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18825585 No.18825585[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have a daily driver, my garage queen, and several shitboxes I buy as projects that just rot in storage, so I'm wasting money on that monthly too. Spend a lot on detailing products as well
Working from home and gyms being closed has me back smoking. Total waste of money.
I enjoy fashion and cologne. Not exclusively designer, but I waste too much money on it. I resell too so I'm constantly buying clothes and shoes.
>Subscription services
Fucking Netfilx, Disney+, ESPN+ (for UFC), Hulu, Crunchy Roll, PSN. Never even use them much anymore. Canceled a bunch just now.

Probably can find more, but what you got /biz/?

>> No.18825650

Historical miniatures, avante-garde clothes, Chinese warlord era antiques.

>> No.18825661

all women are horses

>> No.18825669


>> No.18825681

Sometimes I order a pizza. 99% of the time I eat rice and some type of red meat. I'm actually a millionaire but it doesn't mean much and I spend as little as possible.

>> No.18825687

I spend way too much on my garden

>> No.18825728

Based boomer gardener

>> No.18825760

You growing fruit/veggies or flowers?

>> No.18825762
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>> No.18825781


>> No.18825804

I see myself more as an autistic loser than based but ty anons.

>> No.18825806

Weed. Spent a dollar a day equivalent and sometimes I feel that's too much.

As of late since quarantine, been not spending much money beyond food and bills. Out of weed and just keeping to CBD hemp.

>> No.18825817


>> No.18825875
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>> No.18825982

Nah, that’s pretty awesome actually. A lot better than what I spend most of my money on. Pretty sure what you collect is worth a good amount too.

>> No.18826117

Finally a small firm ass instead of the nigger bait whores

>> No.18826179

I don’t even smoke a lot daily since I still have 0 tolerance but I still feel like I’m burning money. I don’t even spend a lot on it, just seems like a total waste so I know where you’re coming from.

I really need to take up gardening once I move. Based setup, Anon.

>> No.18826197

Although Yuan Shikai commemorative doodads aren't cheap, I don't see them appreciating any time soon.

>> No.18826216

That’s how you do it honestly. Props if not a LARP. You made it

>> No.18826281

Actually saving a good amount now that bars are closed

>> No.18826310

Shitcoins and drum cymbals

>> No.18826342

I have a 1000CC superbike that I take to the racetrack pretty often. Tires :(

>> No.18826437

Neat setup! Was fixing to garden with the GF before quarantine. Maybe we can make it work.

Yeah, it's not as fun doing it every day. Taking a break to see how it affects me for a while. For a while I had a high tolerance when spending $500 a month.

Dropped next to nothing after a long break. Might just stick to weed with others rather than on my own for a bit. Keeps me from toking every day.

>> No.18826846

What about the miniatures and clothes? Either way, its a unique and based collection.

Based. I know the feel on tires. Glad the track is closed right now honestly.

>$500 a month
Holy fuck.


>> No.18826907
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>> No.18826938

Anime figures

>> No.18826970
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That's nice as fuck. I bet that lawn is perfect to mow too. Nothing better than riding the ol'e jd while drinking a nice cold beer

>> No.18826976

Soda and ghb

>> No.18827041

The miniatures are probably worth something when painted (although I'm not a good judge of my own painting skill), but idk who would buy them, someone on ebay maybe. The clothes are expensive and certainly fit firmly in the guilty category, they're made for my measurements so I'm unsure about resale value. One man's nonsense is another man's loved nonsense I suppose. Anyways glad you think it's neat. Sorry for shifting ID's, on the move.

>> No.18827322


Good legal weed so not terribly expensive, but still a bad habit. I also bought a 2020 Hyundai Veloster N recently + mods because idgaf and I’m still making 6 figures during this pandemic.

>> No.18827453
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who is that dumb fucking whore?

>> No.18827477

Shoes, antique cameras and fucking tea. Good tea is expensive but it is very different from supermarket tea.

>> No.18827493

Ah yes, a superior white man bait whore

>> No.18827496

Planted aquariums, focusing on specific biotopes.

