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18791864 No.18791864 [Reply] [Original]

With crypto we are recreating our reality in the digital world. What we see in front of us is a representation of our structure of society.
Ethereum will be the basis of all. Chainlink connecting it to the real world. Kleros? Actually kleros is the digitalized court system where things will be settled in the digital world? I got this right?

What else is needed in this sphere?
This is the automatization of our reality. And its happening before our eyes.

>> No.18792685

The decentralised equivalent of "governments", although probably more likely to be coops, mutuals etc. Look into Akropolis. Even if their solution isn't the final one, some way of creating proper collective organisation (in conjunction with something like Kleros for disputes) is needed. DAOs are fine, but more complex organisations are needed (that probably use DAOs as building blocks).