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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18781468 No.18781468 [Reply] [Original]

After seeing this I can’t help but feel like I made the wrong choice and bought the wrong coin. Long term XTZ maxi here who sold 75% of his bag for LINK today

>> No.18781543

> Tezo as the main system (Worth about several quadtrillions
> Chainlink as the currency (Worth about the cost of coffee)

>> No.18781890

I see Tezos as just one of many settlement layers now. It’s clear everyone needs Chainlink at this point. I went all in XTZ under the assumption they would just buy old their own in house solution. Did you read the article? XTZ devs literally stating Chainlink is superior and all devs should use it when building on XTZ. This doesn’t sound bullish at all for OrO. I bought the wrong coin.

>> No.18782153
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So you are "another shitty dpos sc platform" maxi and only now AFTER your another shitty dpos sc platform bent the knee you finally capitulated?

I dont think You gonna make it anon lol

>> No.18782240

I'm confused, isn't this good news for LINK?

>> No.18782284

Ohhh you're saying the mistake was going long term XTZ. I also just converted my XRP to LINK.

>> No.18782511

Yes, I went all in long term XTZ. Partially because of the staking meme but mainly because I thought they would make their own in house oracle that would compete. After reading what the Tezos devs said its apparent that’s not the case anymore. I’ll be selling all my XTZ for LINK but I won’t get nearly as much had I realized this two years ago like everyone was saying. Lesson learned

>> No.18782634

better hold link for 2 more years without touching fren

>> No.18782717

That’s the plan now. It’s pretty evident how needed it is in the industry.

>> No.18782782
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How can anons who browse biz STILL not be linkpilled? How?

>> No.18782866

You absolute fool. Anyone can do do their own oracle not everyone can own town crier or have TEEs or pull off threshold signature networking. That alone should have precluded any decision to buy tezos for oracles. Tezos for staking is another matter

>> No.18782970

Never assume thes people have enough points in discernment to be able to see link for what it is. I have several normie finance friends I started telling about link in March of 2019 . They still haven’t bought any. It the best asset of the next decade but it requires knowledge too deep for most to understand just how good of an investment it is. Expect this bullrun to be filled with follow the pump dumb money in 2025 link will finally be in a bull market with smart money buying but it will be over 1000 a piece by then more likely around 2024ish so normies wont ever have more than a couple in theyre lifetime

>> No.18782988

This. Tezos (and all the others) don't have their own Ari fucking Juels
There's a turbojew powering LINK oracles and no other oracle has this

>> No.18783136

I think your underestimating the value of Tezos ecosystem as a whole. The treasury funds they have will be worth billions after the next bull run. They could easily do it in house but evidently it’s easier to just utilize LINK oracles.

People say just because banks use xrapid or ripple payment network does not equal XRP token being worth more or less if use rises or drops.

Link seems very similar. Just because a bunch of people utilize the oracles does not necessarily means LINK tokens value will rise with utilization. Oracles are Only one small piece of the puzzle

>> No.18783160
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Well I can understand how normal people who aren't really actively looking to make money can't understand what Chainlink is or just don't bother that much, but anons here who have been on biz most likely for months at least looking to make money, STILL haven't taken the time to dive in deep. The fud is high, but you can still make a thread asking questions and there will be anons willing to linkpill you. It's just the matter of going through the information yourself, verifying sources, watching some Sergey videos. Chainlink is literally perfect. The whole fucking thing from team to the idea/vision/tokenomics to the fucking Tom Gonser, Ari Juels, Sandro Salsano, WEF, Bill and Melina Gates foundation, Oracle etc etc. Jesus Christ.

>> No.18783180

>I thought they would make their own in house oracle that would compete
Literally the ONLY reason anyone would think this is out of spite against Chainlink.

>> No.18783955

I just read the tokenomics though. It looks like the token is used as a payment and collateral mechanism. “just because a bunch of people utilize them oracles doesn’t necessarily mean LINK tokens value will rise with utilization” but doesn’t it exactly Imply that? More users = more data demand = more payment & collateral requirements = more LINK locked in contract. It all makes sense to me now, I dont know how I could have been such a fool earlier.

>> No.18784460

OCA introduces a few design challenges that we briefly discuss here.
Payment for honest nodes. Unfortunately, while it penalizes freeloaders with non-payment, OCA is not able to guarantee conversely that honest nodes are paid. Indeed, even in the benign case where no nodes are faulty, unlucky message ordering can result in honest nodes that have contributed partial signatures to Σ not receiving payment.
This problem could be addressed in part by making Alg. 2 synchronous. Specifi- cally, “Wait” steps could require that nodes wait a period of time ∆ such that receipt of messages from honest nodes is guaranteed. In this case, all nodes with partial signatures incorporated into Σ would be guaranteed payment. Side effects, however, would be slower execution and the challenge of setting ∆ correctly.
The problem of designing an asynchronous protocol with strong payment guarantees is an open research problem that we are currently exploring.

>> No.18784524
File: 83 KB, 800x600, Warren Buffett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want LINK at $4 again please anon whale

>> No.18784557

Why do retards still listen to this boomer? He hasn't been relevant for 20 years