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1883926 No.1883926 [Reply] [Original]

This old pussy in my team at work is never off of facebook, twitter, buzzfeed-tier sites etc. He is very well compensated for his years of experience, yet does barely anything all day, bringing down the efficiency and profitability of the team as a whole.

As if that is not bad enough, he has a very smug (I could be in Mensa... I'm just too lazy to join) attitude and revels in any opportunity to correct or criticise the work of others. He is seriously starting to rub me the wrong way.

What should I do?

>> No.1883957

Ignore him

>> No.1883968

Give him a taste of his own medicine

>> No.1883984

The problem with being in open-plan office hell is that everything is public and I don't really want to be displaying that kind of behaviour.

>> No.1883989

eat his lunch if it he brings it to work, and shit on his desk during lunch break.
Or you know, grow up and deal with it faggot.

>> No.1883990


tell him in a civilised manner you anal fuck.

>> No.1884006

Anonymously send him the url to this thread if you can't handle being an adult.

>> No.1884021

that's what i'm currently doing... just checking out my options... gosh

not an option, not because i'm a pussy, I would love nothing more than to let him know how I feel, but because it would exacerbate the situation

tell me what an adult would do then

>> No.1884054

Confront him about it or bottle it up.

>> No.1884058

get everyone else in the team to keep complaining about him to mgmt

>> No.1884528

>could be in mensa
>asks 4chan for advice on a bad coworker

This seems believable. Also how old is old?

>> No.1884549

I'm not saying I could be in mensa, I mean that is the kind of attitude he has. He's mid 50s

>> No.1884896

Imagine how he feels. Stuck at some shitty wageslave desk job that he long ago mastered. Forced to work with a bunch of IDIOT inexperienced newbies who keep doing shit quality and worse, thinking they know how everything should work when in fact they don't know shit.

Sounds like you want to be recognized by management, and that's a personal problem. This guy was already recognized by management, it's not his job to burn at 120% just so your retard ass can create an impression. Figure out a way to do it yourself and stop shifting your inadequacy onto others.

Unless by "my team at work" you mean you own the company and are employing this guy, in which case fire him if you think it'll improve profits.

>> No.1884979



He's your basic office cockroach. You can't swat him, but management eventually will. Don't get too close or you'll get swatted too.

>> No.1885006

An adult would reach a mutually satisfactory compromise about his behavior

>> No.1885139


I feel your pain man. Dealing with the same exact thing at the moment. This guy is essentially a professional bullshitter and has management fooled completely.

It's like when you're in the 5th grade and the kid in 8th grade believes he's a god because he smarter and stronger than someone 3-4 years younger than him.

You know deep down if you were on the same level you're destroy the fucker but that's I guess.

You sound like a shriveled dick faggot. I work with people less experienced than me and I never act that way. It pays off when shit goes south too.

>> No.1885214
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>not an option, not because i'm a pussy, I would love nothing more than to let him know how I feel, but because it would exacerbate the situation

i'm going to talk out of my ass: he probably is smarter than you, since conscientiousness is inverse-correlated with intelligence, and you see seem very conscientious.
considering that I totally know you two and absolutely know what your line of work is and am self very similar to people like your co-worker there are two possibilities:

he's truly lazy, hates it, but can't help it because he is trapped in some facebook mediated gratification loop.

he works creatively and therefore looks lazy. (google that shit, when you want to be innovative and creative you better do everything but what you are supposed to do.)

either way, it's a difference of mentality. talk to him. what other choice do you have, but murder?

also again I'm talking out of my ass.

>> No.1885215

Slander him to the higher ups and get him fired