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18741952 No.18741952 [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one who sees that biz become an isolated, self cannibalizing ecosystem with occasional pajeet scams? Why aren't we working together, but shill each other shitcoins?

>> No.18741969

because most of us went all in link 2-3 years ago and already won

we are just waiting now

>> No.18741994

work together like how

>> No.18742008

actually research shit as a group, and find stuff that's fundamentally sound and has a non-street shitting team? And invest in it then shill on plebbit and social media?

>> No.18742009

That's al dente hahaha!

>> No.18742062

>with occasional pajeet scams
Nice try, Manvinder.

>> No.18742065

The problem with waiting so long beside the fact that you get older and older and there is no point to be rich when you can't get teen pussy (or if you can get it she's disgusted about you) is that the fact that you will be alive in a 5 year time frame it's not a sure thing
We live thinking as we were immortal but we are not. You can never know when destiny has planted a malign seed inside you and you are left with only 6 months or 1 year to live.
Being young it's not somenthing that can keep away this tragical fate from you.
Beside illness you can die in a lot of (painful) ways and it can happen tomorrow when you go to your job meme carrier

This is why buddism says: ''do not be so attacched to things (including life) because things are not permanent''

In my opinion the only good way of becaming rich is when you're young and without too much stress. Which is not the case with this post 2017 bubble wanna be rich cube

this is not a pasta. Just a consideration.

Buddism also say this thing, which I find very true: ''The more you want the less you'll have''

this is probably the reason why this shit is not at 100 usd making me a millionaire in Thailand while bob got rich thanks to bitcoin just because hek forgot the keys for years without even thinking about the price

>> No.18742082

You haven't been here long enough
You only understand biz when you're comfortable sleeping in the briars

>> No.18742126

I think you might be posting in the wrong thread anon. Or you're off your fucking meds.

>> No.18742173

I am of the perspective that all markets, including the ones with "solid fundamentals" are pyramid schemes. At the end of the day, someone has to be left holding the bag, otherwise the rest of us can't make money. People buy at the top and sell at the bottom and we need people to do this. This makes the market inherently adversarial in nature. Especially if you invest in the short term or are a day trader.

>> No.18742239

Don't day traders make money off of short term volatility though?

>> No.18742538

I only make long term investments, as I am suspicious of the short term traders. I pray for the line to only go up and to the right, so I may not be the best person to talk about this with. It is hard for me to believe that the market is a place where we can all be winners. The only reason I trust stocks is because retirement funds/systems pump money into the system into perpetuity.

>> No.18742561

Because Sergey betrayed us all

>> No.18742656

we don't shill shitcoins. that's outside groups coming here to dump their bags.

>> No.18742684

having another existential crises larry?