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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18814688 No.18814688 [Reply] [Original]

Has it peaked?

>> No.18814705

Mcap still very tiny. If this takes off, $10 ez.

>> No.18814889

This is the first markup phase. There will be many more.

>> No.18814979

bruh no where close <20M supply, 1:1 rpl to eth ideal staking. at $25 thats 16* 25 = $400 to stake alongside a $7000 node. Price can easily go higher.

>> No.18815001

When will this happen? This year?

>> No.18815066

Rocket Pool will be the de facto dapp for staking Ethereum. It will be totally seamless.
$22 this year easily.

>> No.18815083


>> No.18815148


Dont hype me up bros... i just dropped 6k into it

>> No.18815195
File: 40 KB, 480x542, vous-ne-les-reconnaissez-peut-etre-pas-mais-ce-sont-bien-les-freres-bogdanoff_530471c6586d0c7a769e125f92bd8bd399c16b62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just refueling bud

>> No.18815301


So this relies on ethereum staking?

When will eth staking go live?

>> No.18815334

Phase 0 in July

>> No.18815363

of course not. it's still only on uniswap and most people don't even know they can buy it. fewer than 2000 holders.

once eth 2.0 launches it's gonna 5x-10x easily. maybe more.

i mean i wouldn't dump more than $500 in it unless you've got a ton of dough to throw around but i've got 400 RPL right now and might buy more next time i get paid.

>> No.18815478
File: 42 KB, 725x364, rpl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only ever said this in one other thread, I'll drop it again here:
All of the big exchanges, and any entity serious about staking ETH as a service will be running RPL nodes.
Buckle up fuckers.

>> No.18815607

Also, to give you some idea of how early it still is:
$665 gets you a top 500 wallet
$4500 gets you a top 200 wallet
$15500 gets you a top 100 wallet
Exchange listings become a priority in July.

>> No.18815628
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unironically the new /biz/ coin

>> No.18815665


Bros im so hyped up

Dropped 6k into this coin

>> No.18815725
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>> No.18815802

Damn, where’s the best place to get it tho

>> No.18815809

Honesty haven't been this exciyed buying a project since I was buying link at $0.15 thinking about the swift partnership. This rocket going to fly

>> No.18815850

1,690 addresses

as you can see, this token is still very much in its infancy

>> No.18815872

yep. it has all the traits of moon mission for those that missed 2017

>> No.18815885

raiblocks gains

>> No.18815889

another richfag is on the buy here :

>> No.18815897

Uniswap. It would probably be best to DCA, I guess. There's some chance we could pull back a bit from here, of course. Then again, I bought at $.35 and there hasn't really been a pull back. Anything near a 10-15% retrace and I will be making even more buy orders even at this price range.
The charts & the uniswap data doesn't lie, there's just not many sellers. The volume has exploded recently. Even if you fomo now you will be in profit in two weeks. (Barring global economic crash)
Big players are taking meaningful positions here.

>> No.18815913
File: 151 KB, 1674x744, rpluniswap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to attach img.

>> No.18815916

the problem is typically there would be a pullback but no one owns rpl yet. Literally less than 1700 people and almost all are holding or accumulating. Why would someone hold all the way from ico just to sell before staking goes live and they can make real dividends.

>> No.18815927

I think I’ll spend about 2k, maybe split into 500 payments? What’s the liq on uniswap like anyway? I have never used it

>> No.18815948

Close your eyes. Imagine your portfolio when rpl hits $5......$10.......$20. This could all take place before eth 2 phase 0 launch. Once launched and people actually get real returns through rpl....$50 isn't out of the question. That is only 1 bil mc which would be high but not high considering it would be one of the very few projects offering real returns.

>> No.18816007

>All of the big exchanges, and any entity serious about staking ETH as a service will be running RPL nodes.
why would exchanges run rpl nodes, rather than just their own staking service?
I have a bag of rpl, so I'm not fudding the coin, but that's just overhyping it

>> No.18816037

I don't think the big exchanges (binance coinbase etc.) will run rpl nodes. But these will also probably not offer staking services until there are transfers on eth 2 which don't come until phase 2. I do see other staking services including linkpool and even some hedge funds utilizing rocketpool nodes though. Rocketpool has made it plug and play for them by allowing them to run it through an api and set their own fees etc. Rocketpool will be the staking infrastructure for 90%+ of the staking services during phase 0

>> No.18816043

My nigga why are u shilling this coin

>> No.18816051

>trying to short RPL
nice try OP just bought 2k

>> No.18816092
File: 250 KB, 552x864, 1587471748931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see a movie with staking demoed:
see also
nice animations here

>> No.18816095

biz successfully bought a large portion of link supply ahead of normies. I'm guessing they are going to do it again with rpl. Ethereum follows the 80/20 rule. 80% of eth holders are holding for $ gains and aren't savvy enough to run a node. 20% have enough eth and are savvy enough to figure out running a node. The 80% need a super easy service to stake their eth, that service is Rocketpool.

