme come from that I haven't done any schooling?

>I was a lieutenant in the Air Force, you?
You washed out. There's plenty of people who become pilots who didn't have any previous flying experience.

>> No.18841542

No seething here, I just know what a young person lacking any experience jawboning about all the great things they will accomplish looks like.

>> No.18841561


Actually no, to get the pilot slot in the USAF, arguably one of the most coveted military positions there is you have to put together one of the most solid and comprehensive resumes (community service, 3.5+ GPA, logged flight hours, prior leadership experience) I knew a guy whose job was a civilian flight instructor who was turned down and had to be a combat systems officer (nav) like me.

Stop being so fucking haughty you little pissant 20 year old, and listen to people who actually know what theyre talking about and have been where you want to go.

>> No.18841578

Go back you redditfaggot. Nobody wants to be your fren here.

>> No.18841599

Unless you're a female minority or went through the Academy, then yeah you're a bit crazy. It's not too hard to be aircrew, though.

>> No.18841605


I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to OP. You're like a little 6 year old butting in right now, fuck off.

>> No.18841632

Imagine thinking you're immune from criticism when you post redditard shit on a public website. Go back you fucking kike nigger.

>> No.18841640

LOL fucking kek. shit like this is why i can never leave

>> No.18841669


You started this thread asshole, and I answered the question you posed to /biz/. I didn't give you the answer you wanted, the enabling groupthink that you clearly craved, when you started this thread and now youre lashing out like a fucking toddler.

You wouldn't like military as an officer and they wouldnt like you either, you're too immature and self centered.

>> No.18841671

Hey anon. 767 Captain fag anon here. I would say do something else but if you do the mil fag flying it is kick ass and then when you get out you can do contracting gigs and keep the feeling of summer camp going.

DO NOT DO 121 flying though when you get out!!!!

>> No.18841674

Somehow through all odds, I've found my time to shine.This thread is FULL of retardation. You do need a 4 year degree, but it can be in literally anything, although aviation or engineering is an enormous advantage. The medical at Wright Patt DQs about 10% of applicants ( who already have a dodmerb ) and your follow on medical DQs about 5%. If you want to guarantee being a fighter pilot, you will have to apply to a guard/reserve base, and if you're not happy flying anything else that's definitely the way to go. An A-10 squadron got 200+ apps this last board, interviewed 20, sent 4 to UPT, and historically only about 2 of them will make it through UPT and also through IFF. 3/4 of those picked up were prior enlisted/commissioned already, the 4th guy had a ton of civilian hours ( which helps with PCSM score ). Every guard/reserve squadron is at least this competitive ( for a T-38 track aircraft ). If you want to go active duty and " roll the dice" your odds improve, but not really. 40% or so of applicants are getting picked up on the rated boards for OTS. My UPT class of 20 had 4 wash out ( higher than average ), and only 3 got T-38 slots. Of the 3 , 1 A10, 1 F16, 1 B52. The process isn't as long as med school, but you'll be waiting for years before you ever touch a fighter. 1 year from application to OTS at least, 3-4 months there ( including wait). 6 months at a UPT base waiting to go to IFT, 1 month there, 6-12 months ( because of corona ) waiting to start UPT and touch a jet, and then UPT takes another 14-20 months depending on your wait time between phases 1 is closer to 20, another is closer to 14, then you'll wait 2-3 months to go to IFF for another few months and another few months to start your B-course, one of the B-courses has a year long wait. You fight tooth and nail to get through the program, and it's at least as difficult as med school if you go fighters. I can answer more qs if you want.

>> No.18841701

Imagine being so new that you can't tell who starts a thread. Like I said, fucking go back. Nobody cares. You're a nigger. Always will be a nigger. Fuck off back to your safe space.

>> No.18841704

You're out of date boomer. Like anon said, aviation squads are undermanned now. This isn't the 1980s or 1990s anymore where it was actually competitive. Fuck off with your power trip.

>> No.18841706


Don't listen to the haters in this thread. It's actually really easy to be a fighter pilot. Just go to the Air Force (or Navy) recruiting office and tell them you want to fly planes and they'll ask you which ones and you check some boxes and sign some forms. They do a medical exam which you'll pass if you're not a fat fuck and then you're on your way to pilot school.

