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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18832321 No.18832321 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18832437

Who knows. Only thing for sure is you will lose money.

>> No.18832446

Probably not, since the market is totally rigged

>> No.18833058

Is it just me or does that 1930s dead cat bounce peak line up with the rough period this year btc halvening pump should start kicking in?

>> No.18833068

This. In the 1930s they didn't have a Fed willing to dump $2t in a month.

>> No.18833086

Bingo. It's gonna be a bloodbath.

They didn't have the plague 2.0 going on either

>> No.18833107

No, because bobo are getting short sqeezed, then bloodbath

>> No.18833117

>another /biz/ predicts a bloody monday episode
Load up on call boys

>> No.18833121

Eh, it's only 1% fatal across the board and most of those are economic deadweights sucking up SS and medicare. Plus modern biotech gives us a definite hope of treatments if not total vaccination.

>> No.18833122

these lines b matching this is literal proof we are headed for a crash GGWP

>> No.18833141

>posts a graph implying we're at the literal bottom before the dead cat bounce
>"mOnDAy wIll sUk"

at least post something consistent, you nigger

>> No.18833179
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You idiot, the chart is not up to date. I expect people to know what the current charts look like. We already put in the dead cat bounce , and now it's ready for the next leg down

>> No.18833194
File: 19 KB, 500x255, 1545873737069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infection fatality (% of people infected who died) rate is 1-0.5% Yes.

There is no cure nor vaccine for the cold, which are caused by coronavirus.

We only keep immunity for cold for a few months.

>> No.18833244

The cold is caused by a dozen or so completely different species of virus, only like four of which are coronaviruses. The issue researchers or VCs or whoever else run into is that even if you got a vaccine working for all those coronaviruses at once, that ends up being like one less cold per person per year. Literally not worth the money.

COVID actually is.

>> No.18833245

that doesn't mean there can never be a vaccine for it. they had a vaccine for SARS that worked but by the time they produced it SARS was already gone.

also you don't only keep immunity for a cold for a few months. you keep the immunity for that specific cold forever, but cold viruses are constantly mutating which means you can get a new strain that you don't have immunity for. that's why you can get a new flu shot every year. eventually it might be the same thing with coronavirus where we might need a new shot every year and they have to guess which strains to use in the shot. who knows really.

>> No.18833288

>Eh, it's only 1% fatal across the board

So you know this for certain when no one else does?

>> No.18833323

how does no one else know the fatality rate of coronavirus? there have been tons of statistics in the past 5 months regarding infections and fatality rates. they just did a test in NY for antibodies that found 14% of the population already had the antibodies which means a ton of people already have had coronavirus and were nearly or completely asymptomatic.

the death rate is almost certainly 1% or lower when you consider that fact.

>> No.18833336

This isn't February, we don't have to gamble on Chinese data.

Healthy, young Navy volunteers from the Theodore Roosevelt carrier peg IFR for their demographic at about 0.1%. You can add up nursing homes to get a statistical sample of seniorfags getting wrecked way north of 5%. Meanwhile serology studies in heavily hit areas like Bergamo matched against excess mortality shows overall population death rates around 1%.

The different strains probably tweak the exact rate up or down a little bit though.

>> No.18833410


I'm not sure there are people out who exhibit 0 symptoms, the story I hear frequently is along the lines of, "yeah, i thought i had something a month ago but it wasn't that big of a deal, kind of tired and light headed."

I felt the feverish chills myself 1 month ago, didn't bother to take the test.

However if you are one of the unlucky one precent with diabetes, obesity, or lung problems you're dead. It's one percent, ten times the death rate of regular flu. 30,000 die per year in the USA of seasonal flu, so if we had done nothing it could have been as high as 300,000 this flu season, which we only caught the tail end of.

>> No.18833479
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>They didn't have the plague 2.0 going on either
But they did have the dust bowl.

>> No.18833598
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in the 30s there was the gold standard AND there was nothing "digital", money were actual physical objects.
today it's a number on a screen and you can "print" unlimited amounts of them, especially since most just disappears into stocks.

be warned, if you hold cash it'll lose value as money circulation goes up, however if you hold stocks (where most of the money will end up) you'll keep the relative value of your money today.

>> No.18833627

more and more data is showing that 0.5% mortality was an overestimate, apparently a lot of people have the wuhan virus without realizing it. still deadly, just not as deadly

>> No.18833684

The CHINESE Flu vs Normal Flu

Infection Rates:
CHINESE FLU 100x more contagious. Hands down Chinese Flu butt fucks the ever living shut out of Influenza.

Death Rate:
Slight edge to the Chinese Flu. It only seems more deadly because it's so damn contagious. Both are laughable in terms of death rate compared to illnesses like Pancreatic Cancer.

Note: Stop calling it Covid-19 or Corona Virus. It's the Chinese Flu. Those Gooks love to eat Bat Soup and boil dogs alive, so they've earned it.

>> No.18833770
File: 11 KB, 300x275, _38217675_mcafrika300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it.

>> No.18833876

Obesity diabetes thats like 90% of mutts

>> No.18833953

Trump fucked up:

>> No.18833965

Things like the Santa Clara and Los Angeles studies were garbage we have to throw out, where the positive rate essentially was the false positive rate for the test. Everything else points to ballpark 25-50% asymptomatic - not enough to go below 0.5% on IFR.

Hey buddy, fuck you, it's only 40%.

>> No.18833984

>more and more data is showing that 0.5% mortality was an overestimate, apparently a lot of people have the wuhan virus without realizing it. still deadly, just not as deadly

No, from large scale test the mortality rate is around 0.78%

If it's not deadly, the Chinese Gov who don't give a shit about human lives would not locked down an entire province.

>> No.18834051

gooklung has given us a crashing market and an ever-expanding fed balance sheet. As long as the fed is a blind buyer in the credit market, the market should keep going up. But the Plunge Protection Team didn't work for too long in 1929, and I have serious doubts that limitless fed printing will work for too long either.

>> No.18834067
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the chinese don't even use soap when they wash their hands and they don't refrigerate food. what needs to be done over there does not apply to civilized countries.

i'm absolutely not saying it's a "nothing burger" but the death percentage will go down, you'll see. and it's still dangerous as fuck to certain people.

>> No.18834071

Yep. Bloody Monday

>> No.18834085

Man if we printed all this money for nothing I'm going to be really angry.

>> No.18834115

It wasn't for nothing. We got a nice bounce. But it's still gonna dump.

>> No.18834121
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>the chinese don't even use soap when they wash their hands and they don't refrigerate food. what needs to be done over there does not apply to civilized countries.

Yet all I've seen are Chinese wearing mask, ashing their hands and being more careful than us. Protest against COVID-19 lol!

>> No.18834135


>> No.18834148

you see exactly what their government wants the world to see about their fucked up piece of shit nation

>> No.18834197

the FED will not let the market crash into the dirt. they've made this loud and clear.

>> No.18834460

>not let the market crash into the dirt
Keep believing that

>> No.18834500

printer broke :(

>> No.18834507

Trusting chinese numbers

>> No.18834514

>Yep. Bloody Monday.