>> No.18816107
File: 228 KB, 1091x846, uniswapliq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DCAing in is never a bad idea. I don't know which direction it's going in the very very short term.
>What’s the liq on uniswap like anyway?
The liquidity is great. Pic related. Just make sure to limit your slippage.
Yep, you nailed it. People are going to be surprised with how easy it is to stake ETH in a totally trustless way.
Let's say you had 32 ETH. Rather than running a single node, operators will run two RPL nodes with 16 ETH each simply because it will be more profitable. Rocket Pool will make this possible without requiring additional infrastructure to the operator.
Additionally, node operators can set their own fees for their users, and users will not even necessarily know that their eth is being staked in a rocket pool.

>> No.18816112

Yes but a big exchange can just its own staking service, they don't need rocketpool.

>> No.18816136

mega richfag foraying into rpl unironically with his super old super spammed address

UBT fag venturing into RPL



USDC rich bitch

>> No.18816149

RPL nodes will be more profitable. It's an easy choice for node operators.

>> No.18816157

sure, but you realize that once eth is staked on eth 2 phase 0 its locked until phase 2. Rocketpool solves this short term problem with rETH. Is each exchange going to launch their own token too? Or are they going to wait until phase 2?

>> No.18816170

nice work anon. I don't see the point of ubt, probably a good time to secure profits and go into a project with an actual profitable business model and reason for the token.

>> No.18816175

I don't see how that's an answer to coinbase running their own nodes.
Yes but coinbase can replicate how rocketpool works but internally. They would create a 'staked eth' balance that you could deposit into or sell for other things.

Hopefully they don't, but they could. No way they use rocketpool.

>> No.18816229

this guy had 99k ETH 1105 days 5 hrs ago per etherscan
now it looks like 3 years later he went all in on RPL (has 341k of it and no other token)

>> No.18816239

>Yes but coinbase can replicate how rocketpool works but internally. They would create a 'staked eth' balance that you could deposit into or sell for other things.
They could, but I'm not sure why they would opt for reinventing the wheel when there's already a protocol for that. There's also non-trivial demand for decentralized networks and open source smart contracts in the space.

>> No.18816242

People like options, and there are a lot of people that don’t use coinbase. It’s like compound/aave/etc. also coin base will probably take some off the top; they take a pretty large share of your tezos rewards for example

>> No.18816243
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if this isn't smart money i don't know what is anon.

>> No.18816258

they would reinvent the wheel because rpl has a token and a dev fee.
>There's also non-trivial demand for decentralized networks and open source smart contracts in the space.
this is true, but it's going to be custodial (75% threshold signature with known people) before phase2
they can't even steal it before smart contracts, so I think the risk is near zero, but some people may don't like it

>> No.18816307
File: 218 KB, 800x779, rpl ranks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your ranks anons

>> No.18816365

Do u work for RPL anon?

>> No.18816410

anyway I can't wait for see reddit go on it during the pre-staking eth2 hype. There's next to nothing there currently. They are going to fomo into it above $20.
those ranges are way too high. There are only 39 accounts with 50k+, 60 with 25k+, 113 with 10k+.
I subtracted exchanges.
I suggest starting ranks from 0-99, then 100-499, 500-2000, 2000-4999, 5000-9999, 10000-24999, 25k-49k, 50k+
if you don't, it just makes average holder feel poor and excluded.

>> No.18816427

Think there’s gonna be a slight retracement? Kinda hoping it goes back down to sub 1 but I won’t hold my breath

>> No.18816473

So this guy works for rocket pool right?

>> No.18816475

>anyway I can't wait for see reddit go on it during the pre-staking eth2 hype. There's next to nothing there currently. They are going to fomo into it above $20.
100%. I've been shilling rpl hard on biz because I do owe a lot to biz and I want to give back. We should stick to biz and telegram for as long as we can. Once I start shilling it on reddit I will probably be taking profits as they buy in. I stand by $22 this being entirely attainable this year.
>if you don't, it just makes average holder feel poor and excluded.
Read my mind.

