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18830017 No.18830017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello e-thot my old friend
I've come to fap to you again
to a vision of you nude, streaming
I dump my seed watching you sleeping
and the feelings of regret and coomer shame,
still remains.

After the sound of cooming.

In restless nights I coom alone
with eight porn tabs on my cellphone.
'Neath the pale-glow of my phone screen
Traps and trannies, cuckolds, B-B-C
until my eyes are red from the six hour pornofest --
I return to rest.

Soothed by the sound of cooming

>> No.18830038

Not bad

>> No.18830049


>> No.18830064

thanks for the lol mate

>> No.18830085
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reminder that you can only make it if your brain is at constant post nut clarity. fap more and then after cumming immediately force your attention to something productive. the first moment a tit or ass comes to your mind you start fapping, then you cum and then you force your post clarity nut attention towards making money.

it also has financial advantages:
>fapping to porn is cheaper and more entertaining than holding a 5/10 3DPD and their mediocre sex
>porn can be easily pirated which makes it FREE
>no risk of getting babby (babby very expensive)
>dont need to pay for STD medication
>dont need to pay for roasties in any way
>can retire faster and invest more
>more money = more chances to make it

or listen to the nofap discord shills that want to drag you into the wagecuck ponzi for life while chaining you to some 3D pig. its your choice

>> No.18830167


>> No.18830229

ah, a newfag i see

>> No.18830644

you are a fucking retard
the idea is to practice self control, not to immediately sate your carnal urges the second they begin to distract you
look up the definition of discipline you literal penniless faggot