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18792454 No.18792454 [Reply] [Original]

I want to ask a cute girl at my work to come to a concert with me.
I know she likes the band, because I’ve worn their shirts to work & she’s complimented me on them saying she loves their music.
I’m a super shy guy. How do I build up confidence and ask her to come to their concert with me?
This is unironically potentially the biggest investment I’ve made in my life.

>> No.18792475

certainly not by coming to a japanese cartoon image autism day care

>> No.18792497
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Its too late for that. Now is my chance to finally be in a relationship after getting over my ex of 5 years for 2 years.

>> No.18792554

The advice is don’t

>> No.18792576

Just be yourself haha

>> No.18792587
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It’s too late. I’m all in.

>> No.18792600

what band?

>> No.18792606 [DELETED] 

Oh boy, HR will love this. Anon you sound autistic enough to look at prison and/or homelessness

>> No.18792611

Sleeping with sirens
Yes I was an emo faggot when I was a kid, don’t judge me

>> No.18792625

just do it ...or don't. there's no secret that's going to make it easier, except maybe realizing that it's not a big deal.

>> No.18792639
File: 250 KB, 1039x1405, Miku-3554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go by yourself or with friends anon. You’ll enjoy yourself way more
>t. Going to roadtrip to see Hatsune Miku with the boys in October

>> No.18792641

don't go for girls that are into them, man
bad news

>> No.18792645

>in current times

>> No.18792652

You like her too much. Youve already lost the game. Take her off the pedestal. Shes just a girl. On a long enough time line youll enrich her life much more than her hole will enrich yours.

Ask her. If she says yea, cool. If not shes a dumb bitch unworthy of your time anyway. Then ask another girl in front of her.

Also, jerk off before you go so you dont get cumbrain and say or do something stupid.

>> No.18792690

>you like her too much
I noticed this too. I can have normal conversations & friendships with girls, but the moment I get a slight crush on a girl I become a complete retard at social interaction

>> No.18792958

I've been working from home and haven't left my house for a month. Where the hell are they allowing concerts?

>> No.18792989

Technically it’s been postponed, but they are still sticking with having the concert as soon as legally possible. They’re even still selling tickets

>> No.18793001


>> No.18793013

the duality of man

>> No.18793036



>> No.18793042

Jesus man, just fucking as her and if she says no literally doesn’t matter and isn’t. A big deal. With women, it is 100% a numbers game the more opportunity you give yourself the better chance.

>> No.18793088


>> No.18793105

well you're trying to figure out how to even ask her to the show but what the fuck are you going to do when she says yes and you're with her for a few hours???

>> No.18793109

I mean do you have a rapport with this bitch? If not, you can't really start one with 'I bought you a concert ticket!' especially with a co-worker this has trainwreck written all over it, so go for it OP, like you said this could be the biggest investment of your life, which should always be a woman.

>> No.18793115

Just tell her the band is playing a show and ask if she wants to go with you. Just don't fucking tell her that you bought two tickets for it already.

>> No.18793138

>girl at my work

You are already fucking this up, anon.

>> No.18793151

this, OP follow this mans advice and don't fucking do anything else. Ask her, if she says no say ok. If your lucky you can get her back to your place.

>> No.18793166
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>> No.18793174

>I want to ask a cute girl at my work to come to a concert with me.
During a world-wide pandemic when all concerts are cancelled. Sure, incel.

>> No.18793185
File: 13 KB, 298x400, 46A4C524-3E18-43F3-96B4-1AF22D2CF532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the biggest investment of your life, which should always be a woman

>> No.18793189

Scramble, incel! Save your larp! Scramble, motherfucker!

>> No.18793190

Fake it til you make it bro
I’ve had a few small conversations with her but it’s pretty obvious she’s an introvert too & isn’t a very social person, so idk.

>> No.18793202

Bad idea bro.

If you must ask her out, ask her for coffee or to go to lunch together on your break, something low stakes.

Asking her to go to a concert with you and paying for her ticket is going 0-100 too quickly. The fact that you paid for her ticket will make her feel beholden to you, which she won’t like. Women don’t ever want to feel like they owe you something.

If you really want her to go to the concert with you, and you refuse to ask her out in a more chill way first, just tell her that the band you both like is coming to town and you’d like to go see them with someone rather than alone, but don’t offer to pay for her.

>> No.18793211
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>> No.18793230

I’m honestly just trying to start a normal relationship & see where it goes from there, so I will probably take the ‘invite her to the concert but casually’ route

>> No.18793240

I think that picture just turned me gay

>> No.18793249 [DELETED] 

Time to go all in on chainlink

>> No.18793260

if you're asking on a finance she's going to say no sorry anon

>> No.18793283
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Oh... ok..

>> No.18793367

Just ask her, its better to do it by being shy then by being over confident douchbag, but you need to do a move

>> No.18793396

Dating people you work with is an absolutely terrible idea. Just throwing it out there.

