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File: 329 KB, 1118x1826, 9B79B1A2-8538-4A36-BC8F-8E8A5548F343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18699584 No.18699584 [Reply] [Original]

Bears get fukt keep shorting

>> No.18699714

my buy signal flashed at 6200

>> No.18699750

Too late, I've already bought at $ 5760.

>> No.18699775

Dump imminent

>> No.18699823
File: 60 KB, 1811x663, 1674646546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> let me just Photoshop the January signal out

>> No.18699838
File: 160 KB, 592x619, Capture d’écran 2020-04-26 à 18.56.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18699849
File: 6 KB, 221x228, 1549113508140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kid, but no!

>> No.18699860

i made a hash ribbon thread earlier and i was told to kms

>> No.18699877

the fundamental investment activity dropped it like a hot potato high risk asset at the first whiff of bat soup induced recession. seems legit to me. those guys know exactly what they are doing.

>> No.18699895

hash ribbon is crap, and

Op that pic is fake, you can check yourself

>> No.18699937

so a dump is imminent, but after a pump? okay with me bobo :)

>> No.18699948

heh, bitcoin still went up 50% after the January one, alts mooned even harder. That's a huge amount of profit to miss out on even if it ends up being short lived.

>> No.18699955

wtf is hash ribbon?

>> No.18700017

I never said that

my point is that he's lying

>> No.18700035

a perma bull indicator

>> No.18700050

oh ok, I agree with you on that. these crypto youtubers/twitters are all shady af

>> No.18700231

they are like peter schiff except they are right more than wrong an peter only ever been right once in his life.

>> No.18701314

>a perma bull indicator