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1873254 No.1873254 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop feeling guilty about not working non stop? Apart from things all humans do plus going to the gym, I feel guilty about any of my habits. And I have no goals.

I want to read books but I feel guilty about reading a set number of pages a day. I am worried about being called a pleb for not reading ten trillion boring Western canon novels. I feel like an ADD pleb for rarely reading more than 60 pages at a time. I hate that I'm more likely to put a book down at the end of a chapter.

Similarly for working. I know I could always be working to become better off. I know that people who talk about taking breaks are just lying to themselves. I feel bad for not having the willpower necessary to work non stop on one thing for 10 hours. If I work on one thing then I miss the big picture. If I work on many things I am a dilettante who doesn't achieve anything.

And the funny thing is that I'm a Stirnerite. When you stay unspooked then everyone else's belief system feels like a personal attack. Fuck these people who say that X is so important. X is always working hard / enjoying yourself / focusing on one thing / focusing on many things / reading history / classics / philosophy / other shit.

The awful thing is that I know everyone else is a fraud. That NFL player who everyone loves and says is hardworking has never read a book. That mathematics professor known as a genius is a disgusting dyel. That literary figure who goes on about Shakespeare being a god doesn't know any maths or science greater than an 18 year old yet claims to be worldly. That billionaire who goes on about humanity's big issues does nothing but write checks for people who make social media apps.

>> No.1873268
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inferiority complex.

and the cure is simple, just except that youre a loser

you don't feel the need to read books apon books because your low IQ doesn't have the hunger for information

but your problem is that your ego is telling you you should these thing because you just can't face you real fucking face in the mirror

you're a loser, that's life be proud that you have a little importance in making other people be the otherside of the spectrum you are on

you are night to the day, the ugly to the pretty

just don't try to be somethng else, you just don;t have what it takes

sage&hidden offtopic

>> No.1873280

on the other hand try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM4FKvVxc50&t=118s

people have been learning millennia trough sitting by the fireplace and listening, reading only has been around for a minute amount of time

and you can slowly train youself to listen to books at 550wpm (like me)

>> No.1873292

>and you can slowly train youself to listen to books at 550wpm (like me)

yeah right normalfag.

>> No.1873331

>yeah right normalfag.


>> No.1873912

you seem like such a pretentious cunt

>> No.1873927

Why are you posting that when it applies best to you?

>> No.1873996


Don't read for the sake of reading there bud.

Find something that you are passionate about, and you wont feel like youdo.

>> No.1874041

You are afraid of becoming something that you feel is part of you... Like maybe you come from a family who you consider is made up of failures and hence you're compensating.

I feel the same guilt that no matter what, I'm not working hard enough.

>> No.1874091

>You are afraid of becoming something that you feel is part of you... Like maybe you come from a family who you consider is made up of failures and hence you're compensating.
Wow this is me af.

>> No.1874235

I just want to move out of this ghetto and become rich and sucessful mang.