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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18741710 No.18741710 [Reply] [Original]

I actually like you faggots. Has there ever been a /biz/ meetup? Is there a way that it could be done safely and in a way that would be plausibly deniable for those of us that have employers that would fire us for being on here?

>> No.18741767

Try to shoot people elsewhere you asshole
The only meetup will be at the Yacht Party of the LINK marines

>> No.18741771

hello sirs, please lets have meeting in new delhi

>> No.18741790

We meet in NYC, Philly, or Atlantic City.

We go to AC, we reserve a craps table.
We go to Philly, we reserve a craps table
We go to NY, we go to Yonkers and bet on Horses

>> No.18741791

NZ/aus meetup in Auckland. You can come on my yacht

>> No.18741797

I'll bring an cheese dip

>> No.18741839

This is why it has to be in a public place that already has a good number of people, a gambling place with good security for example
It would be fucking hilarious to do somewhere in india, but not many would come. Should probably be somewhere in the US or EU with a high volume international airport
Something like this- maybe vegas?
Eurofags- are there any large fun casinos in some EU capital?
Would be tempting until wee all woke up below decks missing our feet

>> No.18741843

just bring your girlfriend.
That way we will have cheese dip AND a fuckhole

>> No.18741846

There's no way in hell I'd enjoy meeting any of you.

>> No.18741854 [DELETED] 
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The secret /biz/ server link is discord gg UrGjFsg
We will interview John McAfee this week. Join.

>> No.18741859

At some crypto event maybe

>> No.18741863

Seconding this; it'd have to be NYC or AC.

>> No.18741870

>Something like this- maybe vegas?
Vegas might be cool,
Can we coordinate well enough to make it a 3 day bender? Maybe we set it all up through smart contracts so the person making reservations for the tits suite is not fucked

>> No.18741873


>> No.18741874
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>> No.18741920

I think AC might be good.
Theres a few strip clubs with girls who sneed and feed, One has full pussy/butthole nude.
Easy to get coke for you wolves of wall street types, Its also close to philly and NY if anons wanted to make a week out of it

>> No.18741955

Based. Bhramin reporting in sirs.

>> No.18741963

Hey that's nice of you!
Hey that's not very nice!
You should probably stay home
Shoo Shoo
Not a bad idea, esp if it was in a place with a lot of other stuff going on like vegas or NY
Sounds about right
I think the key is that there can be nothing linking participants
We all love to remind each other that we're fucking their whore mom's bleeding nigger ass, but people could actually get in a bind if their real shit got linked to 4chan
You have won pajeet
Prepare to start ranjeesh

>> No.18742014
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We are meeting in Tokyo niggers

>> No.18742033

Been wanting to do this. I've met many channers from the net. Most are a lot chiller/quiet IRL.

Chicagoland would be preferable.would be neat to see everyone IRL.

>> No.18742078

fellow chicago anon here. where'd you guys meet up?

>> No.18742094

Anyone in Florida? I'm broke and don't want to travel

>> No.18742108

Extremely based

>> No.18742123
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It would be terrible. I guarantee you some absolute fucking freaks would show up and ruin the vibe/end up doxxing you online.

Sometimes I think it would be cool to meet some 4channers offline, because there are definitely interesting and funny people on this board. Then every so often a thread will pop up reminding me how many literal schizophrenics there are on 4chan. As in, anons that actually live in squalor and take medication for schizophrenia. You're going to get a few of those at any 4chan meet-up. Not worth it.

>> No.18742131

pretty expensive.
Why not the poor mans Tokyo?

>> No.18742138

I actually unironically went to a /biz/ meetup with a supposed grill some months ago. As I passed the corner of the building we were meeting at, that's when I saw it.. The nastiest, the most despicable and ugliest fucking tranny you can EVER imagine. "Wow I would have to get paid to shoot that, I thought" as I stumbled ever closer to the the meeting place. **BZZT** I get a text "Hi i'm here, green haired btw;)". No way. No fucking way I thought to myself. It's that goddamned Tranny. I swiftly went up to this specimen and said: That's a man. And I left

>> No.18742144

Why would I want to meet a bunch of immature autistic LARPing basement dwelling NEET losers?

>> No.18742148

>end up doxxing you online.

how? /biz/ is an anonymous board. Most they could dox you with is that you are someone who goes on this board and reads post. That means nothing. This isn't /pol/ or something, it's a goofy forum regarding finance and mainly cryptocurrencies. No one would give a fuck

>> No.18742157

Im high af rn and i kekked hard

>> No.18742166

As long as it's in Japan, I'm already here, so that would be cheapest and most based.