>> No.18841739


I joined in 2014 idiot, listen to this guy
>>18841674 , the only fucking person qualified to give advice on this matter

>> No.18841770

Aside from astronaut its probably the hardest job to get in the world. They even make the women work for it, which in the military makes it truly remarkable and unique.

Your best bet if you want to do this is get your tickets in the USA then move to Africa. Probably better off rotors but they have fixed-wing combat pilots in the anti-poaching patrols. Some of them have AHRLACs and Super Tucs, which is fucking dope and way more fun than the USAF or Navy in the [current year]. But you're gonna get bitched around for at least a year or two before you do anything, especially as some pissant white American.

Oh and there's zero money in it. They'll feed and house you but you wont get paid.

>> No.18841771


>> No.18841774

this is one based little niglet

>> No.18841775

Based fucking anons. Do you have any recommendations on books to study from for pilot school?

What's the hardest part about pilot school? What makes most guys wash out like >>18841561

>> No.18841814

Honestly if you can afford it, start taking lessons. Books are useless, experience talks. I wish you the best but there's a bunch of obstacles you need to overcome. Flight hours are the best way to overcome them.

>> No.18841862


ive been on 4chan since 2010, what are you talking about going back somewhere? Ive never even loaded up that site youre referring to

>> No.18841882

I see you too fail at reading comprehension. ngmi

>> No.18841907

Hahahahahaabababahahababahahahsbshsahha. Fuck off nigger, nobody believes you and nobody cares. Just lurk first at least. We don't need you faggots being faggots here. Plenty of faggots already.

>> No.18841929


There are no " books to study" for pilot school. I could send you an enormously huge mountain of military pubs, but none of them will make any sense until you're there, regardless of how autistic you are. There are a ton of reasons people wash out, and they change as the program progresses. In academics you wash out for not studying enough, in phase II you wash out because military flying is incredibly stressful and the expectations are very high. In Phase III you wash out for "not having the right stuff ", and in IFF you wash out for not being gifted at flying enough. You can get pretty far in the program having brick hands if you study hard enough. You absolutely do not need prior experience to do well at UPT, neither of the fighters from my class did. Guard/Reserve squadrons are undermanned, but not due to a lack of assholes who want to fly their planes, it's the pipeline overhead, your odds are still not good there.

>> No.18841958

Now is probably the worst time in history to get into the aviation industry as a pilot.

>> No.18841964

Pilot here but not military

Height and eyesight. What’s yours?
5’8-9” with 20/10 20/15 is ideal

My flight instructor flew for Air Force. Tough gig to get

>> No.18841973
File: 266 KB, 811x950, dd214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dont project your faggoty internet tough guy role playing on to me

>> No.18841979

I really really would not recommend civilian flying other than a few hours to be sure you actually enjoy it and don't get airsick. I've seen CFII's do very poorly in UPT because of how different the T6 and T38 are from literally anything else. Those hours will have absolutely no factor on the bottom line. The Air Force will take assuming you know nothing, and give you all the tools do well.

>> No.18842174

i dont care about whether anon correctly identified you as OP or not. anon correctly identified your online persona for today, which is chief faggot.

>> No.18842213

>Yes, you can. I can get that guaranteed before I go to OTS you faggot. Stupid NEET.

Unless you're a guard guy you're not getting a sure fighter slot, you're getting a 'pilot' slot. Quit being such a nigger about things you know nothing about. I hope you wash out and have to be a driver for some general for your entire career because I can already tell you're a giant faggot. Also you didn't go to the academy so no you won't be a fighter jock based on that either.

>> No.18842215

Once again, nobody gives a fuck you fragile minded manchild. Imagine being so salty you pull documents off the internet to continue the larp. FUCKING GO BACK NOBODY WANTS /REDDITFAGS/ HERE.
Imagine defending a redditfag lmfao simp more little joey

>> No.18842217
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Aren’t fighter pilots going the way of the Dodo because of the chad drone pilots? Pic related, a fighter pilot

>> No.18842244
File: 59 KB, 424x693, brainlet-mortar-pestle-brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so you're here just to be a nigger and not listen to actual advice. I forgot I was on /biz/ again.

