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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18744390 No.18744390 [Reply] [Original]

Which crypto should I buy? What will give me the best return by the end of this year? Within the next hour, I'm going to buy 3k worth of whatever gets the most mentions here.

>> No.18744396

Unibright bitch

>> No.18744412

Halloween coin

>> No.18744417
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>> No.18744418


>> No.18744433

1st off what a stupid image. did you think it was funny?
second, how about you link a strawpoll you dumb nigger
lastly, you're a complete fucking retard for buying """coins""". lets be real, you have $300, not 3k because you are 17 years old and work at Burger King

>> No.18744435

Some omega shitcoin that you did your own research on and buy into the ICO and then dump your bags on /biz/ when it hits market.

>> No.18744450

Unibright, Tezos or Link

>> No.18744507
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CUM tokens on uniswap. you need to use 0x32f140b9cdaf07a3766c4539556143575a98a372 contract address since its not listed.

>> No.18744539

Damn bro, why you so angry. Actually, I'm in my 30s, and I have 120k just sitting in cash...not even counting my other investments. The 3k is just beer money to me, but I'd like to turn it into a nice chunk of money if possible. BTW, I already own a small amount of BTC, ETH, and LTC.

>> No.18744628
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>> No.18744636

QNT and hold until ( at most ) end of Q2.

>> No.18744654

Nice one man. Probably 100% true.

>> No.18744687

btfo lol

>> No.18744714

Long term, Link. But on the timeframe youre talking about probably tezos. Staking rewards'll get you a really good return on 3k.

>> No.18744937

Been thinking about Chainlink for a while now. Seems like it already mooned though?

>> No.18744946
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>> No.18744959
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>> No.18745006
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post one single shred of evidence you arent broke as absolute fuck. I'll go first. my audio alone set up is worth 3 times more than you have in liquid

>> No.18745018

Being a cunt your whole life gets you nowhere buddy, its okay to not be angry

>> No.18745021

Damn, you paid over 300 thousand for your audio set up? Very wasteful.

>> No.18745041

I wipe my ass with the amount of money you have liquid. How's that?

>> No.18745064

bitbean. dumb faggot

>> No.18745071

poorfag cope
thats what i thought faggot. take your gay ass coinfag thread elsewhere

>> No.18745097

>daddy's money

>> No.18745113
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>post one single shred of evidence you arent broke as absolute fuck. I'll go first. my audio alone set up is worth 3 times more than you have in liquid
are you proud of being a consoomer faggot?
stop being a fucking dick

>> No.18745145

>still no proof you aren't poor
frauding poorfag. i knew you were a cuck bitch the moment i laid eyes on that gay pic you posted in the OP. What a stupid fucking pic. you never answered my question: did you really think it was funny? or clever?

>> No.18745158

im not OP retard. consider investing in $ROPE with your money.

>> No.18745182

ARPA please sir

>> No.18745195

If you want to gamble, put it all in KIN before the outcome of SEC trial. You'll either 5-10x or lose it all

>> No.18745218

He's just a massive faggot who buys chinese garbage with his McD's paycheck.

>> No.18745236

hahahaha so you double replied to my posts when i wasn't even taking you? holy fucking butthurt lmao. how desperate are you for attention?

get #filtered lil bitch

>> No.18745257

Haha. Ya little weirdo. What proof do you want, screens of my bank accounts? You'll just say it's photoshopped. Go get a girlfriend, faggy face.

>> No.18745258

welp, you're a genuine retard. i now see why you want to buy fucking crypto lmao

>> No.18745277

>has $120k in cash
>but nothing of value to snap a pic of
hahahaha just stop

>> No.18745299

you need to go back

>> No.18745325

Aww, isn't he cute. Look, he's retarded guys. Cute headphones there, little fella! Did you buy them with you allowance?

>> No.18745344
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>those dirty fucking bedsheets

>> No.18745350
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I have more money than all of you

>> No.18745358
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yep, you're definitely broke as fuck and probably 16 years old too and brown

have fun with your retarded thread

adding "what crypto should i buy" to my filtered list, thanks OP.

>> No.18745386
File: 60 KB, 500x495, tumblr_inline_nt0vfexkpK1spsojg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ass blasted permavirgin
>thinking those are sheets
nice resolution you got there poorfag

>> No.18745433

Ok little fella! It was a pleasure talking to you. Have fun hanging in your room with those cool headphones! I'll be having fun with my wife inside my nice house, along with my fat bank account!

>> No.18745476

ubt, knc, btc, eth

>> No.18745504


>Christmas haul for 20 year old who still is completely dependent on parents

>> No.18745545
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whatever you say pal :)

>> No.18745632

The little fella has a couple hundred dollar bills piled up on top of one dollar bills. Isn't that cute. Once little Jimmy grows up, he can then open up a bank account like a bit boy and put his 300 dollars in there!

>> No.18745786

All good for short to (potentially) long gains. A big bag of XTZ if you have decent money to spend