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18683544 No.18683544 [Reply] [Original]

LOL at everyone trying to shill some stupid shitcoin as the “next 100x!!!!” It’s a stab in the dark what stupid bathtub-water-alt-token-erc69-utility-chuck-e-cheese-booger-currency will blow up. Just invest in bitcoin and ethereum shut the fuck up

>> No.18683566

YOu just don't understand what I am trying to accomplish. It's not easy to build a better bitcoin anon but I did. This project was started to solve a personal problem, that is why it's more legit than any other project in crypto right now. As many of you know, I was barely getting by doing hourly magician gigs, you know, sleight of hand card tricks, long ass handkerchiefs, shit like that. I was sinking fast and had been going to my magician gigs hungover. Most of the time I would have to take a flask of bourbon along just to make it thru the gig. One Monday I started, well... continued, a gnarly bender after doing tricks for some rich banker's kid's bar mitzvah. I was so depressed hearing them talk about their parents money I just kept smashing whisky shots and doing insane amounts of blow I got off this gayboi designer I met at some club. We fucking went apeshit man.. when I woke up the next friday afternoon I saw all the ideas we came up with in our coked out frenzy to start an Ethereum token ponzi scheme. I used to be a BTC maximalist before I got into magic so I kinda know the crypto scene. The logo was so good and apparently I promised this gayboi that he would make millions off this logo so he would keep fronting me blow... I don't want to fuck that up cuz he's super hot and I don't get that type of boi pussy as much these days. Anyhow I have to do this thing now so check out Hex and if you are early enough you might make a few bucks, but probably not.

>> No.18683572

Keep crying wageslave, shitcoins moon

>> No.18683578
File: 596 KB, 798x770, 49298166_688579898202673_4256965756077473792_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op literally giving me buy signals right now jesus.

>> No.18683588

Op here. When has anyone posted a coin on here after the 2017 bull run that went on to 100x? Genuinely curious

>> No.18683612

Yeah go buy some pajeet tardcoins, I dare you

>> No.18683642

2-3 out of thousands do

>> No.18683723

Wait a second ... hex is an ethereum-based token? Hex gets locked for 1 year when you buy it?


>> No.18684017

na, you buy it, you hold it and dump it on the next retard. rinse repeat

>> No.18684060
File: 679 KB, 1318x1333, dwadgfr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you doing with these poor saps money richard?