>> No.18842259

We are back to a great power doctrine military which means UAV's are way less useful.

>> No.18842282

Academy guys get fighter slots in a significantly less proportion than the percentage than they make up UPT. Flying DV airlift is an incrediblyegig, you travel the world and stay over at kush locations getting paid huge amount of Per Diem. I'm abandoning thread though, OP. Here is my throwaway kik to any of the autists who are interested in mil aviation: temple1234567. I fully support anyone crawling out of /biz/ degeneracy to do something more " noble ".

>> No.18842294


i dont even know what a redditfag is, all I can discern thus far is that the thought of one brings out autistic rage inside of you

I posted my opinion and justified it with actual experience in the exact field OP is interested in.

What have you done to contribute to this thread, instead of this histrionic bullshit?

>> No.18842296

Take up a trip so we can laugh at you later when you crash and burn out.

>> No.18842364

I just want you to go back, trainee. Please go back. Please stop larping as an "oldfag" which you claim to be from 2010, which is not an oldfag. Just go dude or just lurk. You're going to get called out everytime because you're so obvious. Please, for your emotional state, go back. I'd hate for you to be picked on everytime you post, trainee.

>> No.18842375

Can't wait to laugh at you from the skies you queer

>> No.18842415


Sorry I didn't follow your imaginary autistic rules and etiquette

>> No.18842436

Or keep being a stubborn soi nigger. That works too. How's the hrt going?

>> No.18842512

Bro if you want to be a fighter pilot go the Navy Route.

Air force Pilots have to sort of "fly by the cookbook" more so than Navy Pilots.

Navy Pilots are the fuckin cowboys of the sky.

>> No.18842533

ANG more so, but that's mostly because lack of training.

>> No.18842572
File: 62 KB, 540x410, 3C813046-00F2-4A32-8FA4-33635C48740A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I am in your exact same shoes and have already done the research. I graduated college last year and have a typical normie wageslave STEM office job.

You can use your degree to get into officer school and become a pilot... HOWEVER, you will not be able to become a fighter pilot unless you have flight hours under your belt already.

To nab a fighter pilot slot you need a PCSM score in the 90’s. Anything lesser can get you a slot flying bigger non-combat planes, but fighters are highly competitive. If you score a perfect score on the entrance tests you can get your PCSM around 70, but you need flight hours in order to boost it into the 90’s. So unless you did Aerospace in college you’re going to be JUST’d.

There are lots of dank STEM jobs in the AirForce though, if I can’t fly drones I’ll be aiming to do one of those. Good luck and hope to see you in the skies bombing the chinks in a few years.

>> No.18842686

I dreamt of being a fighter pilot as a boy; if you're qualified, you absolutely must do this to avoid lifelong regret.

>> No.18842687


>> No.18843016

What you said about maximum PCSM without hours IS true, the rest is hilariously untrue. PCSM goes out the window the second you get a rated slot ( unless you're applying for G/R ). If you go active duty, it's not even part of your packet to be placed in fighter/bomber track. Average PCSM to get picked up for pilot on the rated board has historically been between 40-60 for the last two decades. Again, see my throwaway kik if you want help getting your foot in the door.

>> No.18843101
File: 92 KB, 777x652, B4F71D93-D532-4030-89CC-DE87F4F74762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, that’s very white pilling, there’s a little hope for me yet then.

>> No.18843189

i doubt you would qualify if this post is any indication of your personality

>> No.18843237

why not do both?
be sure to tell people you could have been a doctor at the recruitment office. They'll be impressed.

>> No.18843276

What a wholesome pepe/apu.

>> No.18843319

why? Trump is going to need ppl for Space Force!

>> No.18843568

Any rated job in the Air Force is fucking awesome, most STEM jobs are management, but still awesome. It's not difficult to get a rated slot if you're level headed, medically qualified, and did well in college ( regardless of degree ). Even if you fly heavies, it's like getting a 1-2 million dollar scholarship to get PAID to fly planes. If you get a fighter slot? It's like a 10+ million dollar scholarship.

>> No.18843765

you could be a on board medic in the army, we fuckin love those guys. Saved my ass more than once.
I've never been shot but he gave me Ibuprofen in the field lmao