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18689529 No.18689529 [Reply] [Original]

After a few years of sporadic investigation, I have a decent grasp of the concept of money, inflation, debt cycle, and so on.. let's say the fundamentals of "pop economics". How can I continue to deepen my understanding? Any specific books, podcasts, or whatever?

>> No.18689596

Ray Dalios book Big Debt Crises is probably the most relevant.

>> No.18689627

Well, did you read the wealth of nations?

>> No.18689673
File: 168 KB, 839x467, bastiat finer clay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt is probably the number one recommended book. Deepening your understanding is a great goal, and for me personally I think the best writer on the subject of economics would be Murray Rothbard. Beyond the fact I consider him the best economist of the 20th century, he had incredible writing skills where he could communicate ideas very clearly and effectively, while still being funny and enjoyable to read. Lectures are similarly enjoyable.


Probably equally good although not nearly as in-depth or comprehensive, would be the works of Frederic Bastiat. The vast majority of economic retardation comes from people only seeing economic actions as singular effects, and do not see that you actually have often have a series of both positive and negative effects. Thus you get people who think hurricanes are great for the economy (they create jobs!), and WWII is what fixed the US economy after the Great Depression. This is a fundamental reading, and failure to understand the hidden effects of most economic laws (price controls, minimum wage, protectionism, etc.) means you won't ever be able to accurately understand economics. It's not all that long, but is very succinct in communicating fundamental truths in economics.


>> No.18689686
File: 172 KB, 1360x829, Why Ray Dalio Thinks Were Heading for a Depression.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18689698

Get an engineers level of mathematics learn environmental science then treat value as a dimension. Disregard "economists"

>> No.18689784

Just focus on crypto cycles. For instance, smart money is buying Nervos right now because it hasn't cycled. Buy UNCYCLED coins, and wait. Everything has a cycle. That's all you need to know. Wait, pick a sell target, sell, and go to the next. Simple as that.

>> No.18689838


I'll check it out. I think he's a new book coming too.

No. Is it worth it? I usually fail to stick with books written in old timey language unfortunately. I think I've got the jist of it from summaries and explanations though.

>> No.18689889

Thanks for the suggestions and links, will investigate further

Too much opportunity cost learning about things I'm not really that interested in. Im more interested in high level overviews, and I suppose the "human element" of economies, not so much the mathematics.

>> No.18690121
File: 73 KB, 456x700, 9780143110903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this book

>> No.18691493

This looks incredibly based

>> No.18691725

why do you like pseudo-science so much?
They weren't right a single time.

>> No.18691775

give us better info then

>> No.18691824

Basic economics by Thomas sowell

>> No.18691856

Wtf do you mean by pop economics? Communism is “pop economics” nowadays, but that doesn’t mean it’s right. How much basic economics do you even understand?

>> No.18691901

pop, not popular
(and show me one commie today who is into economics, unlike Soviets and Marx they're just into it for the ethics)
pop as in superficial science

>> No.18691975

Tell me how much economics you actually know like I’m a smoothbrain

>> No.18692011
File: 146 KB, 1000x563, david-ricardo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Understand the Malthus-Ricardo debates if you want a deeper understanding. They are mirrored in Marx, Friedman and into our modern day. There still isn't a economics consensus hundreds of years on on questions like whether or not rent-seeking is a surplus or an excess in value. There is a difference. Read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith too, it's a great start.

>> No.18692026

Also, ignore modern shit like this. It generally hasn't affected the cannon and for a most part doesn't give a real understanding of what the fuck is happening. Philosophers, political scientists and other intellectuals from the 1940s back are really where you want to be looking. There are some exceptions. But the most influential and impactful manuscripts aren't known to be great until many years on. If it's a "best seller" or has an endorsement by some massive modern publisher it's probably garbage.