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18736001 No.18736001 [Reply] [Original]

I bought gold at the top.

>> No.18736990

you are a dumb fucking retard gorilla nigger. Time to buy is like 2-4 years from now when the market is good and demand is low.

>> No.18737428

why did you pay 50k an oz?!

>> No.18737516

its a correction of the last pump, buy more but watch out for too high premiums.
there will be more bailout, more money printing soon

>> No.18737536

Memes aside, there's no way things will improve this year

>> No.18737552


>> No.18737587

>store of value
>value fluctuates

>> No.18737671

>how to make gold retards seeth? type out simple facts:

2010 = $1500/oz
2020 = $1700/oz

Annualized gain 1.25% per year.

>> No.18737686

2022 = $3000/oz

>> No.18737701
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hedge against inflation tho

>> No.18737733

What was gold in 2007 ?


>> No.18737749

In a deflationary spiral. Good job.

>> No.18737754

>What are the fx markets?

>> No.18737799

>2022 = $3000/oz

>Annualized gain 6.5% per year.
wow. like investing in a midwestern utility company. amazing.

>> No.18738421

tons of this shit sitting in rocks in the sky. who invests in a dying store of value lmao muh rocks

>> No.18738484

In his book "Wealth, War and Wisdom", Barton Biggs analyses equity markets behavior during the key events of World War II.

"Then in May 1942, just before the United States’ military fortunes in the Pacific improved, in the midst of the gloom and the bargains and at the point of maximum bearishness, the U.S. stock market made a bottom for the ages."
"In occupied Europe during World War II, all things considered, gold was the best asset to hide in, preserve wealth, and maintain some liquidity. Stocks, land, real estate, and businesses worked only if you had a very long-tern horizon. The black market was the most lucrative profession."
"It’s interesting how well the stock market performed after mid-October in spite of another avalanche of very bad war news (…) it must have sensed the rising odds of the United States being drawn into the war. Another example of the wisdom of markets. (…) The war news was consistently bad, but nevertheless stocks worked higher."
"(…) the U.S. stock market instinctively understood the significance of Midway, well before expert opinion or the conventional wisdom grasped its importance."
"(…) the bottom of a bear market by definition has to be the point of maximum bearishness, and from that point, the news doesn’t actually have to be good, it just has to be less bad than what has already been discounted in prices."

"In late 1939, however, well ahead of the Blitzkrieg stock prices began to anticipate the overwhelming victories of 1940."
"By 1940 and throughout 1941 the German economy was booming from military production. (…) The interesting insight is that by the late fall of 1941, the Berlin market was somehow sensing that Hitler’s luck, his infallibility were fading and that Germany’s military momentum had crested. (…) Did anyone know the tide had turned except the stock market? Certainly a few of the generals suspected."

>> No.18738512

>he looks at the paper price

Cool fud thread

>> No.18738516

It has its place as does stocks, dividends, elf's, crypto (eth link), art, antiques, land, property, cash and bonds are dead

>> No.18738542

Yeah, its all that actually matters and I hold I have no doubt far more gold than you both in physical and etf form as a modest hedge in a portfolio that is beyond your conception. Stop believing is shit from coin pumpers and dumpers and you will start making money. Gold has its place and you are doing it utterly wrong.

>> No.18738548

1oz of gold=1oz of gold

>> No.18738587
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>> No.18738670

no WAY im reading any of that

>> No.18738680
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... and u believed?

>> No.18738692

Gold price 2000: $280/ounce

nogolders absolutely and irredeemably btfo'd

>> No.18738707

Buy gold royalties companies OP. Miners are a fuckin minefield.
Silver comes after gold

>> No.18738711

Silver will only do that if there is a surplus of gold and a shortage of silver. Also, if there was a new industrial application for silver - think a perfect storm. (Silver and Gold) It's not an investment!

>> No.18738733


>> No.18738747

there might be an industrial application of silver in a 3-5 years it'll be regarding teleportation.

>> No.18738759
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>> No.18738779

>Yeah, its all that actually matters

Why don’t you go check what the price of an oz of gold is on eBay and compare it to spot paper price. The spot price is determined by the trading of a paper derivative which is many multiples in greater supply than the finite physical metal. I’m sure I don’t need to explain to you the effect supply has on price. When you take away the scarcity of commodity when determining the price, it’s going to be completely miss-priced.

>> No.18738800

If you're not looking to hold for 2-3 years then gold really isn't the investment for you.
I am hyperbullish on gold, but look at the 08 charts. During the crisis, everyone wants to just get out of the markets, and everything (gold included) gets sold to YTD lows. This exact same thing happened earlier this year.
If you look at what happens after the liquidity crunch is over, gold then nearly tripled in value. But you have to be willing to have very steady hands during a very scary drop for your 'safe haven'.
Put it in a drawer, don't even think about it for 12 months, then go check price.

>> No.18738814

You assume we’re all American. It’s still pretty much an ATH in leafbux

>> No.18738860

>Put it in a drawer, don't even think about it for 12 months

But you can't play with it that way.

>> No.18738892
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>Silver comes after gold

>> No.18738970

What is this pepes name?

I know apu, groyper, honkler etc but this one is different

>> No.18739001

Then buy as much as possible in 2? sauce?

>> No.18739327
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so basically I'm holding this bag until the next crisis or if i can dump it right now, is that what's happening? I guess I'll just play with my expensive rock

>> No.18739512

>until the next crisis

Anon... are you fucking high? The crisis is now. The debt bubble is blowing up. The Fed is running it's printers like mad. People are losing their jobs. Supply chains are breaking. It doesn't happen overnight but this is it.

>> No.18739562


>> No.18739791

Anon look at the charts around 08.
DURING the crisis, gold either stays level or goes down, because everyone flees for liquidity.
But look at what happened to gold starting 2009. Immediately post crisis is when the big gains start.

>> No.18739841

dont care bout the stats and the numbers behind it.
People on this forum bet on OIL during at the beginning of an oil crisis.
Buying Gold is based as fuck. You'll be fine.

Set it aside somewhere hidden but you wont forget and you'll do alright.