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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18811231 No.18811231 [Reply] [Original]

>rumours that microsoft will supposedly buy this shitcoin stock
>MUCH more evidence this time around
>70 mi volume
>announcing buyout next friday
>1 whole WEEK of growth ahead
>options trading available for robinhoodfags, $1 calls at 0.10
>normies and boomers going crazy over it

Literally UAVS but better. Get the fuck in here and don’t remember to dump your bags before the conference.

>> No.18811240
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>> No.18811434
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>> No.18811604


>> No.18811768


>> No.18811793


>> No.18811801

Already big threads on it anon everyone's probably in there. I bought lots of shares at .40 this morning

>> No.18811825

Go back to read it you fucking faggot

>> No.18811829

Bought $50 for shits and giggles. We’ll see what happens

>> No.18811856

reported... for being a bitch

>> No.18811900

lol take your pump back to r. ddit, faggot

>> No.18811945

Good for you. You might make $100 when it 3x.

>> No.18812012
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no mention of the chan

>> No.18812271


Copped 35 $1 contracts. Finna be a millionaire

>> No.18812323


You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.

>> No.18812329

Me too

>> No.18812580


>> No.18812879



>> No.18813343

If this shit moons to $10 and i have like 50 $1 Calls bought for $10 each how fucking much am i going to make? I would literally and unironically shit myself if i woke up to such a big and bright green dildo first thing in the morning

>> No.18814539

Why this stock is so important OP?

>> No.18814552

>>announcing buyout next friday
why is this good?
I want to buy but you don't explain well

>> No.18814572


>> No.18814626

ill just leave this here

>> No.18814640
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>Instead of shilling, pumping and dumping shitcoins on /biz/raelis, pajeets in call centers across the Indian subcontinent have now resorted to shilling, pumping and dumping penny stocks on /biz/raelis, in order to purchase food for their families and protect their tribes from predators...

>> No.18814657

oh wow they are also located in redmond too..

>> No.18814745

Yeah I’ll be watching this one, hopefully I make a hundred bucks or so

>> No.18815021

Thanks, I will pick up 100 shares on Monday.

>> No.18815197

Holy shit

MVIS $200 EOY confirmed

>> No.18815288

nothing about that link says MVIS

>> No.18815314

what app is this? apologies from a /ck/ cashlet
i only got binance and kucoin

>> No.18815362

Reddit Hood

>> No.18815371


>> No.18815424
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>> No.18815482
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>MVIS announcing potential buyout from major tech company very soon
>several MVIS employees working at microsoft
>hololens uses the exact type of technology MVIS produces

>> No.18815496
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>> No.18815546
File: 664 KB, 1423x1856, 12837821738912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MicroVision Q1 2020 Financial and Operating Results Conference Call
Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT

>> No.18815561

>>18811231 (OP)
>>announcing buyout next friday
why is this good?
I want to buy but you don't explain well

>> No.18815569
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Should I but $500 worth and sell on Wednesday?

>> No.18815583
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op here fag, im just in a different ID. Read the shit im dumping

>> No.18815585

>no mention of ''Microvision''

>> No.18815595

Conference call is actually Thursday, May 7, 2020 at 5:00 PM EDT, my bad.

>> No.18815608

Drop a thousand
Spam this shit until monday
Sell soon as it starts going down

>> No.18815618

>info is only 2 years old
>lets shill it anyway

what goes on in the minds of these pajeet pump n duumpers?

>> No.18815629

copypasta from plebbit

Former MicroVision Employees working at Microsoft
I can't see how someone can read this growing list of current Microsoft employees that once worked for MicroVision and not be convinced that there isn't a connection. If you don't know, a 'Principal' engineer is their highest level engineer and is considered the subject matter expert in a given field so those are of particular interest. Also, Moh Eslamy says on his LinkedIn account that he is currently working at Microsoft on supplier quality for the MEMS.
Josh Miller – Director of Engineering at Microsoft and former Lead Systems Engineer – HoloLens (6 years at MVIS as Director of System Engineering)

Scott Woltman – Director Hardware Engineering at Microsoft (5 years at MVIS as Senior Staff Engineer, Systems)

Richard James – Director of Optical Engineering HoloLens, former Director of Sourcing – Advanced Optics (14 years at MVIS as Director, Opto-Mechanical Engineering)

Wyatt Davis – Principal Engineer at Microsoft (15 years at MVIS as Principal Engineer/MEMS Technical Lead)

Jeb Wu – Principal Hardware Engineer HoloLens HW Design at Microsoft (5 years at MVIS as Sr. Staff Engineer)

Johnson Liu – Principal Optical Engineer (3 months at MVIS as Staff Engineer)

Mark Champion – Principal Systems Engineer (6 years at MVIS as Principal Engineer)

Mason Thomas - Principal Program Manager (3 1/2 years at MVIS as Lead Systems Engineer for DARPA eye ware display)

Greg Gibson – Senior Electrical Engineer at Microsoft (11 years at MVIS as Electronics Engineering Manager)

Daniel Nevistic – Hardware Development Engineer – (2 years at MVIS as Electronics Engineer)

Michael Beard – Senior Optics Test Manager – HoloLens, Senior Hardware Engineer (8 years at MVIS as Lead Systems Engineer of Image Quality)

>> No.18815631

>tfw way ahead of the curve, been investing in AR ever since Microsoft showed the hololens at e3.
>tfw normies are finally catching on, and all they want to do is treat this beautiful girl I found and have been wooing for months like a cheap pump n dump slut

Normiiieeeessss get out of my MVIS, RRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

>> No.18815642


Shawn Swilley – Senior Hardware Engineering Manager, former Sr. Hardware Engineer (7 years at MVIS as Senior Staff Engineer)