>> No.18742174
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I'm in the midwest and would be down for a Chicago meetup. I also have a qt asian gf up there who might want to attend as well, she has money.

Anyway, if this happens, we should find out some way to profit from this, even if the profit is tiny. Perhaps we can dupe prominent crypto twitter people to show up. We tell them they have to pay 1 BTC for the privilege to speak, but we guarantee them that whatever coin they shill will be bought by all in attendance. In reality, we each spend like 5 cents to buy whatever coin they shill, thus holding up our part of the deal. Then we split the profits between us, it could net like 50 or 100 bucks per anon

>> No.18742196
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>> No.18742211

Why would I ever want to meet any of you?

>> No.18742213

Thank you. It makes me very excited . I'm coooming now.

>> No.18742218

Absolutely jewish lmao

>> No.18742220

idc if the rest of my post is disregarded, I just think Chicago is a good meetup spot. It's centrally located in the US and is a lot easier to get to than Tokyo. Then again, I've never been to Japan and Tokyo would be cool, but I'd hate to be in Tokyo with a huge group of white nerds that everyone would assume are weebs

>> No.18742223
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>Most they could dox you with is that you are someone who goes on this board and reads post

I've been on 4chan long enough to know that's simply not true, and that there are some absolute insane motherfuckers out there. On /sp/ somebody made an entire 100+ page document about a tripfag and shared on Google docs, included real name and address. I've seen numerous photos of a /fit/ meet-up from like 2010 where they all look hilariously stupid. Shit's still getting posted. In fact tons of meet-up photos get spammed on all boards. Haven't been on /b/ in like a decade but I imagine the doxxing that goes down there is still pretty awful.

Moral of the story is I don't trust any board on 4chan and if you were smart, you wouldn't either.

lel, but actually there'd probably be a few trannies at any 4chan meet-up nowadays.

>> No.18742246

Don't worry, half of the group would be spics and nogs

>> No.18742247

oops, /fa/ meet-up not /fit/. Although I'm sure there are pics from a /fit/ meet up floating around where they look like retards too.

>> No.18742248

Yes coming right now get your chainsaw ready

>> No.18742273

*Actually in rl strokes it harder in anticipation*
I enjoys fren

>> No.18742287

>about a tripfag

well I'm not a tripfag so I don't give a shit. I mean unless you're making posts calling for actual genocide I don't see what you have to worry about

>> No.18742306

There would be 5 people
What's in CHI outside of fat girls and corruption?
Sorry anon
This is a concern, hence the public place with other shit to do
No japan
Cool story
Because you are one
Could be a concern since we do tell each otehr to get pozzed with nigger cum
Thats why has to be somewhere plausibly deniable
Sounds like you're poor

>> No.18742312

yes I am poor, my total net worth including crypto holdings and my car is probably around $10k

>> No.18742346

Woah woah woah I don't bet on horses but I live super close to Yonkers, like I drive through it on the Cross County 5 days a week. do you really have meetups there?

>> No.18742385

I'm literally less than 15 minutes from the Raceway

>> No.18742411

We have to invite Dr Craig Wright and Sergay.
I would love to come. And I am preemptively advising you that I have a compulsive diaorder where I masturbate in public. Usually its jusf my hand going for it through my trouser pocket(there's a a hand hole in the pocket!) But occasionally i just have to whip it out. With that out of the way , love to see u all there.

>> No.18742415

I actually met quite a few people from 4chan, including my girlfriend. Most of them were the kind of person you would expect. Young, right-wing, kinda smart and slightly autistic

>> No.18742452

Just something fun for us to do. Competition is good for bonding and feuding.
Also if we reserve a craps table we can steal money from the casino.
Not to mention......

>> No.18742467

What was your feel when you found out ur gf was a man

>> No.18742489

Exactly, for a truly good /biz/ meetup we need Sergey, we need Vitalik. Ideally we would also include some other smaller crypto teams like the guys at Origin Protocol.

It should be a true /biz/ conference with investment advice, crypto token shilling, memes, substances. We should at least livestream it and charge people a small fee to watch. I was thinking about setting something like this up myself but it looks like the idea is already out in the ether

>> No.18742505

Nope, an actual female. There a quite a few of them on specific boards, most just lurk tho

>> No.18742530

Based. I will dress up as a bearded woman or a femiman.

>> No.18742531

Everybody has to wear their networth on their forehead

>> No.18742534

bring her if shes still tight

>> No.18742562

>turn up to /biz/ meet
>realize that everyone is a poorfag with 4 digit portfolios
>not one person is an engineer/cs major earning 150k a year like half of /biz/ claims to be

>> No.18742572

Competitions for thinhs like best meme.. largest street shit. Soggy cum cookie, is it a ladybou guessing game etc.

