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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18716075 No.18716075 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone on this board so mean?

>> No.18716083

because trading is a zero-sum game

>> No.18716088

is coffee good for you?

>> No.18716097

biz and defi is an alpha game

>> No.18716101

Why is OP always such a faggot?

>> No.18716108

thats a man

>> No.18716112

Because they're normie newfags

>> No.18716115


You have to go back.

>> No.18716119

90% of us are losing money, and were revenge trading until we die broke

the other 10% just hold stocks for 30 years and spend quality time with their family

>> No.18716126

lmao is that frog real

>> No.18716133

Buy the dip faggot

>> No.18716135

my entire net worth went from 280k to a little over 15k in the span of two months
thats why

>> No.18716141
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it's under 200 week mean average

>> No.18716153

Go back to plebbit you trannysucker

>> No.18716167

mean is nice... toxic is standard. we are 4chan man.. we are fucking ugly because... just because. u don't know that?

>> No.18716191

have you been on other social media? even grandma's facebook nitting group gets pretty racy. The only thing special about 4chan is that we can say nigger faggot here. that's it.

>> No.18716196

holy moley what were you in? let me guess, mortgage REIT

>> No.18716201

It weeds out the truth.

>> No.18716332

Because we’re on coke you gay faggit

>> No.18716344
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>> No.18716406

>why are a bunch of bitter unemployed basement dwelling kissless virgins, who are failing at life, taking their frustration out on strangers on the internet?
Gee i wonder

>> No.18716431
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Ok nigger

>> No.18716460


because the board is literally filled with scammers that just want to take your money by lying to you about the shitcoin bags they hold

why do you think there is close to zero bitcoin discussion and it's all alt coin shilling?

>> No.18716468

Now you are a funny one indeed.. do you know that we are actually grand masters old school fags? You think your lil life and job matters? XD

>> No.18716590

I believe it's because 4chinz at least in the early stages was a place for outcasts. People who decided to withdraw from society in varying degrees. This was often caused by their experience there, being bullied etc. My theory is that being exposed to such treatments anons decided to train themselves here, if someone calls you the worst imaginable names, at least in theory it should soften the blow of being called names in the real world. It's either this or people here are vile fucking animalistic sociopaths.

>> No.18716603

sincerity is looked down upon

>> No.18716644

Disdain for poorfags

>> No.18716673

tech stonks mostly
some assorted shitcoins too

>> No.18717147

It’s the whole site not just this board. The other day I went to /ck/ food and cooking for the first time, thinking it would be more wholesome than /biz/. First thread I see is about fast food chains. Open it up and they’re calling each other niggers and telling people to kill themselves. 4channel attracts racists of all hobbies.

>> No.18717208

It’s pretty sad

>> No.18717234

oucheronies that's what like 10 years of manual labor wiped out in one month, I would probably just go NEET and be really bitter

>> No.18717528

Dragged from the silence where you hide ...

>> No.18717574
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Anons have any rare coffee pepes for my collection?

>> No.18717605


>> No.18717627
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This is actually one of the kinder boards on this shithole website. If you can’t take the bants here, I strongly advise that you return to your subreddit of choice

>> No.18717635

You guys are my only frens...

>> No.18717644
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>> No.18717655

Pretty funny desu

>> No.18717715

because you don't get refined truths from ass-patting. you get it from critical discourse. only the strong ideas can survive in a hostile environment.
if you ain't holding link, tezos, ubt, etc. then you failed the fucking litmus test
you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet
newfags have not been conditioned. 4chan is working as intended.

>> No.18717733

do you people actually collect pepes or is it a meme? ive been lurking for years and still dont know

>> No.18717916
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I really think that some large, like double-digit, percentage of this board isn't even really interested in making money; they're only interested in seeing other people lose money.

>> No.18717944
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>> No.18717974
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finally we're getting somewhere again. Thank you faggots. Down your drinks and drown your sorrows! Have no regrets, and live for the day.

>> No.18717981
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Because, due to our anonymous nature, we're honest about our sentiments and emotions, unlike the social media hypocrisy shitshow.
This is what humanity really is, we are a fucking circus, and you're a clown just like us.


>> No.18718694
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>> No.18719987

As a anon who had been on and off the Chans since 2006, I personally prefer the kinder side of the Chans.

I say this as I've gotten to known well over 20 channers IRL. Lost my virginity to one, lived at one's parents' place for a while, and got my first weed purchase through another. Am good friends with many.

Most channers I have known are kinder IRL than online. A lot that express hate do so ironically and some out if frustration at their position in life. Also, most are weebs or went through a weeb phase. Myself included.

In b4 thrust vectoring rules the sky!

