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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18706094 No.18706094 [Reply] [Original]

Wash trading bots are being turned off on Wednesday. You have 72 hours to sell before the wash trading is "forced" to stop. This is propping the price up, do what you wish with this information

>> No.18706117

Having normies except it is good for business so your "normie shit token" scam is ruined.

>> No.18706121

thanks man. very kind of you to look after the financial well-being of total strangers on an anonymous forum

>> No.18706135

I hope for some coin on hold. Still mad selling half my stack at the bottom during the 50% crash

>> No.18706157

This is ERC10 tier fud.

>> No.18706165

Please re-type your posts in English this time, please. I am very short tempered, you should be thankful for this heads up.

This is the only semi-intelligent place that cares about our project. Twitter is a cesspool, reddit just talks about whatever the hot topic is

Without the bots, the price would be closer to the coronavirus dump price. 71.5 hours now

>> No.18706196

After selling, what would you reccomend I invest in?

>> No.18706208

He shits on your

>> No.18706218

Normie shit token

>> No.18706222

srsly, we need flags asap.

>> No.18706233

Unironically I thought it was being artificially pumped. Didn't seem organic, especially now that BTC is up and it's stopped pumping with it when it was completely coupled

>> No.18706244

>Wash trading bots are being turned off on Wednesday

>> No.18706252

Sue me. I spelled accept wrong. I still proved your normie token fud to be wrong. You fucking crotch goblins think that the over 180k people a day joining coinbase arent going to buy chainlink? Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.18706260

Aw shit, we mooning Wednesday. Gonna be funny as shit to see the look on faces of dipshits dumb enough to sell before it takes off without them. Doing god's work, op.

>> No.18706262

he's a lying scammer dude dont buy in to this bullshit fud

>> No.18706268

I believe you op. That chink cz has been shilling hard on twitter, 100% crashing soon

>> No.18706272

He is literally saying the opposite.

>> No.18706274

Insider here
Don’t listen to this faggot

>> No.18706278

BTC. All eyes on the king

I am an insider, and work directly with Ari, Steve and Sergey. I just don't like how dishonest they are when looking the other way to these bots

Much of the coronavirus dump was from bots being turned off while the pandemic shook the stock market and the big crypto markets. Now, something else has happened which will force these bots to stop for at least the immediate term

>> No.18706287

Delete this now, or I will bring this up in our next meeting. I don't know who you are but if you don't delete this now I WILL FIND OUT AND YOU WILL BE FUCKED, understand?

>> No.18706293

Prove your credentials or fuck off, larper

>> No.18706303

And your point is?

>> No.18706315

The point is that it will dump, not moon, you fucking mongoloid

>> No.18706325

After the RISE of BTC up to $10,000 chainlink will put all their BTC back into buying up LINK and it will moon harder than it ever has before.

>> No.18706337

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.18706338

Larp, but if you aren't, is our all-hands going to be on Zoom, Webex, or Google Meet?

I could post my MacBook Pro with team swag but my coworkers could look through old meeting footage of my desk material, nice try

>> No.18706355

Just like you were looking out for my financial well-being when you shilled LINK 24/7 for the last few years, Rajeesh.

>> No.18706359

sergay betrayed us all, we were supposed to be all in this together

>> No.18706360

Very cute oP, copying my post. You're going to get these anons in a bad mood once we moon

>> No.18706369

You're fucking fucked whoever you are.

>> No.18706373


Anyone else think it’s suspicious there has been a serious, concentrated effort here on biz to get people to sell LINK?

>> No.18706376

One more thing to prove my place on the team, staking has been delayed and will not be ready until Q3 at the earliest

>> No.18706390

Oh yeah, what has happened then?

>> No.18706397


Nice LARP faggot.

Where's your credibility?

>> No.18706411

Last time this happened it 2x’d from 1.50 to over 3

>> No.18706420

That's not how it works, ding dong. Op said it will dump so it will obviously pump. What do you think price suppression bots do anyway?

>> No.18706426

No actually it dumped from 4.9 to 1.5

>> No.18706432

Yes I do.

>> No.18706435

Wash trading doesn't have to be price suppression

>> No.18706444 [DELETED] 

The ATH was $4.61 you fucking shitstain

>> No.18706449

ATH is 4.95 you nufag idiot

>> No.18706452

outsider here, you have 3 seconds to fuck off
P.S. didn't read, not selling

>> No.18706454

This thread is stupid.
Remember when /biz/ had threads with Anons giving their thoughts on markets and projects and shit?
Now the most interesting posts on this board are grown manchildren pretending to be people they're not.
And for what? Teh lulz?
Fucking assholes, you've got one life, you could spend time furthering your goals, achieving what you hope to achieve, creating, building wealth, enjoying the experience of life.
Instead it's "INSIDER HERE (tee hee)" larp bullshit.
OP, you're disgraceful, and I hope for your sake you realize sometime before you find yourself on your deathbed that you could have lived your life differently, spent your time more wisely.

>> No.18706487

Kek you fucking newfag

>> No.18706507

And turning off price suppression bots doesn't have to mean a dump.

>> No.18706511

Its been years, you just noticed it?

>> No.18706548

Hi Sergey

>> No.18706561


>> No.18706571

This larp is retarded. Tezos and a few others recovered just as well as link just about. They aren't gonna drop too? Not to mention link is always near the top of real volume

>> No.18706589

It already took off... chain link is at boomer movement now. The singularity hit, the same singularity people were hoping for when they held at 30 cents. It went 10x and they’re laughing at people like you hoping for $30. Give it 5 years then maybe. ATHs in crypto take longer and longer to reach

>> No.18706592

I've always suspected it anyway

Sergey's a diligent man it would be reckless of him to not hedge against the coming recession

If you're reading this please dump it to a dollar

>> No.18706599

Real volume is wash trades like op is saying

>> No.18706609

I sold at $4.50 and re-bought at $1.75, twice. Now I have 80,000 Linkies I literally never have to sell unless I need money, and I'll probs just wait for staking.

I do have 4M UND tho, and after that 40x, I'm out for good.

>> No.18706662

The sell signal is that this is the best larp on /biz/ since niggeranus.

>> No.18706726

Me too, I work in sanitation at the office and also overheard it was delayed to q3

>> No.18706740

My dad works at Nintendo and told me about this stuff last week

>> No.18706742

That’s not how technological advancement works

>> No.18706836

In this market? Yes

>> No.18706909

could you explain how you know about these bots?

>> No.18706981

That's obviously why people should hold. Is a 176x not good enough for you? Too emo to go five years without an heroing?
What's wrong with you? I've talked to some stupid motherfuckers here but you just might be the very dumbest. I'd be set with just 100x desu, or even a 50x. I don't know what you're looking for or how you expect to beat a 176x, especially on such an incredibly short time frame as what you mentioned. Just play the powerball, it sounds a little more suited to your kind than investing.

>> No.18706992

OP is a faggot.

>> No.18707011

Yes, I do. It's been particularly pronounced the past couple days, just like that day with the Khater thing. It's truly bizzare. I understand lots of it is anons having fun, but someone / something else is driving it

>> No.18707029
File: 45 KB, 287x589, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sell your linkies to me goy

>> No.18707218


naw it dumped all the way to 1.27
i remember because i bought at 1.27

>> No.18707243

i think it's halving now

>> No.18707716

This, fuck off nigger.

>> No.18707722
File: 36 KB, 500x500, Oh God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Insider here

>> No.18708009

>t. salty, dumb nigger who never bought below $2 because he thought it was just a meme