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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18827301 No.18827301 [Reply] [Original]

>Lie about past job, similar position but in different city/company, on Resume
>actually have basically no experience
>List oneitis girl as reference
>she sells weed and hasnt ever had a real job
>But anyway she answers the call and says I'm great
>Get job
>Work for like 6mo (Finance, super low level)
>Manager likes me a lot
>work from home during covid
>Get facetime call yesterday
>Manager is telling me he thinks they'll move me up when corona ends
>Says it'll be an interview with him and his boss
>Tells me to try and think of accomplishments from this job and the old job to talk about
How fucked am I?

>> No.18827328

very, quit now.

>> No.18827343

need stories. good luck.

>> No.18827420

>work for like 6mo
>they like my work
just keep doing whatever made them like you. you'll be fine.

>> No.18827473

Lie about a few accomplishments from your last job and list some accomplishments from this job?

>> No.18827507

Make a story about a project and how people weren’t working together well and lots of conflict the you joined the project and delegated the work and solved everything. Elaborate though. Lying got you this far, it will get you out

>> No.18827514

pick one good story from this current job that your kick ass about and tell a story. at his point might as well keep rolling with it and buy link with that new income

>> No.18827515

how does prison sound

>> No.18827547

did this really warrant a wall of green text? so you lied on your resume big fucking whoop i used to do that shit all the time fuck you op you asshole posting this stupid wall of noise and insignificance. Fuck you nigger

>> No.18827559

nobody is hiring probably for a while tho
this is what im thinking i just dont want them to fact check anything i say about old job
i think the manager just gets along with me and i'm an average-slightly above average worker. i literally do what he wants me to do and ignore everyone else
is this illegal?
yes i know im gay

>> No.18827599

>and i'm an average-slightly above average worker.
sounds like a classic good old imposter syndrome. trust me you'll be fine. and if it helps, leave 4chan right now. people here hate each other and you won't find good advice. they will crush you into quitting your job like the first faggot poster did.

>> No.18827624

you are already in deep, bullshit your way out, talk mostly about your new job.

>> No.18827626

They clearly didn't check anything when hiring you, they will probably care less when looking to promote you

>> No.18827655

Also OP, do u have a college degree?

>> No.18827693

Just talk about your current job and only answer if they ask about your last one. They want to move you up, they like your work. So no need to stress, it shouldn't matter.

>> No.18827713
File: 45 KB, 500x299, 1587606333519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i have the degree for this i just couldnt find a job. the only thing i lied about was having done this before
alright, gonna start planning my lies out nice and good

>> No.18827725

the less lies you say the better

>> No.18827752

Charisma, charm, fabricate experience using your tribal knowledge of your field to create a scenario that makes sense as an accomplishment.

>> No.18827768

Anon listen to this poster. No one will care, just talk about what you did in the last six months, and if they ask about your old job just say you did the same type of stuff you're already doing at your new job no prob

>> No.18827782

Make up more shit? Like you ALREADY HAVE?

>> No.18827844
File: 36 KB, 594x594, pepe pinned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completely fabricated my work experience to get my high-paying post-graduate job. After graduation, plans fell through and I was unemployed, and this created a vicious cycle. Being unemployed led to me being a less desirable candidate which led to my unemployment lasting even longer which led to me being even more undesirable.

So eventually I just said "fuck it" and completely made up my credentials. And for the interview and when talking to them, I made sure to have a fleshed-out backstory and tales of experiences I've had lined up in my mind. And if they found out I was bullshitting, well, I didn't have anything to lose.

So I finally was able to get an in-person interview this way when before I was constantly getting rejected from everything. And I nailed the interview and got hired soon after. I was sweating bullets for a while though because there was some hold-up on their end, and at first it was because the background check found that I had no actual history. But it ended up just being incompetence on their end, and I was hired, and now I'm doing well.

tldr fabricate everything. you have nothing to lose and there's no other way to get ahead in modern times unless you're some chink who's being groomed since diapers to be the perfect little robot, or unless you're a jew with nepotistic connections.

>> No.18827904

Make a completely worthless thread on the business section of an anime website

>> No.18827939

just completely make shit up but rehearse it like it really happened. they will never ever verify that it happened. everyone lies to get ahead, if you don't you're doing it wrong.

>> No.18827981

"... perhaps the best work I've managed to get done was when my manager had me go through and audit our accounts to make sure our records were up to date. Everything was going well at first, but as I got into the older entries, the numbers started making less and less sense and there were many discrepancies. We had an over budgeted account of nearly 18 thousand dollars that was culminated over at least a 6 month period of entry errors. It was painstaking work but I managed to cross reference every entry with receipts and other resources to rebudget the account. Once the work was complete, I reported to my manager what had happened, to which she put in an award recommendation to the owner. A week later, the owner had taken me out to lunch and explained how much money I had saved him in back taxes and overhead. He then gave me a watch, the very same one im wearing now, as a token of appreciation, and let me take a paid day off work."

>> No.18828514

Based and redpilled. I did the same thing.