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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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18719326 No.18719326 [Reply] [Original]

Talk to me about the tokenomics and price outlook for RPL.

>> No.18719882

I’m curious about the passive income Potential. What do you think staking rewards will be?

>> No.18719891

interested but not until it gets on an actual exchange

>> No.18720140

Coinbase will enter the market and make them obsolete. Same goes for link pool

>> No.18720167

Johnny rims horses

>> No.18720307

I'm talking about the RPL token, not Rocketpool itself.

Validators will need to deposit a certain amount of RPL at the same time they deposit ETH when they're starting a validator through Rocketpool. The amount of RPL they need to deposit per ETH fluctuates based on how much new validators are needed at that time. If all the validators are actively validating (and thus full of ETH) and there's more joiners waiting for new validators, then the amount of RPL needed to start a new validator will be very low. If there are lots of validators but most of them are waiting for more joiners, the amount of RPL needed to start a new validator will be very high. The sweet spot that they're aiming for is 40-70% capacity utilization, which will give an RPL:ETH ration of 1:1.

>What do you think staking rewards will be?

Probably 2-5%.

>> No.18720386

>RPL:ETH ratio of 1:1
so given the 17 million max supply of RPL the price should be yuge

>> No.18720845

Probably. Exchanges will be running RPL nodes. Can't go into more detail than that. You will find out soon enough.

>> No.18721220

How high do you think the price will go?

>> No.18721234
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zero. shitcoiners will be purged

>> No.18721265

$10 by july

>> No.18721297

>Centralized Exchanges running decentralized nodes
Never change /biz/

>> No.18721346


exactly, 0 unique things about
VERY easy to be replaced by a new shitcoin

>> No.18721399

Anyone can run the node - a centralized exchange, or you, or me. The importance of exchanges doing it is the volume.

>> No.18721706

can you give a rough timeline estimate? Also, how realistic would it be for individuals to set up a node and then advertise it all over the place to get people to stake their eth? Kind of like a private pool

>> No.18721893

the problem with rocketpool is that it needs smart contracts on eth2 to work.
Which happen after the eth1 switch, in 2021-2022.
It's not possible to implement this after phase0 and even phase1, except as a fully custodial (by them) staking service, which is a pita of kyc and a security risk. It could potentially make RPL a security too.
I'm curious if they try to hack it like that or do they plan to wait.

>> No.18722395

that would depend on how much ETH is being staked. Like what % of ETH holders are interested in staking.

I think if you can find the # of ETH miners today and an estimate of how much ETH they have we can determine what the price for RPL would be.

>> No.18722405

Why would a centralized exchange run a rocketpool node instead of their own?

>> No.18722800

yeah i wonder bout this as well

>> No.18723229

Good question. I'll let you know once we are in the top 100 on CMC.

>> No.18724148

Can't wait for you to buy my bags at 5% cause you're too lazy to use a dex

>> No.18724599

lol. it's people like you who feed me money.
please stay the same.

>> No.18725204

exactly. I'm never making a rpl thread again. fuck these losers, let them buy our bags.

>> No.18725256

not completely obsolete though. like i live in NY and can't even stake XTZ on coinbase because of the retarded crypto laws in NY. i assume it'll be the same for ETH, not to mention lots of people would prefer not to deal with coinbase if they can avoid it.

>> No.18725274

Better yet, I'll be fudding every RPL thread I find from here on out. I literally hope nobody here buys this shit. Fuck you all.

>> No.18725323

Relax sweetie. But honesty what’s the purpose of the token ?

>> No.18725351

enjoy your current bags tho

>> No.18725365

Kill yourself is the purpose of the token. Get some & utilize it faggot

>> No.18725389

dude... if only you knew
+53.02 % right now
check out the graphs
you'll be left behind and you'll FOMO
do I care ?
I don't of course

>> No.18725535

based and accumulationpilled.
Thank you for your service friend. I still need to top off my bags of this one.

>> No.18725544

all scams

>> No.18725763

This thing will pump 2-3x more than other coins during the next rally
So easy to see
Most have been hearing about this being the de facto (almost official) solution for decentralized staking pools but only a few (1.5k or so unique addresses right now) know you can already get it
It's only on idex and uniswap
If you don't know how to use metamask and uniswap you should learn now and scoop that shit before it lands on big exchanges which it inevitably will.

Why would Cuckbase use this ? The same reason why they allow competing Dapps in their Wallet app.
Their profits come from their ability to embrace decentralization and be a portal for it.

>> No.18726335
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>> No.18726414

Coinbase makes more fees if they run a centralized nodes vs decentralized nodes. Also the use of RPL tokens is useless

>> No.18726768

>the use of RPL tokens is useless


RPL is used to incentivize/disincentivize the creation of new validators on the platform in order to maintain optimal capacity utilization.