>> No.18816478

anon this has all the potential to repeat raiblocks.
There were anons balking at buying at $0.5 because it was just $0.2 a week ago, and $0.1 5 weeks ago.
It topped at fucking $34 a month from that.
That was the top of the crypto bubble so it was a bit different, but $15 for rpl is very realistic. It's only a $18M market cap.

The token has clear utility and many people staking eth are going to need it to create pool nodes. Even at high prices it's going to return itself after three months of staking from added income.

>> No.18816501

Alright fine you sold me, ill dca in. Best not get greedy

>> No.18816537

coinbase relies on decentralization not being a meme
why did they list KNC, a literal competitor ?
why did they release a web3 wallet app, giving easy access to competitors ?
they need to capture the decentralization market and they know it means supporting dapps

tezos has literally 0 dapps and most likely less than 0.1% of the dev community ETH has. not so long ago one of its founder was even looking to publish her dapp game on ETH... so OFC cuckbase built their own staking system.

>> No.18816548

well I hope they don't launch eth2 staking until phase2 at all, and neither do binance. That would be best for decentralization. And rpl.

>> No.18816582

i'm not saying coinbase is going to adopt RPL.
i'm saying it's 99% sure they're investigating that option as we speak, carefully weighing the pros and the cons.

>> No.18816588

Like I said earlier too, coinbase charges a premium to stake your xtz (5.10% returns instead of 6) so I can see them charging you a fee for security and ease of use for staking. Probably the only reason I’m convinced to dca in

>> No.18817050

exchanges probably wont use rocketpool but its a nice thought

>> No.18817171 [DELETED] 

ya that's probably why the wallet that had 99k in early 2017 is DCAing into RPL with tranches of 500 (at 341k USD now)
> what is smart money

>> No.18817185
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ya that's probably why the wallet that had 99k ETH in early 2017 is currently DCAing into RPL with tranches of 500 (at 341k USD now)
> what is smart money

>> No.18818231
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I know I shuld read it myself but I know that there's people in here who just know so I still ask:
how much ETH & how much RPL is needed to run a node?

>> No.18819568

Who cares lol

>> No.18820118

I have got 1k, hope you guys are right. Here's my wallet so you know its not a larp.

>> No.18820129
File: 316 KB, 1080x2179, Screenshot_20200502-070632_Trust Wallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot this

>> No.18820336

I cant help but feel paranoid that this is all a gigantic larp

>> No.18820456

The thing is you only need rpl if you want to run a node on the rocket pool protocol, not if you only want to stake some ether. Is there going to be enough demand of people wanting to run their own nodes for this to take off? What stops the devs from just running plenty of their own nodes on the protocol?

>> No.18820716

Chimera has been there at one point. I don't think it's a larp. How is that project going btw?

>> No.18820767

Not really sure desu. I sold mine. With that ghost project by the dick eater coming up it seemed better to just sell it. The Lit slot is there because I staked mine.
I made most of this with ubt. Just sold what I put in originally. Rocket pool I know the least about so buying 1k is a risk but like I said its all profit rn so I'll read up on it over time.
Thats a shot of trust wallet not some blockfolio where you can input whatever you want.
I also just like round numbers.

>> No.18820910

If everyone’s buying why has my sell order which is literally the cheapest one with any amount of liquidity not been touched in a day

>> No.18820993

Okay, say I wanted to test out buying a bit of this on uniswap, how do I set the slippage and what do I set it to in order to make sure I get the lowest possible price.

>> No.18821080

>Sorry for baiting
dick eater coin is a joke; not erc20, on his own exchange, need to buy his failed shitcoin to get the airdrop. Chimera mixer is almost out of beta and works with other erc20s. Anyone holding bucc's privates might even see some value.
I'm in rocket pool too, at the very least it should pump until something replaces it

>> No.18821083

> 4,300 USD wallet
> larp
pick one my boy

look there is a legacy wallet on the buy here I said it 3 times now
do what you want
RPL isn't done mooning.

>> No.18821122

Legacy wallet is probably owned by one of the devs lol

>> No.18821154

16 ETH and a variable number of RPL. The amount of RPL needed changes based on how many new validators are needed at a given time.

The formula applies pressure towards a 1:1 ratio (that is, 16 ETH and 16 RPL), which corresponds with 40-70% capacity utilization.

>> No.18821159

Just buy on idex anon much better deals and much easier to see what you’re actually buying without all that slippage garbage

>> No.18821167

Just buy on idex much better price and no slippage garbage just buy what you want

>> No.18821177

>Using a CEX to buy a small-cap ERC20

Bro, do you even Uniswap?

