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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18703898 No.18703898[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>another year gone
>getting older
>penis slowly fading
>have to exercise every fucking day to stay sexually attractive
>still renting
>at the mercy of a flannelette wearing glow nigger
>$1000? try

>> No.18703935

Thank god I'm not a disgusting neet who's only shot in life is to get lucky getting in and out at the right time on a shitcoin. I do hope we all make it, but for me this is just extra cash I'm making but not using, so might as well put it in and maybe I'll get lucky.

>> No.18703953

Jokes on you I was already completely demoralised. I mean why the fuck else would I sink every spare dollar into some nonsense bullshit while watching year after year of my life go by while accomplishing nothing and having no social life. I hope it fails and maybe I finally get around to offing myself. Even if it mooned I really don't think I could care anymore

>> No.18704027

your life seems even more unimaginative than mine
it was the realisations we had along the way that was the real reward fren

>> No.18704108

>he's content with a life of mediocrity
I kind of envy you, I'd probably rather commit toaster bath than live a (((normal))) life.

>> No.18704288
File: 197 KB, 1134x778, linkers-btfoed-by-reddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It already pumped 50x, made Sergey a billionaire and the entire team multi millionaires.

it's only going down from here, any adoption of their vaporware/centralized tech is already priced in.

>> No.18704380

really!!!! thanks Reddit, guess I better sell my 200k+ stack you fucking discord cancer linklet kys, I make these threads for linklets in dispair fudders like you

>> No.18704604

Pathetic. Nobody will buy your bags higher than 5. Enjoy your small cock

>> No.18704678

thank you so much for your advice!

>> No.18705365

It's literally me
At least you have more Link than me
11k stacklet here

>> No.18705435

How many Link do you have anon?

>> No.18705510
File: 493 KB, 825x464, 1582339863038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy PNK and 50x your money anon-kun. You can still be early~

>> No.18705586

top 150 holder

>> No.18705698

So you already made it. Why do you cry?

>> No.18705914

I cry for the fudders they're pathetic and destroy the intelligent investigation that goes on here. It's an anonymous board ffs and they collude like glowniggers. I just despise them and their arrogance desu. I found LINK and made it thanks to /biz/ and these cunts fuck the joint up for handjobs back at the discord. They are the antithesis of everything 4chan stands for

>> No.18706010

If you made it then what’s with with wojak, fren

>> No.18706053

he wants more

>> No.18706069

i invested my time into being a bum, chilling at beaches and skateparks. makibg lots of friends and banging some girls and traveling with them tooo

my social skills are kinda cringey, you can do it too!

>> No.18706106

Larp larp larp

>> No.18706306

>penis slowly fading
Wait was it penis or hairline that does this when you get old?

>> No.18706344

Meanwhile Kleros holders are euphoric and will be for the next two years

>> No.18706366

I am 32 and my dick keeps getting bigger. OP needs more protein in his diet or something

>> No.18706421

My penis is fading, how do i make it more opaque? More fiber?

>> No.18707170

I literally have 50 bro, how do you think I feel?