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18739737 No.18739737 [Reply] [Original]

so are we just waiting for staking? the final pump? is that it?

>> No.18739751

The final pump is the pump that crosses $1000.
And even after that some anons may choose to stay in.
If you are part of the Never Selling marines then there is no final pump.

>> No.18739766

The problem with waiting so long beside the fact that you get older and older and there is no point to be rich when you can't get teen pussy (or if you can get it she's disgusted about you) is that the fact that you will be alive in a 5 year time frame it's not a sure thing
We live thinking as we were immortal but we are not. You can never know when destiny has planted a malign seed inside you and you are left with only 6 months or 1 year to live.
Being young it's not somenthing that can keep away this tragical fate from you.
Beside illness you can die in a lot of (painful) ways and it can happen tomorrow when you go to your job meme carrier

This is why buddism says: ''do not be so attacched to things (including life) because things are not permanent''

In my opinion the only good way of becaming rich is when you're young and without too much stress. Which is not the case with this post 2017 bubble wanna be rich cube

this is not a pasta. Just a consideration.

Buddism also say this thing, which I find very true: ''The more you want the less you'll have''

this is probably the reason why this shit is not at 100 usd making me a millionaire in Thailand while bob got rich thanks to bitcoin just because hek forgot the keys for years without even thinking about the price

>> No.18740276

Staking personally. I'm not selling my stack at $1000, or $10000 or $100000. Profits generated by staking only.

>> No.18740877

initially i was going to sell around 150-200 usd. i could pay off my home and that would put almost a grand into my pocket every month. then i began to think of it, depending on pay out from stake it may be worth doing that. not sure. will wait to see how much it pays first as in a general percentage.

>> No.18740918

>Staking the utility tokens of an unused protocol

>> No.18740987

>smelling this much of curry

>> No.18741011

Why not sell half and use the rest for staking? Tech gets replaced or a better option comes along and you miss out?

>> No.18741038

Is there a minimum amount of LINK needed to stake? I've got about 1500

>> No.18741048

Chainlink is the endgame for information technology. It will not be replaced.

>> No.18741098

I mean I hope so, but how do we know this for sure? Before we had internet we couldn't conceive of blockchain technology, this was like 30 years ago... What if quantum computing takes off and we don't need oracles because we can use quantum entanglement to create signatures that are unfalsifiable?

>> No.18741109 [DELETED] 
File: 806 KB, 640x906, qy576w3vypm41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret /biz/ server link is discord gg 2hc3gS6
We will interview John McAfee this week. Join...

>> No.18741773

what could go wrong if i join this discord?

>> No.18741801
File: 252 KB, 690x2159, 1588091498941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best case you become a discord tranny
pic related its a discord tranny

worst case they doxx you

>> No.18741881

it already pumped ya dingus. now you rride all the way down to 30 cents

>> No.18742303

>And even after that some anons may choose to stay in.
>If you are part of the Never Selling marines then there is no final pump.
What's the fuck with that scar? Too low for heart surgery, not a CSection scar ... liver transplant?

>> No.18742335

Maybe an ileus?

>> No.18742614

At 5% a year $200/token give you 9.6k/wk with a 50k stack. You'd be absolutely crazy to give up easy reliable income like that for a lump sum. Especially since you can but it will go higher if it hits $200. People will only continue to lock more tokens up in nodes, and people needing access to the chainlink ecosystem will pay whatever it takes to get the shit they need on smartcontracts.

>> No.18742760

What's a realistic ATH for Link? $1,000 is just a meme, right?

>> No.18742805

81,000.00 seems like a reasonable high estimate

>> No.18742821

Nah, I want to have the maximum amount of passive income. I don't give a fuck about big one-time purchases like cars or mansions whatever. Super-Neet mode for me. And in the unlikely event of a real competitor to the Chainlink first mover advantage I'll reconsider that - but depending on the payouts (which I'll be mainly using to accumulate other positions & consolidate my wealth, like Eth to stake, stocks, whatever else) I'll have more than enough money, hopefully.

