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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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18678943 No.18678943 [Reply] [Original]

>inb4 you fucking retard
yes yes i know, it's a long story. I was leveraging my cards on a venture until that was gonna be some quick gains to pay them right off until this corona shit wrecked me.

so what do? bankruptcy or do I just leave the country for seven years and have the shit get written off. problem is I have about 20k in cash and I don't want to spend it on some fucking interest if I file chapter 7. Any advice?

I don't give a shit about my score anymore, was high 700's. I've had great credit up until this shit.

>> No.18679026

That's good enough to live in some Latin or Asian country teaching English for 10 years. Just take the cash with you marginally so you don't get cucked

>> No.18679063


>> No.18679140

yup, already go to cheap countries for the winter as it is, might just have to go year round for awhile. either that, or file ruptcy and find some way to keep that cash and i'm stoked. not paying those fuckers though, that's for sure

>> No.18679172

will try this directly with the card companies first to drag out some time

>> No.18679870

Better get out of US fast before that 20k becomes just 2k worth while the Asians laugh at your pathetic ass.

>> No.18680141

If you have great credit move it all to a transfer card

>> No.18680318

just did. status pending due to 'covid delays.' won't tell you how much you can transfer so you gotta kinda guess a sweet spot. will buy me another year if all goes well. still ain't paying that shit a year from now unless i hit a major income boost or crypto goes to moon.