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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 56 KB, 256x256, TokenminingAvatar6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18693990 No.18693990 [Reply] [Original]

>Launched in Feb 2018
>No Premine
>First fully decentralized, purely mined, ERC20 token
>Token issuance only happens in exchange for PoW, like Bitcoin
>Token issuance according to Bitcoin's rules enforced by an immutable, trustless smart contract. No one has any greater authority or control over it than anyone else
> As resistant to 51% attacks as ETH

0xBTC is a faithful implementation of Bitcoin as a trustless, immutable Ethereum smart contract. It is not a fork. It combines the Bitcoin properties of block rewards, proof-of-work issuance, and a 21 million coin cap with the Ethereum properties of speed, DApps, and DEX trading.


>> No.18694005
File: 10 KB, 225x224, genpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will ETH PoS change the mining game and why is it good for 0xbtc?

>> No.18694344

Nothing is changed

>> No.18694683
File: 189 KB, 512x329, 1527878695891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on comfy stack at 11K.
This reminds me of the early days of bitcoin and the constant denial provided by /biz/. Bitcoin was collected by people who wanted to step away from the current monotary system and it was worth pennies. Mining it gave you practically nothing in USD. Then more and more people grew to the worth of Bitcoin of how it could be used to fix many issues with modern fiat. Then we ran into problems with scaling and how wastefull mining could be on the enviornment. How transactions grinded down to several hours. How you could only sending tiny transactions would cost higher fees. Then bam 2018 rolls out 0xbitcoin on Ethereum which has been established as a network to built on years before that. Suddenly we have a Bitcoin that goes past all that and maintains it's "trustlessness". I don't have to worry about some third party pajeet to move my Bitcoin at lightening speed because 0xbitcoin can. I can send astronomically small amounts at a faster speed. It can be changed in mutation contracts to provide different abilities like private sending while remaining the same 0xbitcoin. /biz/ you have reached a pinnacle point in human history. Other nations are fighting against the petro dollar of the US. Economically the world is on the brink of suicide. Eventually everyone is going to need a standard. 0xbitcoin fits every criteria needed to be base for the world. A hard cap.

>> No.18694915


Everything's changed. ETH PoW miner will find other coins to mine and 0xbtc can be one of them.
Sure they can switch to BTC but they can do this already. Given the scale of 0xbtc this is huge.

>> No.18695176

> early days of bitcoin
yeah, you were surely around for that
>Vitalik Buterin, a frequent critic of coin maximalism, has authored an EIP that "ensures that only ETH can ever be used to pay for transactions on Ethereum, cementing the economic value of ETH within the Ethereum platform."
your shitcoin is not needed

>> No.18695197

I'm going to be rich.

>> No.18695215

>Then we ran into problems with scaling and how wastefull mining could be on the enviornment.
and you literally waste energy on 0x for nothing. mining a SC does nothing, no securing the chain, just energy waste, you would have been better off just airdrop 1 coin to every eth address and be done with it

>> No.18695416

Oh wow I remember 0xBTC
tl;dr toastie and his army of fudgepackers mined the fuck out of it while the difficulty was low. proceeded to shill it to 4chan and reddit so they can dump their bags

Toastie is banned from most crypto reddits cause he used spam the crypto subs with multiple accounts. He even got btfo'd by fucking redditors calling him out on his scam

But cmon it's fucking obvious

>> No.18695621

the emission is 50 0xbtc/10 minutes, same as Bitcoin in the early days

>> No.18695636

Literally useless. Whoever buys this deserves to lose.

>> No.18695935

Alternative hard money on Ethereum other than ETH, yeah useless for defi

>> No.18696669

>Alternative hard money
Lol, retards on biz lately

>> No.18696800
File: 59 KB, 831x842, Implementation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adoption already happening, no spoonfeeding for you though
0xbtc is objectively a better collateral than ETH for MakerDAO

>> No.18696984

>hard money
>2ETH sell order can bring the price down by 30%
Do you know what stablecoins are?

>> No.18697390
File: 40 KB, 400x386, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

locking up USDC/USDT to get DAI is the way to go for defi?

>> No.18697451




>> No.18698206
File: 486 KB, 880x480, 0xbtc_cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay poor wagie.

>> No.18698813

> mined the fuck out of it while the difficulty was low.

Literally can't be done

>> No.18698960

> down 90%
yes, im sure he missed out

>> No.18699977

People realized the potential but failed to account for the emission rate. 50 0xbtc per 10 minutes means high inflation.