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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18811703 No.18811703 [Reply] [Original]

Eurobros, so how are our euros still under 1,10 dollars when all them amerifags get thousands of dollars for free?
Shouldn't the market adjust or are they shitting us hard?

>> No.18811732

it's like comparing eos to tezos, shitcoin vs shitcoin, euro is about to collapse btw, italy will exit sooner than later

>> No.18811773

>euro is about to collapse btw

>> No.18811784

goddamn what a fucking stellar pic OP

>> No.18811822

It is. Along with nearly fiat currencies. It’s happing to the emerging markets as we speak. Anyone that doesn’t see this. Needs to lurk moar.

>> No.18811824

Because quantity theory of money (QTM) is a meme and Keynesians are right once again...

>> No.18811958

Okay, then tell me why the Euro should collapse?
There are other currencies, which are way weaker and the EU zone is a big market.
Hyperinflation? I don't think so, otherwise the Dollar would collapse as well. The reason why they are printing is to stop deflation. Meanwhile the ECB is more strict with money printing.
Italy leaving the EU? Nah, I doubt it.
The only thing I see, that Europe gets fucked is when the economy of Germany goes down the shitter, which is somewhat about to happen. But even then I doubt the Euro would collapse.
I am always open for input though, Anon.

>> No.18811975

>euro is about to collapse btw, italy will exit sooner than later
ECB cannot buy national bonds on primary market (because of their meme mandate) so they are forcing private banks to buy junk gov bonds in exchange of warranties as a shitty workaround
All of this because flat earth german economists don’t want debt monetization like japan and us are doing
How germans can be so fucking stupid?
They are literally fighting ghosts with their non-sense fiscal discipline in a clown financial world

>> No.18811981
File: 216 KB, 1598x1108, Krall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will post another one in 60 seconds

>> No.18812000
File: 137 KB, 1035x713, 1570005580018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and that's the reason why others want out. italy will never recover with euro as currency. NEVER and they know it

>> No.18812038

Those 1200 USD (or any amount for that matter) will be WORTHLESS within a collapsing economy. There might not be anything vital for them to buy because supply chains will be non-existent. Why do you want money if there's no food to buy. Fucking kids should leave 4chan desu.

>> No.18812093

Yeah I know this one already.
But why wouldn't they switch to digital currencies? Or are we talking about nagional digital Currency?
I saw a video from December where this ECB whore said they want to Push this agenda and are working already on it

>> No.18812110

Supply chain companies never stopped working, major city can run out of food within 3 days without external sources, if you think they will let New Yorkers starve you are a complete brainlet
A lot of people were forced by gov to close activities and cannot earn shit, so an airdrop kind of makes sense in this case

>> No.18812142

I read the eurochain whitepaper...that would be really a dystopian nightmare...
Cash is better, don’t let govs track your bad spending habits

>> No.18812183

I own LINK though. If that's what it takes for me to become the 1% then I accept it. And the other shit I will pay with Monero

>> No.18812447

Smart anons GET IN HERE
I want to learn why the euro is becoming so weak