>> No.18726961

Wrong. The 1:1 ratio just means a node needs as many rpl as eth on a node. This has nothing to do with price and they will never cost the same per coin. We discussed this in a previous thread.

>> No.18727006

acap here. The tokenomics are phenomenal. For the average joe with less than 16 eth they don't need rpl and just stake their eth. The rocketpool nodes need rpl to stake to run a node. The amount of rpl needed is dynamic based on network load. Node operators will have no problem picking up 16 rpl needed even if rpl is $10-$20 each.

>> No.18727018

coinbase won't enter the game during phase 0 and probably not during phase 1. If coinbase and binance btfo out of decentralized options why does uniswap and kyber have so much volume?

5-10% on staking. 10-50x on holding rpl

>> No.18727029

my feeling as well anon. Minimum desu.

consensys is also running a node.

>> No.18727044

linkpool was a big money grab. the returns are less than .01%

>> No.18727112

There will likely be close to 17 million ETH staked, if not more. At 1:1 that would mean almost the entire supply of RPL being staked, which would drive the price sky high.

>> No.18727118

what happens if there's more than 17M total ETH staked on rocketpool nodes?

>> No.18727127

i bought 300 RPL on uniswap earlier today. traded 60 link for it because link kept dropping. hopefully i don't regret it. it's only a couple hundred bucks so i'll just hodl it for a year or two to see if it goes anywhere. if not no big deal.

>> No.18727131

don't forget that the based whale that owns 5 million and the rocketpool that owns 2 million. Real circulating supply is 11mil.

the rpl amount needed will decrease to near 0 and by that time rpl is worth more than $20

>> No.18727147

nice, you made the ranks anon. Does anyone have the rpl rocketman ranks?

>> No.18727152

>$20 RPL
based. I'd have six figures if that happened. More money than this curry nigger makes in a decade of call center waging.

>> No.18727233

>Implying every single eth will be staked through RP
Thats delusional

>> No.18727289

there's 110 mil eth circulating anon

>> No.18727325

That other guy said 17 million eth will be staked and at the same time all of rpl too. Its delusional to expect every eth staked to go through RP

>> No.18727420

Coinbase has their own (centralized) oracle now. They won't be offering staking for the competition. LP and RP will still make it.

>> No.18727453

>'ll be fudding every RPL thread I find from here on out.
Please don't. Revenge-fudders poisoning the threads of every coin are the cancer of /biz.

>> No.18727457

It doesn't change the fact that RP will suck up a large portion of the RPL supply, which will cause the price to rise significantly.

>> No.18727458
File: 108 KB, 591x514, JONNY'D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao at Rocketpoolers coping with LinkPool's chad moves

I will consider buying this shitcoin when it gets to top100, not touching trash sub 300 rank

>> No.18727488

Typical estimates are 30-40% of ETH being staked.

>> No.18727742

True that

>Not just buying both and riding the staking wave

>> No.18728040

What I don't get is how Rocketpool is going to start their staking service anytime soon.

In the first phases of ETH 2.0, there won't be a possibility to run Smart Contracts, right? So are they somehow going to build an architecture on ETH 1.0 Contracts or going for a full custodial solution?

As much as I like RPL, I don't think it's a great time to buy now. If I am not wrong, they won't have a product for months to come, right?

>> No.18728075

now is a perfect time to accumulate then, if you believe the will have a good product in the future then you should buy before others take notice. buy low sell high ie not the biz way

>> No.18728206

5 LP chad reporting in.

>> No.18728314

What is a suicide stack for this?

>> No.18728368
File: 288 KB, 359x371, 1522103846674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a coin with a literal rocket as its symbol

came here to post this
didn't read shit
kys jeets

>> No.18728465

>During Phases 0 and 1 of the Ethereum 2.0 rollout, withdrawals from the Beacon Chain will not be implemented. Rocket Pool aims to provide liquidity to node operators and users through the design of the rETH token, so they can access their rewards before Phase 2 is launched in the future.

>When a minipool’s validator finishes staking on the Beacon Chain, the minipool is marked as ready for withdrawal, and rETH tokens equal to the validator’s final balance are minted to it. The node operator and users staking in that minipool can then withdraw their share of rETH tokens from it and spend them as they wish. rETH tokens are backed by Beacon Chain ether 1:1, and should trade on the open market for slightly less than 1 ETH in value.

>When Phase 2 of the Ethereum 2.0 rollout is launched, users holding rETH will be able to swap it for Beacon Chain
ether via a contract on a shard. This effectively burns the rETH, removing it from circulation.

https://readthedocs.org/projects/rocket-pool/downloads/pdf/latest/ (page 5)

>> No.18728599

Holy kek, I've been accumulating since beginning of April and didn't know about this. I'm even more bullish now, they really thought about every scenario.

>> No.18728616

Ah, thanks, that's neat.

>> No.18728836

What would be a make it stack frens?

>> No.18728900
