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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18703947 No.18703947[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18703963

This doesn't belong on /biz/.

>> No.18703973


>> No.18704316

I hate her so much bros

>> No.18704841

wtf rogan stop having this bitch on

>> No.18704937

JR based sometimes.

>> No.18704954

He's a retard sometimes but this was absolutely based. His biggest mistake was having her on in the first place

>> No.18705443


>> No.18705680
File: 323 KB, 640x640, bugs ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*puff cigarette*
wot if joe exists at a superposition of based and cringe, where he does something really gay like continue to invite a boring frumpy kikess onto his popular podcast, but over time he realizes she's a lifeless psuedo-intellectual NPC so he begins to press her about hard questions because she gets the lowest view counts and this is the only way to spice up the conversation so he gets more views and more subscribers think he's actually based so that he can sell them Onnit products so he can continue making millions so that he can support his whore wife and his whore wife's half-black daughter. what you are witnessing is quatum uncertainty at the macroscopic level. joe is bouncing between redpill and bluepill. he's feminist but also not. he's semitic but also not. or it could all just be an act. but the fact that male babies get their dicks trimmed is further proof that this world is presided over by a Just and Loving God.
*tips fedora*

yes this is /biz/ness related. it shows that even when a man is at $10M+ net worth with the most popular podcast in the world, he's still getting played by his wife and he's still also pondering about topics like circumcision. and despite his huge following no one, not even him, is able to do anything to change this practice of trimming newborn foreskin so that the cells can be sold for anti-aging cream.

>> No.18705736

>muh body muh rights
>mutilate everyone's genitals of the opposite sex
Why were women given rights again?

>> No.18705774

kikes are not human

>> No.18705783

I can't wait until he finally starts naming the jew. It's going to happen one of these days.

>> No.18705800

These posts were written by kikes.

>> No.18705804

Joe "the holocaust really happened" Rogan

>> No.18705807

old news, why is this even a thread?

>> No.18706835

Due to centralization of TCP/IP which causes inadequacy and unsuitable network environment @TACHYON protocol designed an upgraded TCP/IP stack due to its decentralization nature and improved privacy

>> No.18707130

Because of kikes