>> No.18827501

Pretty much nothing. I do spend money on drinks and event tickets though. I try to minimize spending.

>> No.18827503

games, lots of them, so many that i have some that i haven't opened up yet because i spend most of my time working anyway.
i took a pledge to not buy a single game until i finish everything i have. been clean for over a month now and honestly i am finding way more pleasure in playing the games that i own instead of chasing a rush to get new games.

>> No.18827508
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>Nothing better than riding the ol'e jd while drinking a nice cold beer


>> No.18827509

>I also bought a 2020 Hyundai Veloster N recently
Grats on the car. A buddy of mine has the Turbo model with Stage 1 tune, intake, and exhaust. The N is sick. Really like what they did with the color, the interior and the power increase. The stock exhaust is pretty good too.

What mods have you done so far?

>> No.18827591

you don't grow your own weed? fucking moron. two plants, outdoors, no fancy faggy chemicals and lights = still smoking last years harvest.

>> No.18827610

No worries, you should drop a pic or 2 if you want. Would like to check any of that out honestly.

Interesting combo, but based.

Based. My dad has a few antique cameras but I know fuck all about them.


I've been looking at quite a few lately since I haven't bought any in years. How big is your collection?

>> No.18827621
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Consider killing yourself. You unironically don't deserve to live. You're hedonist scum.
>dude weed
>dude porn
>dude consoomashit subscriptions
Take a look through this thread and realize you're scum with no sense of beauty, aesthetics or meaning. The exact kind of person Scruton would call an abomination.
Undeniably based. Gardening is a great hobby, keeps your hands and mind active and makes you learn a great deal about horticulture and botany. It also has a meditative quantity about it.

>> No.18827702

She's built like my wife. Not attractive.

>> No.18827703

>Consider killing yourself
That doesn't sound like a good idea, but thanks. I cancelled most of the subscriptions since most of them were for my now ex gf, but I know Anon. I need my MMA and occasional anime time to time though. What are a few of yours though?

Illegal in my state still sadly.

>> No.18827746

Are you not attracted to your wife or something? Posted it since I'm tired of posting and seeing the usual huge asses around here nonstop. Its getting kind of played out.

>> No.18828086


>> No.18828125

To be fair, the $500 a month was when brick weed was more common place, so higher quality weed ran north of $300 an ounce in my area. Lot of 60 Mexican brick weed ounces and with an ounce of decent quality stuff.

>> No.18828411

Nope, not really.

>> No.18828726
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Ah, that's not so bad then.

You can always turn her into a feeder or get her to workout if you want more meat. Sorry to hear that though, Anon.

Here's another. Too lazy to find all the rest of them I have.

>> No.18828796

designer clothes, weed oil cartridges, ps2 games, black metal t-shirts, VHS collecting, and ofc guns

>> No.18828820

Weed, fast food, and collectors art books

>> No.18828826

Started using snus a couple weeks ago, quit smoking 8 years ago but work stress caused me to relapse. Need to quit, 4 dollars a day and not even getting a buzz anymore.

>> No.18828847

food, water, electricity

>> No.18828891

Should’ve added this one to my list. Pretty based list though Anon.

>collectors art books

Yeah $4 a day for not even a buzz isn’t worth. That adds up quickly, but congrats on giving up smoking.

>> No.18828957
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Vintage watches
They are overpriced, crusty sweaty old useless relics yet I throw thousands of dollars at rare or specific pieces

>> No.18829430

Tight little bodies are way better than the silicone whores

>> No.18830226

Based. I've been looking at a few vintage watches myself lately, especially Rolex Submariners. Trying my best not to give into temptation.

>> No.18830248

That's not unnecessary spending my dude, that's based af, and one of the best investments you can make. When I get a big garden I'm going to grow veggies in every square foot. I'll save tons of money and eat good organic grown veg not supermarket crap.

>> No.18830657


Now that's an eclectic selection, especially the black metal t-shirts one.

>> No.18830840