>> No.18821189

I just figured out how to use uniswap I don't want to have to dick about with idex now especially since you have to make an account to use it.
Also I read previous posts on other sites that your private keys are exposed when you link your wallet to trade on it so I'm wary of it.

>> No.18821191

Pick one

>> No.18821207

That’s impossible

>> No.18821217

I think default slippage is fine... I have 0.5 so recommended setting...
you just buy in batches, it's easy as fuck
put in medium gas cost (click edit and choose medium option)
IDEX has way higher prices for RPL right now. not much volume.
uniswap is just fine on default setting.

>> No.18821233

Also I just had a look on coinmarketcap, this is ranked 6th on uniswaps trade volume in the last 24 hours or at least that what I think this table implies.


Has anybody had any trouble with selling this stuff back, having quick liquidity is important when you want to cash out quickly with these small cap tokens.

>> No.18821258
File: 154 KB, 2048x1280, EOJloszWsAIysnG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, do you know how to use uniswap ? you can see the liquidity for yourself yourself just by inputting values on the interface
see the slippage : is there a warning or not ?
does it say insufficient liquidities ?
get good

>> No.18821272

Just googled is idex safe, had this come up in the "people also ask":

"IDEX uses a number of protocols designed to maximize security on the platform, and any private keys accessed directly on the exchange are encrypted and stored in browser memory and cannot be accessed from outside of the IDEX app".

So while there are security measures in place it might be possible for your private keys to be hacked on any decentralized you connect to.

>> No.18821290

You swap it back to ether and liquidate the eth

>> No.18821306

I signed up for the airdrop awhile ago. Is that still happening? Thats why I haven't taken its spot out of my wallet.

>> No.18821308

Just use Uniswap. Don't be a tryhard contrarian.

>> No.18821334

Low volume IDEX shit is back, which is nice....but Unification is still the true blue 100x moon mission.

>> No.18821342
File: 301 KB, 1062x942, 1587764923724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> my sell order which is literally the cheapest one
> 0.00707 ETH price on IDEX
> current price is 0.00569 ETH on Uniswap
gee I wonder why nobody's buying your RPL anon !
it's not like it's 24% pricier than on Uniswap !
Uniswap pool is fully liquid bitch
Weak fud

>> No.18821359

Yh that's what I'd intend to do, but you still need people willing to buy the rpl from you to swap for eth. Which is why I want to know if other people had any problems trying to sell this stuff back on uniswap. We're not just getting this stuff dumped on us are we?

>> No.18821378

There are people still dropping addresses in the discord airdrop, you may as well try

>> No.18821546

Learn how uniswap works. There's continuous liquidity.
Click on the advanced and limit slippage to 0.1% before buying

>> No.18821587

uniswap is a what you see is what you get swapping tool. default slippage is literally 0.5
what notion is failing to penetrate your thick skull ?

>> No.18821698

The way Uniswap works is that liquidity providers must provide an equal value of ETH when they provide liquidity for a token. So, if I want to add $1000 worth of RPL, I must add $1000 worth of ETH at the same time. This ETH is dedicated to that pair and is not used for any other pair.

Whenever the token is sold, the ETH side of the pool increases in value by an equal amount as token side decreases. Each side receives half of the 0.3% fee, which is the incentive for providing liquidity.

The fewer liquidity providers there are, the more each of them makes in profit. Therefore, an equilibrium is reached, which means it is highly likely that there will be liquidity there for you in the future when you need it.

>> No.18821761

Discord Addy?

>> No.18822506


>> No.18823094

moon mission ready

>> No.18823136

fuck off chimera scammer
don't infect RPL

>> No.18823144

its going to be so fun going back to these threads when rpl is top 20. Link all over again

>> No.18823245

also, see the meaning of chimera
> A foolish, incongruous, or vain thought or product of the imagination.
just swap it all for RPL while you still can

>> No.18823305

idex is custodial because they use a dpos sidechain based on the aura token
it's not even visible on cmc because there are not enough exchanges.
Cmc is becoming irritating lately, so many wrong numbers and arbitrary rules

>> No.18823372

>Due to the launch of the CoinMarketCap indices (administered by Solactive, which is fully compliant with IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks), a project’s eligibility for a Top 200 Cryptoasset Rank will now be determined by market capitalization (8) and the following factors:

>The asset is traded on at least three non-decentralized exchanges that possess a number of the following attributes:
>Accredited/Audited by a credible 3rd party
>DATA Partner

FUCK BINANCE. They try to keep dexes down by refusing to rank tokens that trade mainly on dexes. CZ wants to keep his listing fee scam going.

