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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 17 KB, 800x533, ethereum32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18714635 No.18714635 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18714659

show me yours and i'll show you mine

>> No.18714757
File: 21 KB, 825x406, 32 eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18714846


>> No.18714872

Well, about 2 years man.

>> No.18714874

why should i market buy 32 with instead of however much link that comes out to

>> No.18714901
File: 68 KB, 500x476, smug-pepe-35840678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont tell anyone but i have in fact 45 eth

>> No.18714995


>> No.18715010

haha the rest is for gas in my wallet

>> No.18715043

32 eth and 10k link with exchange chains too

>> No.18715168

I have 16 will I make it sirs

>> No.18715194

you can deposit eth in aave for leveraging to get to the 32. borrow a stablecoin and buy more

>> No.18715210

dont do this lol u will get liquidated

>> No.18715298
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Nah cuz ethereum is garbage. The token is a gas for a dumb consensus system that caters to a network full of shitcoins and scam artists. Its too complicated for mass adoption by people, thus not even big institutions will use it. Just staking pools and shitcoins trying to sell you ideas.
I dont why why the fuck you guys havent been seeing the non stop green candle of big dick bitcoin tho cuz uh.. Thats where your money should be.
You guys are good tho. Just keep throwing money into a network that is literally nowhere near completion. Yikes. Priorities all fucked up n shit.
I dont blame u tho. Its easy to get caught up in mha beacon net and mha validators
Its all fluff. Fluff shit all u want. Wont make it gold. Gold already exists. And its the cheapest it ever will be until 2140. Its the only coin that has a penis big enough to stand with libra, the digital yuan, and whatever bullshit gets released in the next 5 years in an effort to be the Global currency.
It's bitcoin. Thats where your money needs to be. Not 32 worthless ethers so u can stake and get 3% of another worthless ether.
But whatever.

>> No.18715317


king shitcoin

what does it DO?

where is the value?

what is the monetary policy?

why do they keep hard forking?

just something to think about "32 ETH!" holders

>> No.18715347


this x1000

you ETH heads better figure it out soon

>> No.18715385

even if you do believe this, how do you reconcile bitcoin's potential with eth defi platforms?

>> No.18715541

2608 ETH here.

>> No.18715588

You can run a validator through Rocketpool with 16 ETH and earn even more than if you ran one independently. (because you charge a fee to those who join your pool)

>> No.18715595

DeFi is light years away from being ready. You trying to move up a tax bracket now or forever hodl your peace and watch as Bitcoin soars to astronomical levels without you. Pretty clear answer to me.

>> No.18715679

been around for too long to know that there is a chance you aren't trolling

you might really be this dumb, which is worrying

>> No.18715705


>> No.18715716

Greyscale has bought 40% if eth mined this year. What are they up to???


>> No.18715817

nice, make sure to post it later

bitcoin hardstuck at 10tx/s with no scalability pipeline; it has no potential outside speculation so why buy unless you're a degenerate gambler

>> No.18716049

i'd look at the keep network. Staking 150% of the value of bitcoin in eth with 3 signers. AAVE is going to accept it as collateral.

Andressen Horowitz and a bunch other VCs are behind it. No more sketchy exchanges, just smart contracts and collateral debt positions

>> No.18716080

Don't tell them.

>> No.18716120

My mom has 16 eth
I have zero

>> No.18716248

based mom

>> No.18716265
File: 422 KB, 498x498, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20k LINK
5 LP

Feels comfy, desu.

>> No.18716373


retard it's about the monetary policy on the first layer, when will you idiots get it? high transaction throughput is on layer 2 to keep the value of the coins intact

>> No.18717076

you can't have high throughput if your layer one is shit

maybe don't call me retarded just before you show me how dumb you are

>> No.18717097

32 ETH gets you enough neetbux to live?

Pls sirs

>> No.18717178

It's quite possible eth will hit $10k in coming years, so staking 32 will earn you about $26k per year

>> No.18717405
File: 7 KB, 474x109, Annotation 2020-04-27 150803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many nodes to make it?

>> No.18717457

I'm pretty sure they introduced something to discourage this. Something about uncle blocks

>> No.18717928


>> No.18718070
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1588002537498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I get ETH for Vitalik meme, Anon?

>> No.18718218

what else are you holding?

