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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1871391 No.1871391 [Reply] [Original]

The people that hold major hashing power are gonna go full Unlimited.
This means there will be a huge dip, ETH will thrive and then the Unlimited nodes will gain control and we will go back to easy transactions and mass adoptions for Bitcoin and reach the moon.

What's your plans /biz/, are you gonna dump and shill ETH or just buy the dip?

>> No.1871414

What does Unlimited entail?

>> No.1871463

unlimited block size
it's a bad development team pushing bad code
recently their nodes had a vulnerability that shut 80% of them down until it was patched
a month or so ago a BU miner tried to propagate an invalid block, it was dropped from the network
It's basically a cheap fix to the blocksize issue pushed by a bad development team and shit posters
sadly it might actually damage bitcoin until everything is settled
the greedy miners don't want 2nd level transactions (segwit/LN) because they want all the transaction fees

>> No.1871474

Chinks have no matter in price change faggot kys

>> No.1871484

yeah chinese who are one of the biggest supporters of ecurrency have no effect
the PBoC announcements have no effect
the biggest ASIC chip producing country has no effect

sadly the chinese are a huge part of bitcoin
which is why I do support algorithms that favor GPU miners, they're mining power is more distributed

>> No.1871488

their ^ :/

>> No.1871509

>recently their nodes had a vulnerability that shut 80% of them down until it was patched
>it was patched

More like
>BU team patches it
>Core dev sees the changes mentioned and posts it on twitter
>people that hadnt updated are affected
>claim BU is incompetent

oy vey good goyim, stick to the 1mb blocks and 5$ fees. Don't ask about the Roths financing Blockstream go- I mean Core developers!
Also do not mention that the core devs told the chinese miners to fuck off and not give the coin any more value

>> No.1871528

>Also do not mention that the core devs told the chinese miners to fuck off and not give the coin any more value
what is this about?

>oy vey good goyim, stick to the 1mb blocks and 5$ fees
who's collecting those fees? the miners
who's blocking segwit? the miners
segwit is an upgrade to 1.7mb and 2nd level transactions so I'm not supporting what it is now

>> No.1871537

>segwit is an upgrade to 1.7mb
>and reduce miner profit ratio

so you want to kill bitcoin?

>> No.1871538

the miners want to control the blocksize and block any competition for transaction verification
blockstream was financing core developers because they probably see a future in 2nd level transaction verification
if the miners have unlimited control they could also decide to change the inflation percentage through a hardfork

>> No.1871544

it's going to be interesting to see what ratio is the most efficient
making the blocksize bigger also reduces the the miner profit ratio

>> No.1871547

You forgetting that the fucking value of BTC will go up sustaining profit ratio?

>> No.1871552

if segwit was put through it would incentivize groups to hold and create payment channels
it's similar to what dash is doing with masternodes
this most likely would result in the price going up

>> No.1871585
File: 19 KB, 281x295, capture-1278529687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlimited supporters will hard fork
>BTC drops below $300
>BTUnlimited now tied even more closely to Chinese government
>BTUnlimited becomes increasingly inefficient and insignificant
>Japanese stay true to the BTC and their involvement (transactions for real goods and services) will be the deciding force which will lift BTC from mud

screencap this

>> No.1871601

So what happens to the btc in my hardware wallet. How do i get BTU and BTC tokens, if this happens? Any of you have experience with ETH ETC Split?

>> No.1871606

As long as you hold the bitcoin "hardware wallet, cold wallet, etc" you will own coins on both chains
coins tied up in exchanges and other bitcoin services gbtc a future etf will only own the bitcoin that the service decides

>> No.1871612

The value won't go up with segwit?

>> No.1871615

Do you mean that the japs will go segwit?

>> No.1871636

I still am not sure how though, do I just receive the token of the off chain in a separate wallet?

>> No.1871654

I'm not positive, but I would guess you would download the forked chain's software BU and recover your coins into a BU supported wallet
while the original chain will function as normal

>> No.1871858

I dont understand the technical workings of bitcoin enough to have an opinion on this but is it true that the lightning network will allow bitcoin to handle transactions beyond visa levels? if thats the case then bitcoin really is the future.

>> No.1872249

Your ownership of the coins is simply the knowledge of a large hexadecimal number. When you backup your wallet this is all that is really happening, sure the software facilitates this in some ways to make it easier (ie. electrum).

Which chain you use depends on which network you are connected to as the network has the final consensus. This is facilitated by the software. Your ownership is just one or more groups of people saying, "yes xyz number possesses 10 coins".

Obviously everything that happened pre-fork will be present on both chains, but from that point onward they will diverge.

Well technically a third group could rewrite block chain history and try to get people to use their chain instead.

This is a good video on the subject. A 51% attack is pretty much a forced forking.

>> No.1872270

>Which chain you use depends on which network you are connected to as the network has the final consensus. This is facilitated by the software.
The software decides which network (servers) you are connecting to. So for simplicity you would basically just have two different wallets.

>> No.1872276