>> No.18823415

crypto as a whole, peaked long ago. Not saying you can't make some small change off it now, just people are delusional about it ever reaching its previous highs

>> No.18823431

just use coingecko then

>> No.18823442

yes but everyone looks to cmc currently.

>> No.18823460

desu I switch to coingecko LONG ago
life advice : never EVER touch anything that's been touched by chang zhang or whatever the binance guy's name is
YES, that includes TRB

>> No.18823481

exactly. In the meantime there are gems that are nearly guaranteed 2x-10x. It's easy to pick up lend, knc, and others before the normie crowd, then sell for profits. With rpl its going to be different. This will be super normie friendly and instead of having to just dump for profits you can run a node and live off the node profits.

>> No.18823942


get in fags

>> No.18824237

This based anon just swapped all his ubt to rpl.


>> No.18824723

rpl has definitely peaked, sub $1 incoming.

>> No.18824840

why though, very few people looking to stake eth are even thinking about rocketpool.

>> No.18824853

its overvalued

>> No.18824858

almost buy only in recent trades
try harder

>> No.18824859

trying to accumulate anon..kek

>> No.18824895

show your valuation model

>> No.18824908

a lot of overpriced (~0.0075000 ETH so roughly +40% vs market price) on IDEX has been bought too
y'a i'm thinking this is bullish

>> No.18824931

this, mine shows $35 rpl fair market value. Im writing a medium article now

>> No.18824943


Stay poor

>> No.18825382
File: 105 KB, 803x514, adoptcurve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are here

>> No.18826157

are you a RPL dev? be honest

>> No.18826315

Speaking of which, how many devs are on this team. Their main page only lists three people though they all seem pretty experienced. Is that enough to pull off a project like this?

>> No.18826430

I wish. These guys have been working hard for years on this and it's about to rip.

>> No.18826452

I'd rather have three wolves than three hundred sheep.

>> No.18826607



biggest FUD for this token

If this guy decides to dump we are FUCKED

>> No.18826657

283k rpl? that's not that much, $350k.
Rpl is going to be bought for millions

>> No.18826893

You can say that about the top 10 wallets on literally any coin.

>> No.18826946

> biggest FUD
the fact that the biggest fud for this project is the existence of some whale who bought at ICO price (which he did, btw, he's in 10x territory at the moment) makes me even more bullish my anon

>> No.18827387
File: 18 KB, 1247x283, 1569845894794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek which one of you is https://etherscan.io/token/0xb4efd85c19999d84251304bda99e90b92300bd93?a=0xe524d6514f5c6c91796d223c3310ce211bc749c0
why did you buy only to sell after 3 hours, losing 5 dollars in the process? what the fuck anon?

I know it's a bizlet because his biggest holding is link

>> No.18827518

weak hands lol

>> No.18828129

an ico investor selling in profit isn't fud anon. Kek

>> No.18828218



>> No.18828234

Hi guys

>> No.18828486

can someone explain succintly why this token is going to moon? Cant get a straight answer

>> No.18828507

See >>18828306

>> No.18828562

Yes I've seen that. You need 48 RPL per node. AS in even if people use it, theres not gonna much demand for the thousands of tokens the bagholders here have

>> No.18829169


>> No.18829668


>> No.18829744

you're missing the point anon. You're acting like every rpl needs to be in a node. Chainlink did a 20x and the token is pointless to this point. RPL will be used this year in mass. Imagine once exchanges start to list...only problem they are going to have is anyone wanting to put rpl on their dogshit centralized products. Best thing you can do with Chainlink right now is lend on aave...literally not even its purpose.

>> No.18829904

ah so once again the value comes from speculation, not actual utility?

>> No.18829957

No, that is true with Chainlink though. What I am saying is that not every rpl needs to be staked. But lets say 1/2 is, the remaining supply's price should reflect this. Add that most won't be for trade and some may be in exchange wallets etc and a high price above $20 is easily justified.

>> No.18829980

see >>18829442

>> No.18830432

How much will this token be at november?

