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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 420x420, mike-maloney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18723640 No.18723640 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is dedicated to Maloney-Chan who has so generously given us his wisdom and foresight into the manipulated markets of the United States.
Our government has made us poorer, they're threatening us with food supply shortages by shutting down plants over the flu, and they are expanding the currency supply. A short term exit for a long term problem.

Also, post your gold and silver stacks you sly dogs, you.

>> No.18723652
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Also, what cigars are best?

>> No.18723660

I like Acid

>> No.18723662
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We need more Maloney-Chan memes

>> No.18723680
File: 174 KB, 500x776, mike-maloney-found-my-moms-phone-and-keeps-face-liming-4473485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can u elaborate on the flavor of it?
Tbh we could all probably buy a tobacco plantation when PMs get revalued

>> No.18723695

>be usa in mike maloney timeline
>mike there's going to be war in Europe unfortunately we'll need to all in and issue bonds to raise funds to beat the tyranny of Empiricism once again
>1920 global tyranny. all the individuals wealth that mike stopped from being forced to the war effort is stolen by the tyrannical empire anyway

>> No.18723751
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Such is life, unfortunately.
The thing about governments is that they like to puff up their features but in reality they're some scrawny bird underneath. I do no think that Americans will ever put up with some Soviet style collapse and that a majority of law enforcement will abandon any unconstitutional orders.
Then again that's viewing life through honestly and rose colored glasses, but I'd imagine many living in the country will be better off than massive population centers like LA or NYC.

This thread is dedicated to the /comfy/ of the coming revaluation. PM holders are honestly romantics by nature, and hopefully we become decentralized enough to live our lives in relative peace without intervention from normies or gubberment.
What will you be smoking when the dollar dies and an ounce of silver buys you a ranch?

>> No.18723763
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There's a bunch of different flavors, its just the brand. Kind of hard to describe, I actually prefer smoking a pipe cause you can get better tasting tobacco pretty cheap.

Also I have no gold, but 500 oz of silver am I going to make it.?

>> No.18723813
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it's ironic that they think gold is money
and then think a shrinking economy and heaps of death will make the price of money go up.
the power of gold is measurement

>> No.18723834
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>> No.18723942
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Well, that surely is a great prediction for an area like NYC. I highly doubt areas such as Wyoming or North Dakota will anywhere near dangerous as a city with well over 8,000,000 people in it.
But yeah it could get spooky as greed and fear and the previous paradigm just utterly collapse.
Bernie Madoff's son killed himself after his dad was found out, implicating him. To think that a man with power and connections that high up could even consider such a thing.
Now think about the average joe. Many just won't handle the ego death that is coming to them.

Only if they listened to their grandparents. Only if they knew true wisdom.

>> No.18723974
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My biggest fear is that the (((elites))) force us on some digital currency. Even so, the amount that it would take to purchase a physical ounce of gold, or even gold contract or ETF, would be astronomical.

A plan is needed in case this does happen, i.e. exchanging Aurum and Argentum for digital good boy points that will buy several homes.

>> No.18723996

I would recommend that you try Hoyo de Monterrey first. Try Epicure n2. After that, go for stronger ones, if you like it.

>> No.18724011

He literally confirmed he owns crypto and said the housing market in my country (straya) is literally on the brink of collapse. I am so excited bros.


>> No.18724025

you've misunderstood me.
Gold is for measurement, nearly any asset would outperform gold in a shtf scenario and gold will be confiscated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_6102

Bitcoin (bsv) is a great currency that will continue to have a great return against gold.
Gold is money it is not an investment.

>> No.18724026
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Well, knowing that there are now more people on the planet, and less above ground silver supply, then surely a silver dime is worth several days of labor. I should start research there.

It's really funny to see people in denial about the coming collapse. It is simply unsustainable. I believe that the revaluation will be short and quick as to not let the normies figure out the banksters tricks. They will obviously replace redeeming rights with just paper again, but for a small window of opportunity, the most wealth shall be created.

>> No.18724043

Mike is slightly AL DENTE

>> No.18724089
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Well surely if gold is money, then why isn't it used as such? Would digital currency even be redeemable in gold?
But if gold is "confiscated", it will simply be used in the free market i.e. evil black market as it is referred to by (((them))).
The biggest thing coming is that the common man will simply...say no. They will walk away from the system that has enslaved them. What? Are you going to have 20 police officers raid a home with a starving family and take what little wealth they have left?
Surely, America will be lost by then.