That's an awful lot of what-ifs. Quantum is a meme for a start, just VC bait to pump bags. Nothing is certain. Could easily have a solar flare & wipe everything out, I'm not basing my financial strategies on it.

>> No.18742848

The numbers on this are crazy though. Even a small % will be enough (especially with a bit of compounding).

This is my reasoning, yeah.

>> No.18742868

Think of money as a tool, not the goal. Buddhism also states (paraphrasing), to keep your emotions in check, there are no highs no lows because everything is ephemeral.
Life is suffering anon, holding is apart of it. I’ve been in an existential funk for the majority of my life and have come to the conclusion that I rather be rich and unhappy than broke and unhappy. Enjoy the ride.

>> No.18744126 [DELETED] 

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/biz/ - Business & Finance
Madonna naked video goes viral
...token fundamentally not requir(...) (ID: 1/uF1t3v)
04/29/20(Wed)12:23:43 No.18743702
517 KB
517 KB PNG
>insider bots turned off, catastrophic news yet to be revealed
>token inherently not needed, smart contract.com corps personal funding for a centralised APIs
>merely pushes the oracle problem back to trusting the data provider, apparently malnourished anonymous NEETs are going to be the backbone for FinTech 2.0? kek nothing personal kiddo
>Sergey glownigger connections at NYU
>infamous Delphi discord revealed to be dumping en masse, trying to pass it off as Sergey dumps
>Sergey dumping as well
> inherent catastrophic failure yet to be revealed in the fundamentals of the project, not Sybil resistant
>penis not working
>hair thinning
>dreams rapidly fading
>aspirations been set lower and lower
>"a Honda, they never breakdown!"
>LINK is a favourite among wagies and NEETs, thus it's hermetically true that such a diaspora of the population is only capable of manifesting wretchedness and failure
>he drinks the tap water
>he consooms plastic daily
>always was always will be centralised
>thinks weighted averages is "staking"
>"staking, it's going to change everything!"
>"data, it's the new oil!"
>Ari juels man, haha he wrote a book once!
>3 years, centralised
>holy shit APIs needlessly set from 5 nodes at an excessive cost whoa!
>"just wait, wait for the swift announcement, this year I swear! the numbers told me so!!
>3 years, 1 billion dollars, $3.66

>> No.18744157

>insider bots turned off, catastrophic news yet to be revealed
>token inherently not needed, smart contract.com corps personal funding for a centralised APIs
>merely pushes the oracle problem back to trusting the data provider, apparently malnourished anonymous NEETs are going to be the backbone for FinTech 2.0? kek nothing personal kiddo
>Sergey glownigger connections at NYU
>infamous Delphi discord revealed to be dumping en masse, trying to pass it off as Sergey dumps
>Sergey dumping as well
> inherent catastrophic failure yet to be revealed in the fundamentals of the project, not Sybil resistant
>penis not working
>hair thinning
>dreams rapidly fading
>aspirations been set lower and lower
>"a Honda, they never breakdown!"
>LINK is a favourite among wagies and NEETs, thus it's hermetically true that such a diaspora of the population is only capable of manifesting wretchedness and failure
>he drinks the tap water
>he consooms plastic daily
>always was always will be centralised
>thinks weighted averages is "staking"
>"staking, it's going to change everything!"
>"data, it's the new oil!"
>Ari juels man, haha he wrote a book once!
>3 years, centralised
>holy shit APIs needlessly set from 5 nodes at an excessive cost whoa!
>"just wait, wait for the swift announcement, this year I swear! the numbers told me so!!
>3 years, 1 billion dollars, $3.66

>> No.18744217


What do you mean final pump? You meant endless feedback loop where companies save costs, create new monetization streams, stake(pull LINK out of circulation) and use the dividends to buy more LINK repeating the virtuous cycle. 10 year Golden Bullrun is upon us.