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File: 33 KB, 515x497, tesla stocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18809739 No.18809739 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine losing thousands from investing in this company every time the CEO opens his mouth because he's a walking Reddit post

>> No.18809771
File: 1.27 MB, 3000x1687, 1571202116827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it would have sold anyways, not because he opened his mouth. i warned about that it could be a good spot to short tsla

>> No.18809787

Then invest in CNN

>> No.18809803


> Be Elon
> Tell friend to open short position
> Make stupid tweet
> Get money

It's like an easier version of wolf of Wallstreet

>> No.18809806

It's either an ingenius buyback or he's had an epiphany and is breaking down or is telling truths.

>> No.18809811

when this dude smoked weed with Joe Rogan his stock fell by nearly $300 it happens constantly

honestly? Satanism and pedophilia are hot rn might be a good investment

>> No.18809924

>be elon
>Nees shekels to find mars mission
>open up YUGE TSLA puts position
>admit that your companies stock price is too high
>cover and buy the dip all in one
>have more shekels to fund private mars missions
I see nothing wrong with this. The seething masses of minimum wage plebs are actuslly and literally useless to the country as a whole. Billionaires know what to do with their money better than 80 IQ nigs who would just buy Yeezys and Jordan's with the money forcibly taken from billionaires

>> No.18809949


>> No.18809960
File: 365 KB, 3280x2225, soros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Billionaires know what to do with their money better than 80 IQ nigs who would just buy Yeezys and Jordan's with the money forcibly taken from billionaires
yes anon keep believing this. We know better than you.

>> No.18810066

This. Transsexuals are an old meme now. The pedo market is where is at now

>> No.18810479

The average Basketball American is a net drain on US tax revenue. If I am forced to pay one way or another (no one can beat the tax man) , I would actually rather my money go towards the billionaire than the nog.

>> No.18810536

>buy the 29th
>sell on market opening 30th

how easy?

>> No.18810566
File: 114 KB, 1024x583, E167A1F0-B40D-4FBE-A200-BFFDF6DA72F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elon Musk is the last intelligent man not afraid to speak his mind. Globohomo and the greedy kikes hate him because he speaks the truth.

>> No.18810606

I get this distribution being way fucking off, but isn't this inconclusive since it's only may 1st?

>> No.18810651

Its definatley a buy back. You know mush gets a huge chunk of his cashflow from subsidies but is a bit strapped for cash. If a whale is accumulating say a trust of guys from the auto industry. Imagine what whales do to shitcoins when they manage to a mass a huge stack.

>> No.18810675

Dude musk is a globohomo faghot as any of them. Have you looked into musk during the paypal years? He sells pr. Owns shit patents. And get huge tax payer and govt subsidies. Huge.

>> No.18810687

Yup. It’s the same shit from early March, “it’s not going to be that bad, the US will be back in April,” rebranded

>> No.18810755


>> No.18810769

I can't help but notice that so far Sweden was in fact doing worse than the imperial model had predicted.

>> No.18810884

what happens when Elon Musk loses the "fund secured" lawsuit? how much can he lose? its a fucking class action lawsuit against him.
and now hes going to be sued over this too

>> No.18810964

looking forward to buying the dips

>> No.18811051

to add onto that: is there a possibility Muskie will be barred from serving as an executive of a publicly traded company?

>> No.18811082

Way off. He is a globohomo deepstate glownigger. He may not drink the tortured child blood, but he is a Talmud worshipper like the rest of them

>> No.18811101

Quite possibly, he came close to that last time. He settled to step down as chairman of Tesla.

>> No.18811191

Dude in 3 years we'll all be driving tslas in space on our space x and smoking weed so cancer = cured. Thanks Elon. He is a hero.

>> No.18811338

its an instant loss of $13b+, textbook manipulation, this from an arsepiece who's already stood on SEC naughty step. Can't see them doing nothing, put it that way. afaik, he had an agreement to keep his trap shut - and if this *can be* tied in, in any way whatsoever, with the bonus he was due (less Tax)? - hes fucked imo

>> No.18811360

imagine the CEO of a company that has unlimited growth.. spouting off on twitter to artificially make it stocks tank occasionally so his fans can get his stocks on sale and enjoy the ride.

>> No.18811390

what about his 'Fans' already on board?
its not good optics, more or less to the day he qualifies for $750m or whatever in stock options for keeping the average mkt capital above $100B.

>> No.18811640

If you are very quiet in Europe, you hear the autistic Germans at Volkswagen laughing.

>> No.18811668

your point raises a question. with his "funding secured" tweet, did the surging stock price measurably affect his bonus/salary? that case is going to trial this year.
god Muskie might be fucked

>> No.18811757

every dollar tesla earns comes from selling the rights to dump carbon in the atmosphere

>> No.18811786

>Imagine investing in a company that is massively overvalued, and not realizing it until Elon has to literally tell you to stop. Then, after he warns you, instead of listening to him, you blame him when the stock goes down from being overvalued.

>> No.18811809

dood let elon put a chip in your brain lol he said it would be funny and people would let him lolol XD

>> No.18811838

>when this dude smoked weed with Joe Rogan his stock fell by nearly $300 it happens constantly

If its a good company, you should buy more when it dips. The real reason it, "drops" constantly, is because it is overvalued. If you think its not, then buy more when it dips. What is there to complain about?

>> No.18811916

TSLA is undervalued by about $2500

Screen cap this post

>> No.18811997

This thread and your opinion is a 1:1 Reddit post

>> No.18812365


>> No.18812379


Lets do a fucking comparison:
>As you put money into nog, then nog becomes a productive member of society

>as you put money into billionaire corporation, they send it offshores, ask for more money, and fire employees

>> No.18812390

Imagine not buying into Tesla now that it's down for dumb reasons because you listened to OP the eternal fag

>> No.18812392

imagine living in the 60s when an upper story one bedroom apartment was a modest dream achievable by a young professional instead of reserved exclusively for rich kids and engineers

fuck this gay earth, that pic is so fucking comfy

>> No.18812425

How can anyone be this retarded?

>> No.18812494