But for those with (((socialist))) tendencies, that is the future you support. Get squared away soon and adopt liberty and decentralization of power.

>> No.18724119
File: 23 KB, 205x285, B134D9A8-63A6-482D-8E6D-82CE60346988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he look so old now? Serious. He’s only like 60 and looks WAT different from his lessons of money videos.


>> No.18724150
File: 58 KB, 864x864, Be Prepared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean yes, he's admitted to bouts of dyslexia, but he's far more successful than anyone of us here. The man has his own company and devoted his financial career to education and documentaries on the history of money and the lack thereof in our current fiat funny currency world.
Truly the collapse will be biblical for those unprepared.
But, if you were raised by civic virtues, then you understanding the meaning of "Be Prepared".
Too bad (((they))) took that from us.
(((They))) fear an educated populace. (((They))) feared America for so long and (((they))) think they're going to win.

Good always triumphs.

>> No.18724186

>backed by gold
why would it need to be when the supply is known.

A gold standard is not a good thing, it is what allows debasement in the first place.
It used to be price was denominated in gold and if the seller or contractor agreed to accept a note of equivalent value that was up to him

Don't get me wrong they would surely confiscate crypto as well if they enacted another gold confiscation law.

Yeah it's pretty blackpilling. I think messianic age accelerationism is the only hope.

>> No.18724219

Thanks, fren. I'll give it a go.

>> No.18724292

It's because the gold-silver ratio favors buying silver now, hence the change in hair color.

>> No.18724317

Ok that does make sense I remember him saying silver ratio has never been more highly undervalued.

>> No.18724561
File: 213 KB, 1024x696, 1024px-Jeux_de_dames_au_café_Lamblin_au_Palais-Royal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's weirder is that fucking 4Chan of all places is literally the equivalent to the thought cafes of the 18th century

>> No.18724593

you only get out what you put in

>> No.18724638

>its going to happen this time guys! for real this time!

>> No.18724656

it's called hair die son. he can't go to the hair colorist

>> No.18724672
File: 41 KB, 480x480, 91852808_553612068871426_2270775331386294272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank You Maloney Chan

>> No.18724747

Many people don't realize this fact until they are on their death beds. We're miles ahead.

>> No.18724819

Poor mike 10 years he was calling for a rally his hair is gray now

>> No.18724896
File: 21 KB, 969x272, gold investments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just spend $1700 cad on gold mining stocks

How well are these going to do?

>> No.18725500
File: 69 KB, 590x444, BUG-2_MASTERS_MARCH-2018-590x444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The day America died was the passage of the (((Federal Reserve Act))) and the 16th Amendment
However, if history is any indicator, we do have the power to remove it from our Constitution as we did with Prohibition.
If we do not come together as a collective to end this financial tyranny, we truly shall devolve into true Empire.
Keep buying gold & silver. The bankers fear the common man. We do not need them. They sure as hell need us more. Simply walk away. Establish your own markets. Your own rules. Your own communities.

Freedom. Peace. Liberty. These concepts are well-known but feared by the elite as they limit their power.
Please, God, someone, please end this. It's not right. This is not what we were founded on. All of this, undermines the US Constitution's ability to LIMIT government.
It's runaway from us. Many are asleep. We need to wake them up and realize all these problems start and stop with us.

>> No.18725529
File: 19 KB, 322x181, gRHCkAvVJsbOLPK-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs to stop.

>> No.18725533
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>> No.18725599

What’s this new meme

>> No.18725656
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-paper-money-has-had-the-effect-in-your-state-that-it-ever-will-have-to-ruin-commerce-george-washington-38-53-96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18725693
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>> No.18725723

Why is there never a Chris Duane Silver Shield thread? Mike Maloney is good too.

>> No.18725837
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I think Chris needs to write a book. I believe Chris is too much like us. He is just a guy who saw too far down the black hole that is Modern Monetary Theory and reacted in a way that CREATED value such as Silver Shield.
Chris is very open about his life and honestly places his family before all of this nonsense. So, I mean he could be nice to have, I doubt it'll go past his initial message of investing in silver.