Justin Zilke - Embedded Systems Engineer (4 years at MVIS as Lead Engineer, Embedded Firmware)

Minhua Liang - Optical Engineer (6 years at MVIS as Sr. Staff Engineer)

Damon Domjan - Senior Embedded Systems Engineer (5 years at MVIS as Firmware Engineer)

Robert Hilker – Manager HW Test Engineering at Microsoft (11 years at MVIS as Director, Global Manufacturing Technology)

Bill Woodland - Sr. Director Strategic Sourcing (9 years at MVIS as Sr. Director)

Taha Masood – Sr. Manager for Strategic Technology Sourcing for Augmented & Mixed Reality Products at Microsoft (6 years at MVIS as Director, System Engineering, Design-Win and Technology Integration)

Taha Masood – Sr. Manager for Strategic Technology Sourcing for Augmented & Mixed Reality Products (6 years at MVIS as Director, Systems Engineering, Design-Win and Technology Integration)

Jack Clevenger – Sr. Program Manager (12 years at MVIS as Sr. Program Manager)

Moh Eslamy - Process development working for both Microsoft and MicroVision (6 years at MVIS managing high volume manufacturing/assembly processing for laser projector)

Karlton Powell - Senior Researcher (8 years at MVIS as Senior Research Engineer)

>> No.18815676

spanks a million, frens

>> No.18815680

nigga who cares. this is uavs 2.0, potentially even better. This time we have a whole week before the conference call to ride the wave and the stock is currently sitting at $0.50. UAVS went from that to $5 in 2 days with less evidence and hype. Plebbit and stock twits boomers are way ahead of us already, they are going to profit whether 4chan shills it or not. Just don't be greedy and dump the bags on pl*bbit an hour before the conference call.

>> No.18815687

How do I buy calls in the middle of the night on a friday?

>> No.18815718

U should be happy a Chad is fucking your waifu. Now sit in the corner and dump your load like the rest of us

>> No.18815719

>2020 Financial and Operating Results Conference
target 1 usd... why you short now?
Mongoloid here I can't understand why yo wanna short here

>> No.18815732

Keep in mind of the share float. MVIS has more than 15x the shares of UAVS so don't expect an easy huge pump like UAVS had with 8mil shares to trade vs 120mil MVIS. This will likely be an amazing week for daytraders with 100k's buy and sell wicks leading up to the call.

>> No.18815754

>Normiiieeeessss get out of my MVIS
Normies are not in yet
Calls for 1 usd are priced 0.10 cents

>> No.18815755

look at the time the thread was posted. You fags would rather shill for shitcoins instead of bumping threads that will give you LITERAL free money so don't blame me. The hype bubble is going to go fucking wild this weekend. This shit may open at $0.80+. I already bought my 50 $1 dollar calls for 10 bucks each.

>> No.18815773

my bad I forgot this board is slower than a nigger in the winter
Good luck bro I can't make it but I hope it prints for you

>> No.18815781

45k ish dollars

>> No.18815785

I really need to research how calls work.

>> No.18815812

actually it was 35 contracts for $0.05 so 5 bucks each, $175. Wish i had gotten more

>> No.18815818


>> No.18815838
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>> No.18815862

It's a little bit confusing at first but you can easily learn at least the bascic on how options trading work before monday.

>> No.18815964


>> No.18816054

I bought a humble investing bundle that includes options for dummies. after hearing about people making multiple thousands these last couple of weeks, you bet your ass I will.

>> No.18816448


>> No.18816451

Just Pump and Dumps until the end of time

>> No.18816793

When are your calls expiring?

>> No.18817167

>tfw going to make it

>> No.18817315

why do you feel the need to switch IDs every time you bump? just fucking commit to it, unless youre worried anons wont buy your bags?

>> No.18817352

I’m not OP

>> No.18817441

shut up fag

>> No.18817442

When are your calls expiring?

>> No.18817472
File: 28 KB, 649x604, 799D881E-BB17-4025-8E07-4E1D5F4EF7EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all these “1 post by this ID”s are a big hmm. all fields

>> No.18817489
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what ever bro i'll buy like $46 or something

>> No.18817500

shut up schizo

>> No.18817514

there's nothing to talk about til monday so i'm chilling

>> No.18817528

op here, fuck off. My only ids are >>18811231
because i was posting from my phone while taking a shit, little nigga.

Like i said, this shit is going to pump regardless of my shills here thanks to r*ddit and stocktwits. I was not the first one to post about it, there were 2-3 posts about it before me. Stay poor, ranjeet

>> No.18817579

why do you say normies are in?
calls at 1 usd are priced 0.10 cents they are still sleeping on it

>> No.18817602

i never expected the new PnD general to become a cringe comp so soon, but here we are, with all these IDs being reported to SEC for spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. At least this time my tax dollars will be spared since SEC will be tracing their ISP to find it’s just one anon who will be persecuted. You will spend time in federal prison. all fields. mic drop

>> No.18817657
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>mic drop

>> No.18817690

>buy my massively inflated bags on monday morning - the thread

>> No.18817697
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>> No.18817772 [DELETED] 

Anyone have a screenshot of the guy who lost like 30,000 because of settlement?

>> No.18817933

i almsot got calls but pussied out this afternoon because i use robinhood and not sure ive never exercised a call before, only bought and sold them. and if this shitstock calls werent sellable i wanted to at least exercise for the stock shares but not sure how long that takes and dont want to get stuck bagholding during a dump waiting on robinhood to give me my shares

>> No.18818205

PLEASE buy my bags.

>> No.18818229

calls at 1 usd are priced 0.10 cents they are still sleeping on it