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18701020 No.18701020 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you inventing things and patent them?

>> No.18701033

I don't think this Glen Munro guy knows what the word invent means

>> No.18701047

patents are an old jew trick, and will be btfo'd in the years to come

>> No.18701049

wait what? Invention is building a pc now?

>> No.18701053

Patenting slows down progress.

>> No.18701068

whats so new about this computer?

>> No.18701075

>buy a bottle of water
>buy a lemon
>put lemon juice in water
>tfw invented a new kind of water

>> No.18701094

nothing but for his sub 80 IQ parents what he did with those electronic parts was pure wizardry so they had to call the media because they genuinely thought he was a genius

>> No.18701095

It’s so easy even a nigger can use it. First of its kind

>> No.18701110

Local Neckbeard Spends $1200 on Website "newegg.com"; Invents Supercomputer

>> No.18701141

and they cant understand why thier son is not elon musk yet and it must be the racist system that keeps the black geniuses down,

>> No.18701166

thats nothing, he discovered fire last week

>> No.18701184

we wuz KANGZ n shiet

>> No.18701218
File: 101 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even solder cpus. ngmi

>> No.18701255

Lol. I invented a chair from Ikea last week.

>> No.18701263

I bought some crypto on an exchange my parents think im a hacker inventor now

>> No.18701325

Because patents are a blueprint
As long as you make something unique enough that the manufacturing or design process is challenging to replicate, or you maintain some other form of competitive advantage, you're doing better than you would be with a patent.
Coca-Cola isn't patented. I don't see them struggling.

>> No.18701546

you don't know how patents work lmfao