>> No.18793562

You must have been given some type of sign thats letting you think she'd be willing to go somewhere in public with you. Just tell her you got some tickets to a concert and your friend you planned on going with has other plans and ask if she's free and interested in going. If she says say, NP just thought it might be a band she's into and if she changes her mind to let you know. Act like its no big deal either way. If she's really into and you guys hit it off tell her the truth and about how nervous you were. But remember you might be unhappy with her and pussy is a commodity.

>> No.18793567

So is getting financially advice from anonymous retards but here I am a month later up 35%

>> No.18793576
File: 5 KB, 225x225, kremit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it anon i believe in you no risk without reward

>> No.18793942

Joke’s on you, we were only pretending to be retarded

>> No.18793991
File: 7 KB, 225x225, wojak-smirking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was merely pretending to pretend to be retarded

>> No.18794263

Invest in IPX of TACHYON..
In as much as to have a noticeable advancement to the internet infrastructure and decentralization of a large number of internet services @tachyon protocol and V systems jointly worked to improve fundamental internet infrastructure technologies by sharing R&D.

>> No.18794289

I fucked a girl I worked with at my previous job. Then like a fucking dumbass I fucked another one at my next. Both turned into a fucking shitshow. Stay away from bitches you work with dude. You'll prob say "No, this will be different." It won't. Date bitches you don't work with.

>> No.18794347

Just remember it's not what you say exactly, but how you say it. Coming from experience, the best advice I've gotten is whatever you say, say it clearly and with complete confidence. I would fucking up talking to girls because I would trip over my words and stutter. Just relax and be friendly.

Also try Phenibut.

>> No.18794379

This is solid advice.

Yeah, getting romantically involved with people at work can work, but there's a risk attached to it if it goes south. Usually with couples that meet at the same job, I've seen it rarely work out that they stay at the job together.

Most successful is when one (generally I've seen the girl) leaves the job to work elsewhere.

My rule of thumb is don't shit where you eat.

>> No.18794391

>In Corona time
Bull fucking shit OP.

>> No.18794430

is this a shoop?

>> No.18794574

Hey I remember her, I hooked up with this chick on tinder for some fun. I took her pussy and her ass for a test drive and its okay ish. Tell her to thrust more hahaha

>> No.18795518

How much did you pay for your tickets? Sounds like a super fun nerd time.

>> No.18795614

Is this entire thread bots? Concerts are all cancelled

>> No.18795646

you've already rejected yourself by posting about it on biz. just ask and respond accordingly to yes or no

>> No.18795662

>she’s complimented me on them saying she loves their music
uhuh. Guarantee she doesn't know 'their music' from fucking Motörhead. But by all means ask her to concert that'll probably take place in 2028 sometime. Or you could make a joke out of it and invite her to a bar instead. They'll maybe open 2022

>> No.18795663


>> No.18795677

Fucking terrible band. Not to mention all concerts are canceled for the foreseeable future. Couldn't see Steely Dan in August because of chink virus.

>> No.18795698

Just casually start talking about how one of your guy friends bailed on you to go to the concert and are left with a spare.

Then after you're done explaining, just casually tell her something like, "well shit, I don't want this ticket to go to waste. Are you down to go with me?"

>> No.18795736

Listen. carefully.
I will say this only once.
There are NO FUCKING CONCERTS, not anytime soon, none. Ask who you like. There ain't no fucking concert(s). Sheesh.

>> No.18795805

she's going to run into a group of her "friends". Two tallest ones easily overpower you and take her to their van. She's struggling a little but also laughing. They allow you to watch while they take turns fucking her holes. You're not allowed to join in. You just watch and cry and Jack it a little but don't wait yeah you coom in your pants

>> No.18795826

jesus christ OP get some fucking taste

>> No.18795836

imagine paying money to see a band that dresses and looks like that.

lol. is that girl really a man like all of the ones posted here?

>> No.18795874
File: 219 KB, 880x747, Miku-3408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we paid a little over $50 per ticket (so around $200 altogether). I’m very excited

>> No.18796619

Perhaps OP is full of shit

>> No.18797120
File: 230 KB, 1008x1045, SIG1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Going all in with a huge gesture early on
That's one way to either scare her off or catch a gold digger.
Build a reporte before expecting her to go to a gig with you, otherwise you're likely to have an awkward time if she even agrees to come along.
Women like to talk. Take advantage of that by letting her talk and listening to her, and she'll start to ease up and trust you. Then ask her out somewhere.
You fucks find it so hard because you're posting about it on fucking /biz/ amongst autistic twelve year olds instead of getting /sig/ and accomplishing something.

>> No.18797152

>This is unironically potentially the biggest investment I’ve made in my life
lmao, do you know that there are 3/4 billions of female in this planet?
It is not a scarce resource

>> No.18797569

Sweet! Have fun at the concert. $50 a pop ain't bad for four friends going on an adventure.

>> No.18798141
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>> No.18798175

i recognize that gay blowjob

>> No.18798464

Just ask her if she's going to the show.

>Why yes, anon. Tyrone is taking me.

Then scalp the tickets for $50 less than you bought them for and kys.

>> No.18798493
File: 83 KB, 500x866, ff6528f1-ce9c-48bb-b9f2-13167b58e9b8..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bee yourself, chicks dig it.

>> No.18799002

Thank you.