>> No.18720014
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Because everyone is bleeding money opposite each other and its a constant battle of "who can bleed less money"

>> No.18720033

It is not enough that I should succeed, but others should fail.

>> No.18720057

This board is very friendly compared to pol.

>> No.18720149

Because we actually get to the point. We do not blame our shortcomings onto muh jewish bogeymen. And that is all /pol/ does. been there myself for a while... whatever the problem is... muh jews is at fault. you need to be braindead to swallow all that

>> No.18720196

>t. schlomo

>> No.18720227

Yes, I must be jewish too saying that... let me guess, you are from /pol/?

>> No.18720251

I lost 60% of my net worth shorting a fraudulent market

>> No.18720269

Some of them are successful, but they are mostly a sad bunch.

>> No.18720289
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>> No.18720504

/pol/ did have a few great victories. But go there yourself .. you need to be braindead to actually follow along. It's horrid. Every problem the world has ever seen = the joos

>> No.18720530

That's why they say "by the dip" not "time the short"

>> No.18720537

Trust me anon, it's better than the bullrun days when the stereotypical /biz/tards were in the minority and the board was filled with 3rd world discord pump and dump shills and their terrible English.
The only time when I was actually learning and enjoying /biz/ was the LINK ICO period (which was in that bull period, ironically). I will always be grateful to that anons who explained, discussed and pooled for LINK.

>> No.18720565

THIS: thank you, and now I will sleep well

>> No.18720570
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Fuck you

>> No.18720576

Piss off, invalid.

>> No.18720724

shut up nigger

>> No.18720790

Most use it as a shield so people don't figure out they're thick AF

>> No.18720840

Fuck you faggot

>> No.18721902

because biz is always on edge about the 200 USD lifesavings they're gambling on meme level investments

>> No.18721938

this board is one of the nicest boards on 4chan, ive been on many boards. you just have to learn to appreciate it

if you stay hydrated and dont get addicted or overdo it, ye

>> No.18722091

98% of traders lose money. Also 98% of posters here are virgins, and most are mentally ill as well. All three don’t foster happy people

>> No.18722144
File: 692 KB, 1661x1368, 1578472623950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what u saying?
we all frens heres

>> No.18722520

I like the frens part.

Liberal here. GF is Conservative. If we can get along, /biz/ can get along.

>> No.18722850

That's an odd combo. I'd expect it the other way around.

>> No.18723106

agreed. conservative and liberal ideologies would accomplish so much if they worked together instead of hurling insults at one another

>> No.18723124

Oh So your a cuck and she holds the leash?

>> No.18723136

4chan is filled with socially stunted manchildren with short tempers

>> No.18723145

I fucking hate that tv show

>> No.18723181

What the fuck are you talking about, retard? This is the nicest group of people I’ve ever conversed with. They give me great tips for free, they let me share my opinion about their likelihood of making it, and everyone here has advanced knowledge on the health benefits of coffee. I think you’re just trying to be mean to us. Shame on you.

>> No.18723261

Based. If you see past the bullshit, this is one of the best places to interact heart to heart with people

>> No.18723274

That being said you're a faggot

>> No.18723283 [DELETED] 
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Fuck you OP you tit tugging dandy!

>> No.18723313
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Just Razzin ya mate

>> No.18723317


>> No.18723320

I just think is funny that people are mean here. I genuinely enjoy the kinds of names and insults that these faggots can create

>> No.18723398

came from reddit recently and it's actually pretty nice in here.

>> No.18723586

I’ve heard reddit is really scary and racist. I’m glad you finally found a nice place to chat.

>> No.18723601

This place is for degenerate gamblers like everyone in this thread. There is no honor among Thieves that's why I'm day trading Steem coin for profits of 400 to 500 sats every few hours please join me especially if you don't know what you're doing, I'd love to take your money. Be well

>> No.18723653

you guys make me laugh. ngl.

>> No.18723737

I see so many earth shatteringly retarded posts on this board lately, that I'm certain some of them are to goad on the suggestible idiots that flooded to this board in the wake of the crash.

>> No.18723918
File: 143 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200427-221856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy Cardano
Buy ChainLink
Buy Monero
Buy Ethereum

>> No.18723957
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But for right now Buy Cardano

GRIN and Monero are God tier holds though if you're into buying drugs online

>> No.18724093

Yeah, I'd expect that as well, but it seems be working.

Amen to this. Yeah, bringing the best of both together would go a long way. Forgot to add she is Christian and I am agnostic.

Lol, thankfully not. Can't predict a decade from now though.

>> No.18724106 [DELETED] 
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That coffee is dare I say...*kiss*...AL DENTE

>> No.18724398

I am making money and trading in the stock market is basically the only thing I do outside of lift and play Minecraft.