>> No.18718329


but you're a fucking retard because you can put hundreds of thousands or even millions of transactions into a single bitcoin transaction with lightning, so 500k transactions per day on the main chain is enough (especially right now)

>> No.18718375

Why is everyone on /biz/ so fucking rich

>> No.18718419

they're leveraged on aave/binance

>> No.18718424

if main chain is clogged lightning is unusable you dumbfuck

you realise opening, funding and closing channels takes transactions? we saw what happened to throughput and cost when demand was high; you paying 50 dollars and waiting 2 hours to do any of those things? no? thought so, you absolute mong

>> No.18718427


ohhhh look what we have here, an exposed newfag! very SAD!

>> No.18718467

the brainlet cope post

stay maxi, animal

>> No.18718475


you guys are all stupid.

It's not DEFI. Defi doesnt matter at all. It's the stablecoins. STABLECOINS

ETH is a network to transact DOLLARS. ETH is building the smart economy of DOLLARS. Except every digital dollar sent on eth incurs an ETH gas fee.

Dollar is at a 10 year high, and the country has a 4 trillion dollar deficit this year. Bitcoin is a purely speculative asset with no instrinsic value besides what someone else will pay for it.

ETH on the other hand is a token you can use to pay for computations and transfers of other assets.

Defi is just a sideshow. Even TETHER jumped ship and moved to ETH. TETHER. And besides that, EVERY OTHER STABLE COIN is on ETH.

God you morons are retards.

>> No.18718504


stay poor because you don't get it yet i guess lol

>> No.18718545
File: 58 KB, 350x456, CA0E9673-B667-4DEE-A3DB-97F156D5CECF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw could have 1054 eth but never selling my linky

>> No.18718595

>huehue trolling
literally impossible for you to save face at this point; acting like a retard when you realise you are out of your depth is unironically pathetic

inb4 next retard jab, lets see if it I take the bait again

>> No.18718634
File: 227 KB, 1242x1231, 62CCFBDB-6A31-4009-AEEA-B7E413AB59E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18718749

can't wait to earn those sweet 3% steaking rewards we're gonna make it bros!

>> No.18718841

32 eth
2000 tezos
45000 kleros

Some boomer stocks.

Am I going to make it?

>> No.18718930

i got 25, need more

>> No.18719017

My friend told me to buy this crypto called HEX token. I made quite a bit. Started out with 4 eth a few months ago. Switched it to HEX. Switched it back to ETH yesterday. I know have 88 Eth. doesnt seem real. IS this legit? i know have plenty ETH for staking :)

>> No.18719058


>> No.18719078

What do I need to change

>> No.18719127

Learn the difference between a node and validator first.

>> No.18719147

We've been investing in crypto since around 2012.

>> No.18719158

Written like a true shitskin, thanks you SIr

>> No.18719182

It's not just about the 3% but about the price increase that will be caused by 20+% of the ETH supply being locked up.

>> No.18719188

i keep telling people this is fucking stupid. This is the same shit boomers are doing with houses. I keep getting the same responses from aave shills.

>> No.18719208

pls stop helping the retards. Let them lose all their money with aave

>> No.18719267

Probably make more converting 4 of those to normal link man. Not trying to make you sell though, hang on to them if you see it the better option

Either way, extremely jelly

>> No.18719728

if true, you should get between 200-300 ETH for when it hits 10k in 2023.

>> No.18719817

225 ETH bag holder. For the love of god, please tell me I'm going to make it. I hate my job...

>> No.18719829

3.5 BTC and a small stack of some other top 100 coins.
I don't use binance.

>> No.18719835
File: 283 KB, 900x885, 1583023473692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol 26k
you mean 2.6k and that's a huge stretch

>> No.18719905
File: 54 KB, 1125x255, 5AF1DD76-74A5-487D-BC6B-8C2A120F24A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros I’m gonna make it and it feels so good :-)

>> No.18719963

very comfy

>> No.18720010
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>> No.18720158
File: 9 KB, 225x227, 1541456334335s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1024 ETH here, gonna be filthy rich

>> No.18720223

1k suicide, 100k eth make it stack. For poorfags 100 suicide and 10k make it

>> No.18720300
File: 107 KB, 409x409, 1587947840131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 ETH

>> No.18720341

but stablecoins are part of defi anon.
They are tokenized assets - dollars

>> No.18720501
File: 16 KB, 138x91, 213213123213132141254151256163634163476374e47435724567423532453q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sold my 32 eth to short bitcoin at 6400

>> No.18720518

Im getting there! started with 2 eth on kraken 6 days ago. at 9 now.