>> No.18830686

$25-$35 my guess

>> No.18831252

Based on what? Eth staking isnt even live

>> No.18831302

eth staking is live july/august. by that time everyone and their mom going to be asking how to stake their eth. Many not technical enough to run a node, rocketpool will be the go-to solution during phase 0 while the centarlized exchanges are slow to allow staking until phase 2

>> No.18831340

Phase 0 will be live in a couple of months (I expect q3) and RP will be the only decentralized staking platform that will let you withdraw your gains with rETH (pegged to ETH) which you can swap once smartcontract withdrawal will be possible in phase 1/2. the gap between phase 0 tot phase 1/2 could be 1-2 years so you can imagine that if RP is the only platform able to let you withdraw, its going to have a huge first moving advantage.

>competitors coming in

Thats like saying Tellor is going to beat Chainlink in being the best decentralized oracle. RP has been working on it since 2016, dont bring that argument up.

>> No.18831475

Holy shit that accumulation, and it's only biz and chico crypto viewers

>> No.18831582

Ok so when in the price going to peak in your scenario?

>> No.18831684

Pre-eth 2.0 (mass shills, not just 1-2 posts like now) and obviously during the eth 2.0 launch phase 0. Right now, the token is useless (obviously) but smart money is flooding in the next couple of months because we all speculate on the hype. Peak will be phase 0 because of monopoly in crypto.

>> No.18832288

Oh so I should sell before/during july 30?

>> No.18832330

Only reason you're going to want to sell any rpl this year is to accumulate just enough eth to run your own rpl node.

>> No.18832414

I just wanna make profit man. Preferably a shitton

>> No.18832909

rpl is probably your best choice. then actually using rpl in a rocketpool node will be 2nd'

>> No.18833164


Apparently not! It can go higher.

>> No.18833246

I keep wanting to shill this coin in my friend groups, but I am super reluctant to ever shill a coin at even a local top. I haven't shilled hard in those places because it hasn't stopped pumping since I bought in @ 35 cents. Good problem to have.

>> No.18833305

As long as bitcoin keeps going up so will this.

>> No.18833709

it was $1.20 when you started this thread.

there is something i know about the supply that would blow peoples minds and create fomo..going to hang on it

rpl's 2020 success will have nothing to do w/ btc.

>> No.18833789

Bitcoin price has a knock on effect on the rest of the alt market. It's where most retail and institutional investors put their money when entering the crypto markets and from there the money trinkles down to smaller cap coins. The recent rallies in altcoins are all due to the bitcoin halving coming up.

>> No.18833913

it's still pumping
now 1 RPL = 0.007052 ETH
0.01ETH soon

>> No.18834072

Y'all just never understand what i tell u

>> No.18834101

if I get into the top 200 wallets will i make it?

>> No.18834328

>there is something i know about the supply that would blow peoples minds and create fomo..going to hang on it
You don't know a fucking thing. And if you do, you are even more dispicable. Let more redditors fomo in before you tell your biz bros, probably where you found out about rpl in the first place.

>> No.18834345

At this.point i just fuckin feel bad for people who didn't jump in

>> No.18834995


>> No.18835105

Is it too late now? I hate getting screwed buying into pumps. I keep thinking it'll correct the last few days but it does not.

>> No.18835195

Yeah, that's been the trouble. It just won't stop. It's still so early that even if it does correct, it only does so for like half a day.
If you want a position in RPL, just DCA, anon.

>> No.18835206

Dca in
I’m doing an eth every few days and not looking at price

>> No.18835243

Wait please stop pumping I just got in at 1.20 earlier today

>> No.18835250

Pretty good little profit already, anon. good job.

>> No.18835334

Honestly fuck y'all
I've been shilling this out of generosity for weeks now
I said it was unironically the new /bizcoin/
Been called a jeet, a fuckin scammer
I have zero empathy now

>> No.18835356

I know
im scared of being hurt again
i'm all in now tho as soon as my deposit comes through
who eth/rpl here

>> No.18835362


Cheers anons.

>> No.18835403

this is just start, we will hit 5-10 usd easily soon

>> No.18835436
File: 59 KB, 593x539, D48inn2W4AMu8wL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and another anon have been making threads since mid april. I don't think there's been an rpl thread here that I haven't posted in. It can be frustrating, just do what you can & know that for every two ppl calling you a jeet, there's one anon who is lurking, reading, and buying. If you're annoyed, just take a few days break from the internet.

>> No.18835603

it can honestly go pretty high...only 15 mil circulating

>> No.18835902

Fuck. I missed linkpool, now I’m missing RPL. I’ll wait until Monday’s bloodbath.

>> No.18836178

linkpool is dogshit senpai. Chainlink isn't even getting used orgnaically. if you have linkpool shares you make less than .01%. My god damn savings acct at chase as a better return.