>> No.18724509

Hit the nail right on the fucking head. Me personally, I had almost no friends when I was a child. I was constantly shit on in elementary school, totally ignored in middle school, and I was king of the mountain in high school. In high school I embraced my autism and fucked around the entire time. I was one of the most popular kids in school because everybody thought I was hilarious for doing all of the retarded shit I did. But you know what I realized about normalfags? They're all fake. All of them use fake bullshit personalities because they want to fit in and be liked. They all laugh at things that aren't funny and pretend to like the people they despise. I've seen people be super nice to somebody, only to talk shit on them the second they leave the room. Despicable. Now I have totally withdrawn from society because I despise normalfags. Here is the only place where people are real. People speak their mind and tell everybody honestly what they actually think. That is why I'm here.
Tl;dr: fuck normalfag bullshiters.

>> No.18724530

Small dick syndrome

>> No.18724612
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This is the only one I have.

>> No.18724639

How did you get to know so many? And why is it that so many channers are also weebs? I have never been interested in anime yet this is the only place I feel a sense of belonging.

>> No.18725005


>> No.18725820

come hang put

>> No.18725859

I actually thought this board was pretty friendly

>> No.18726888

Met people mostly through /b/ Meetup threads, /b/ AIM name exchanges and quite a few through Anonidate a decade+ ago. Anonidate used the Google Maps API so people could drop where they live.

Not sure exactly, but quite a few channers are outcast to some extent. Even for the more popular channers, they tended to like anime. Probably some type of escapism in anime.

>> No.18727141
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I mean... they are called shitcoins for a reason.

Shit = feces
Coin = token

Don't hold feces tokens anon

>> No.18727165
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Hi Moshe

>> No.18727183

because women dont wont to fuck them, they want jesus dick

>> No.18727204
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>> No.18727260
File: 93 KB, 706x960, democrat_platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you figure? They want to take the country in completely opposite directions.
Liberals want to cut the dick off your kids, have state sponsored infanticide, have open borders and flood your community with MS-13 gang members with legal immunity from prosection (and free healthcare!), shred the bill of rights, prevent white people from being in any position of power in their own country and put their opponents of their wretched ideology in reeducation camps for not going along with their agenda.

How exactly do you form common cause with that lmao

>> No.18727307

Same here lad. I’m not fucking retarded like normies are so I had them all wrapped around my finger when I was in high school, they thought that I was funny and intriguing, I was known as a mysterious and eccentric chad, if you will. I was able to use my observations on social dynamics to create a reputation as a ladies man, this reputation kind of kept feeding into itself until I was considered the most attractive male in my high school (to the point where guys would try to pick fights with me out of jealousy and girls in 12 grade had crushes on me when I was a freshman). Basically high school is like prison, maintain and protect your reputation at all costs, every single action you take should improve your “rep” and not dimish it, if there is a high probability that an action will negatively effect your rep than you must avoid it all costs, this meant fighting guys in the middle of the cafeteria, in the middle of the halls after the final bell rang with crowds of dozens of kids watching you beat the ever living shit out of a “beta” that was being insubordinate towards you, again, whatever it takes. Anyways, eventually after whoring around and partying with the “cool kids” I settled down in 12 grade with a really traditonal and homely slavic girl who had been chasing me since grade 9, I slowly drifted away from most of the crowd I was hanging with save for a few dudes and made friends with more of the what you could call “outsider autists” and I can honestly say that I enjoy the intellectually stimulating conversations we have together over the drunk and high normie nights I used to have. The normies are barely even human dude I lived amongst them and I was even their leader. They simply are sheep that’s the only way I can describe them, perfectly brainwashed to never deviate from the norm or be themselve, their minds totally captured by the satanic entertainment media apparatus.

>> No.18727367

I should have used paragraphs but it’s late.

Most people are retarded and easy to manipulate, if you want to be popular and succesful with the common rable then it usually means you’re going to have to act fake and give up who you really are so it’s not worth it in the end. Seek truth above all else and seek the few friendships that are worth it. A friend of many is a friend of none.

>> No.18727387

fuck off back to r*ddit you tourist

>> No.18727417


>> No.18727436

Well that’s because you didn’t buy pnk my guy

>> No.18727437

Anonymity fucks people up

>> No.18727456

Woah mr tool cool 4 skool is here. Everyone quick! Record his insecurity

>> No.18727521

Well done Anon

>> No.18727636
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This board is really wonderful actaully. Reddit is where the fuckwads live.

>> No.18727680

they really are, I don't like it either

>> No.18727845


>> No.18727870

Satsgang aren't mean to each other. we actually help each other and make disgusting gains. daily. anyone here who ISN'T a racist hate filled woman hater is welcome to join

>> No.18727928

Probably not.

>> No.18727967


>> No.18728037

we aren't mean, faggot. now kys.