>> No.18742592

Seconding casino. We would all have deniability, it would be secure, and we could play craps, or poker together and make Bank while having fun. Plus, they give you free drinks. Also, every airport has deals with las vegas, so the flights are cheap

>> No.18742595

Vegas is the only place I would meet you degenerate shut ins. And I will be spending most of my time in the Hustler.

>> No.18742615

Do you guys have a tg or discord group for your meetups? Obviously shit is closed right now but I'd be interested in a meetup when things are a bit more normal
Sounds like my kind of scene. What boards do meetups? I'm mostly just on /biz/. When I check out meetup threads on /soc/ it looks like it's mostly fags trying to blow each other

>> No.18742622
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on second thought yes, Vegas would be the ideal location. There are tons of casinos and hotels, so lodging would not be an issue. And there is tons of convention space as well.

In addition to this, Vegas is hurting for money a lot more than Chicago is right now. Once coronavirus stuff is overwith, hotel rooms in Vegas will be the cheapest they've been in years. We might actually see a return to old vegas and things like $2 all you can eat buffets

>> No.18742632

join the based LINK discord.
not the basedtard one.
If there are Delphi cult members in it, you made it

>> No.18742652

yeah I would love Vegas buffets, but NYC, AC, Philly are accessible to more anons I think

AC can be a lot of fun, theres whores and the cops only mess with black people

>> No.18742697

As most are poorfags (wearing net worth on forehead is a good suggestion) what about meeting in an old scout hall, hired out for like a prom. We could have an 80s pa system n shiz. A disco mirror ball. I could have on my tiara and dance , dance dance like a debutante ball. Cant wait. Imagine dancing with Vitalik... That goes in my spank bank.

>> No.18742737

I'd consider Atlantic City, but I really think for many anons Vegas would be easier. Cryptocurrencies are a technology, and there's way more people in that industry in California and the West Coast in general. I just think you'd get greater attendance out west than out east, although I do think Chicago would be viable. Vegas would be best imo

Plus for most people not on the east coast, a flight to Vegas is way cheaper than a flight to NYC. Last time I went to Vegas before Coronavirus I was able to get a round trip flight on Spirit for like 60 bucks

>> No.18742762

Bangkok 2025 when BTC is worth $250k+. We'll have a massive party near Nana Plaza and many of you will lose your virgin status finally.

>> No.18742825

Strip Club.

>> No.18742826

Thats a great idea. Get BJs from Thai hookers in soi4 for 400baht each and then guess "was it a ladyboy or not". Also so I Africa is accross the road behind burger king so we can buy all our chemicals to stay up all night.

>> No.18742876

Do it in NYC so every anon can learn why they don't want to live in NYC.

>> No.18742906

Ok, So heres what we can do. We have two competing meet ups.
One in Tokyo and one in Las Vegas.
We nominate a rich fag to plan out the meet up and name the price for joining (with receipts you fucking scamming jewish fuck)

Who ever has the funner meet u with the most free pussy wins a money pool

>> No.18742973

>poor mans tokyo
You answered your question right there, if I make it I am not going to celebrate by surrounding myself with poor people. Especially if they know I made it.

>> No.18743198

So Vegas it is

>> No.18743240

Fuck off CIA glownigger

>> No.18743277
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I went to the /fit/ thailand meet last year. Around 8 of us went, met some cool blokes and some autismos.
If you want to do this right and minimise freaks showing up then I recommend making a discord channel. That way you can vet people and get a feel for how socially adjusted people are before organising a meet.

>> No.18743338

big ups, can we get a discord?

>> No.18743498

You enjoy those lady bois?

>> No.18743551

sirs i second this, let's meet in new delhi, this is an indian board

>> No.18743556

Chainlink meetups

>> No.18743610
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>> No.18743631

Kek thailand is so fucking degenerate

>> No.18743704

fellow Chicago suberb fren here. would be excited for a meetup with u guys :3

>> No.18743735

lmao based Sergey

>> No.18743835

bro it's a pandemic I'm not meeting up with you jfc

plus I'm with your stupid ass all day

>> No.18743844

Kek, we can shit in the streets together

>> No.18743864

Not true but based

>> No.18743879

Bunch of Anons going to meet up in NYC and get the coof.

>> No.18744374

Yo um dru.k off my assr right now. But let's just .et at ur mum's place. She's always a good squeeze.