>> No.18726089
File: 382 KB, 540x540, ashton-vsg_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, honestly after watching Hidden Secrets of Money I decided to start stacking again.
Just little bits here and there.
Got up to over 200oz of silver and got a batboi.
Unfortunately it was all lost in a boating accident.

Ashton VSG was always my favorite.

>> No.18726299

so convert back from silver to gold when his hair changes again?

>> No.18726308

Yes, when he starts dying his hair that's when you need to look into bailing on silver.

>> No.18726382
File: 31 KB, 1080x1080, DeepFryer_20200420_124337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the gold/silver ratio is over 100.

>> No.18726446

sir please tell the story of the boat accident

>> No.18726458

haha thanks for that one, fren. keep them Maloney-Chan memes coming

>> No.18726522

Why doesn't he smile with his eyes?

>> No.18726793

underrated post

>> No.18726937

i've been enjoying mikes daily yt posts ron paul got me into gold/silver, but mike maloney solidified my thinking. just wish i had more currency to buy more money...

>> No.18727052

Based Boomer
I like how he says gold, silver AND BITCOIN
He's not a retard like most gold bugs

>> No.18727514
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Well... then Germany would have won the war, and everyone would've lived happily ever after.

>> No.18727567

Are goldbugs the bulls of precious metals and silverchads the bears?

>> No.18727597
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>> No.18727630
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Thanks, Maloney-Chan! One of the very few boomers who uses his knowledge for good. I am truly grateful for you, bro.

>> No.18727676

nah if you think hitlers regime was good for the average german you are deluded. it was basically the most corrupt regime in human history and the difference between the haves and have-nots was crazy. the connected had castles and factories and high military rank almost like a new nobility and the rest was basically peasants that got blammed if they spoke out any time. and of course it was expected to give your life without hesitation in a war that you gained nothing from with no questions asked.

humans have found a way to abuse every system so far. democracy being far from perfect is still the least oppressive and abusive and most economically efficient of all regimes. until it lasts...

>> No.18727704

nowt wrong with sharia

>> No.18727903

read a book, nigger

>> No.18728185

I'm addicted to Peter Schiff's podcasts on youtube.
They're extremely entertaining and informative.

>> No.18728562
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>They're extremely entertaining and informative.

>> No.18728940

and he's 100% right
It's amazing seeing his predictions and explanations being played out in real time.
His other takes on economics are interesting and based on common sense.

>> No.18729135

Schiff is the biggest broken clock on youtube, what the fuck are you talking about. If you listened to him in 2010, you missed the bull market.

>> No.18729255

>Schiff is the biggest broken clock on youtube
He's been absolutely correct about the fed not being able to raise interest rates.
He's 100% correct.

>If you listened to him in 2010, you missed the bull market.
I missed the bubble.
Okay? So what? I'm glad I didn't get wiped out.

>> No.18729258

Except for crypto.

>> No.18729488

It's nothing profound or original. Just cause libertardians are right about bailouts being bad doesn't mean their dumb ancap ideology has some profound insight.

>> No.18729517

Is there anything that is profound and original? Schiff is not an ancap.

>> No.18729545

mike maloney is fucking based. watch his vid on how the fed works. (the animated one)

>> No.18729898

He's not right on crypto, I agree, but he's right about everything else.

>It's nothing profound or original.
It is, you just don't understand it and you seethe at the thought of people having actual freedom so you hope he's wrong.

>> No.18729913

he hates crypto because hes jewish. gold and silver can be jewed, look at fdr just fucking stealing it in the 30s. nobody put up a fight.

>> No.18729923

The problem is that (((they))) know open war with the American citizenry will instantaneously redpill everyone and make them lose their control, so (((they))) abide by a "death by a thousand cuts" style of warfare via media, finance and psychological manipulation.

>> No.18729945


how does this make you feel anon

>> No.18729948

>gold and silver can be jewed
it already got jewed

He wants to put it back in the hands of the everyday american instead of the elites.

>> No.18729953
File: 10 KB, 225x225, oliva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oliva Serie V Melanio is my go to.
Alec Bradley Prensado for when I want to save a couple bucks, it has very similar qualities for 60% of the price of the melanios